"Oops, this has been discovered."

"Little rascal, you haven’t seen your sister for so long. Don’t you miss your sister?"

Zhang Sheng was too lazy to talk to Xia He, who had turned into a middle-aged uncle.

Xia He was a little angry.

"hateful! Sister, I miss you so much!"

Zhang Sheng used the chicken and rabbit charm to float and move at supersonic speed. He disappeared in place.

This made Xia He very angry.

But there was nothing he could do.

Feng Baobao suddenly said

"Zhang Sheng. I don’t think I need to look for family anymore"

"Family is of no use to me."

"Having you is enough."

Zhang Sheng shook his head.

"Let's search for a while"

"Anyway, neither of us will grow old."

"Sooner or later you will find it."

Feng Baobao got into Zhang Sheng's arms and hugged him.

After that... the two of them sat on the cliff.

They watched Zhang Chulan being chased by a group of people.

Zhang Sheng saw many Taoist priests in blue coming to him.

"Uncle Saint Master"

"Please don’t let Zhang Chulan become the Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain"

"May I?"

Zhang Shengze was a little confused.

"Zhang Chulan never wanted to be a heavenly master."

After hearing this, they felt relieved.

The leader of the dark blue Taoist priest said

"That'll do. With your words. I feel relieved"....... in the competition venue.

Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Lingyu and said

"Today I avenge my wife"

"At the same time, it also puts an end to your obsessions."

Zhang Lingyu's eyes suddenly had a bright light.

"Junior brother?"

"Do you think so?"

"Help me, senior brother?"

Zhang Sheng nodded.

He flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Lingyu.

Zhang Lingyu's body was covered with golden light, but was easily broken by Zhang Sheng's punch.

And he fell to the ground instantly.

Vomiting. He was bleeding.

Zhang Lingyu looked at Zhang Sheng who was so powerful.

He couldn't help but be impressed.

"Junior brother"

"I underestimated you before. It was my fault"

"It’s because I think I’m aloof and look at people through filters."

The three-color fire lotus condensed in Zhang Sheng's hand

"Let this fire lotus wash away your Yin and Dirty Thunders."

Zhang Lingyu dispersed the golden light that had completely shattered on her body.

She opened her arms and said

"Hurt your wife. I didn't do this wrong"

"As the saying goes, one person does things and one person is responsible."

"Just let me be burned up by the fire"

"At the same time, it also burned to death the unstable self in the past."

The three-color fire lotus in Zhang Sheng's hand slowly floated in front of Zhang Lingyu, causing a large-scale flame explosion.

The skin of Zhang Lingyu's upper body was burned.

All the long silver-white hair was burned away.

He looked like a useless person..

Zhang Sheng walked over slowly.

Using the recovery ability of the horse charm, he restored his pure Yang body.

"Senior brother"

"From now on, you have a new lease of life."


Zhang Lingyu's skin burns on his upper body and his long silver hair recovered.

At the same time, his whole body was surrounded by Yang Wu Lei.

He stood up slowly.

Looking at his ideal self, he felt extra excited.

This is the Yang he longed for. Five Thunders?

It’s just because it has just been mastered, so its strength is much weaker.

If it is the current Yang Five Thunders, even Zhang Chulan’s Yang Five Thunders cannot beat it.

Zhang Sheng:

"Senior brother, I help you heal just because you are my employee"

"I'm your boss"

"Only by keeping my employees in top condition can they earn more profits for me."........

Zhang Lingyu looked at Zhang Sheng.

Suddenly he knelt down and kowtowed.

"Zhang Sheng! You are my reinvented parent!"

"It was you who gave me, Zhang Lingyu, a second life!"

"Let me start a new life!"

"I will kneel down and kowtow to you for Mr. Tian’s sake."

Zhang Lingyu is such a noble person, but he can kneel down to Zhang Sheng.

Obviously, this Yin Wulei has become Zhang Lingyu's inner demon.

If he does not overcome this inner demon,

Zhang Lingyu will not be able to become a big phenomenon.

Zhang Sheng:

"It is impossible to become a master like Lao Tianshi by relying on the strength of others."

"Extreme means that the will is strong enough"

"No one can influence your will."

Zhang Lingyu knew that he really couldn't do it.

But there was nothing he could do.

Zhang Sheng patted Zhang Lingyu's shoulder.

"Work hard for me"

"Work for a lifetime."

Zhang Lingyu didn't complain at all. Instead of having Zong Wu Lei and living a disgusting life, he still had the life of working every day after owning Yang Wu Lei. Zhang

Lingyu was even more pleased.

Zhang Sheng walked out of the competition venue.

Seeing Lu Linglong suddenly He ran over.

He gave himself a kiss and ran away.

Zhang Sheng felt a little baffled.

Do you want to thank yourself for avenging her, Lu Linglong?........ in the competition venue.

Lu Jin took out the Tongtian Ru.

Zhang Chulan did not accept it.

Instead, Zhang Lingyu took it away.

At this moment, Zhang Lingyu was the biggest beneficiary of the Luotian Dajiao.

At night.

The old Heavenly Master asked Zhang Chulan to inherit the Heavenly Master's teachings.

Princess Zhang Sheng holds Feng Baobao.

Look at the stars.

Then he looked at all the members on the sidelines

"Do you want me to destroy all of you by myself?"

Gong Qing came over

"Hello. medical sage"

"I am Mr. Tian’s disciple"

"Gong Qing, the head of Quanxing generation"

"Today, we would like to invite you to join Quanxing"

"To be more precise, make the whole sex yours."

"Only in this way can the whole sex survive"

"After all, he does whatever he wants and does many evil things"

"There are naturally many enemies"

"And you are the actual leader of Longhu Mountain and the actual leader of the Lu family"

"You have stood on the opposite side of our whole nature"

"In the future, our whole sex may be wiped out in ashes under your righteous rule."

"So I want you to be a leader of the whole being"

"Who can disapprove of you because your whole nature is useless?"

"Your sword opened the Heavenly Gate and healed Mr. Tian's limbs, turning him from a useless person into a strong man whose combat power rivaled that of the old Heavenly Master." ps:

I beg all readers to give you a wave of flowers! Comment votes! Collection!

The young author kowtows to all readers!

Thank you very much to all readers for your strong support!

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