The six hundred and seventieth chapter is his prank again, don’t follow me [please give it all]

(Recommend another book of mine: “The Strongest Conquer System”, if you are interested, you can check it out and support it!!)

After class, the gray-haired boy’s desk was surrounded by girls and became impenetrable.

“Ahhh!! Lord Yifang!!!”

“I was so handsome just now!! Master Yifang!!!”

“Yeah!! My Royal Highness!!”

When did it start! ? When did I become a student! ? When did I come here to study! ? Why did you come here again! ? The young man couldn’t help thinking like this,

He can’t seem to remember,

The only thing he could remember was that he was sent here by the little ghost of the God of Creation, and all other things seemed to be forgotten.

It seems that Chuangshi Shen did some tricks.

But what is the content of this [Trial]! ? I don’t understand, there is no prompt——

Teenagers are very popular, and they are quite popular. All girls in the school look forward to it, and everyone knows it. At the same time, they are also hostile to all boys in the school.

The reason is very simple. It is too enviable for one person to occupy so many resources.

Although teenagers are very popular, they are quite popular.

However, his tablemate—that is, the person who just tried to wake him up just now was completely the opposite of him.

“Uh, why is Hyoto here too!!”

“That is, why would a guy like you become the tablemate of a party guy!!”

“Ah! It’s disgusting, don’t sit next to an adult!”

“Ahhhhhhhh! The sex demon is here, she will get pregnant!”

It was his deskmate, Ise Hyoudou, who got the completely opposite evaluation from the one who was called [An Adult] by the girls.

He is also a well-known figure in the school.

Hyoto Issei ─ ─ is his name. Both my parents and the guys at school call me [Ise, Ise].

He is a second-year high school student who celebrates youth.

The student who has never met said [Is that guy Ise? 】There are also things, but he doesn’t know why his name is known.

Surprisingly popular?

No, it’s not like that. Because he was a famous sex ghost who was suspected of spying on the women’s kendo club.

He peeped into the women’s office and so on. Such shameless things are commonplace.

Private Komao Academy──.

One party can pass to the university where he is currently located.

Although it is the same school now, because it was a girls’ school a few years ago, there are more girls than boys.

The lower the school year, the higher the ratio of boys, but the overall girls are also higher.

How did you become a student? ? I don’t know if there is something very important that I have forgotten! ? In other words, it was sealed up! ?

I don’t know why I am here and why I became a student, but the only thing I know is that he is not an ordinary human being. Can human beings turn a building into ashes with a single punch! ? Can ordinary human beings easily unfold four whirlwinds and then spread their wings when they want to! ?

Whenever I want to do something that humans can’t do, a series of clearly complex but simple formulas flash past my head. The answer comes out at last, and the final result is that I have it. Super power beyond the limits of humans!

At the same time, I still have the memories of the creation gods, but they seem to be fragmentary, and they are definitely touched by the little ghost of the creation gods! One side can’t help but think so.

“Doing this kind of boring thing again, that bastard kid” (PS: Chuangshi Shen: I don’t know anything!!)

One day has passed.

Unfamiliar environment, but there is a trace of familiarity in the memory of who this is! ?

I don’t know if I can’t remember it! ?

In short, let’s just do it, it’s too much trouble, and it’s not a big deal.

Yifangtong walked towards the school, just wanting to go home! ? Where is the house! ? I don’t know why, there is such a memory in his mind.

And beside him, there was another person.

He stopped suddenly, he asked.

“Why do you follow me when I say you!?”

“Hmm! Me!?”

The young man behind Yifangtong pointed to himself with a puzzled expression.

“Is there anyone here besides you!?”

There is a hint of dissatisfaction in the tone, who is this guy! ? Why follow me! ? I can’t figure out that it should be the first time I met him, right? It’s already the second time! ? Isn’t he the unpopular tablemate! ?

“Oh, hate it, stop making jokes like this, don’t we always go home together!? Because each other’s homes are closer!”

Yifang Tongshi suddenly turned around and glared at him with a cold look, but the young man did not have the slightest fear, and he had become accustomed to such expressions at all.

Yi Fang Tong shook his head, turned to leave, and said not hurriedly.

“If that’s the case, then don’t follow me anymore and I don’t want to go home with you or something!”

After listening to what one party had said, the young boy Houtou Issei behind him immediately showed a distressed expression and said immediately.

“Huh!? Why do you do this? I didn’t do anything to make you angry!?”

While speaking, Yicheng wanted to continue to follow one side.

“I said don’t follow me. If you follow, don’t blame me. You’re welcome—”

This time it was a cold killing intent, and Ise was stunned. It seemed that it was the first time that such a party was passing through. He touched his head and felt a little puzzled.

“Sure enough, what are you angry with!?”

Yifang Tongshi ignored him, but continued to walk, but did not take a few steps, but suddenly stopped.

The reason is simple. In front of the two of them, another person appeared, a young girl, and still a very beautiful girl. ..

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