Chapter 650 The disappeared knight, you are not a sinner

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Teardrops fell on the trembling armguards, mixing with Berserker’s blood that slid down the blade.

“If you don’t do this, my friend… if you don’t, I won’t be able to make any compensation to you at all.”

“——It’s really sad. It’s up to now, are you still looking for excuses for fighting for yourself?”

That nostalgic voice.

Looking up, the knight is looking at the tearful king with his usual, steady gaze like a calm lake.

“Sure enough! You are the best-king!”


“I vented my inner anger happily, and slapped another happily. It’s really refreshing!”

The knight said calmly–

“Yes, I am very grateful. Maybe, I can only use this way to convey my anger… Your kingly way is not wrong, the fault is my private thoughts-and, my approach.”

Looking at the sword that penetrated his body with compassionate eyes, Lancelot continued with a bitter smile.

“Actually… I wanted you to punish me yourself. Wang… I really hoped that you would ask me because of your anger…”

The betrayed knight, Lancelot, known as the culprit of the round table flaw, mournfully told his only friend who never blamed him until the end.

“If you can be punished… if you can ask me for compensation… then I will also believe in the atonement… I will definitely believe that one day I will find a way to forgive myself…. The princess should be the same… ”

This is the regret of a certain man and a certain woman. They had the same ideal as Wang, but they were too weak to implement this ideal.

And these two people were not redeemed until they died. They deeply blame themselves for betraying the most important person, and they bear their lives for this self-blame.

To whom should such pain go, and who should blame and how to get relief.

Sighing deeply, Lancelot relaxed and fell into the arms of the Knight King. The body in his arms was so light that Saber couldn’t help feeling a blockage in his throat. The body of the black knight fading away has almost no weight.

“Although it is in this form, in the end I still borrowed your shoulder…”

As if dreaming in a nap, the knight of the lake murmured and sighed calmly.

“In the king’s arms, the king died in front of his eyes… Haha, this kind of me is…like a loyal knight…”

The knight who was completely relieved, and completely released the suppressed anger in his heart, said with a smile.

“No-don’t say that!”

Saber answered anxiously. Before he disappears, he still has something to tell him. She hoped he could understand.

It’s not [it’s just like], but it’s [at all].

She wanted to tell him that you are a loyal knight. No one knows the sincerity of your dedication to the country and the king better than me.

So don’t blame yourself anymore. Even if it is an unacceptable mistake. Your quality cannot be subverted by such a single mistake.

I don’t want to humiliate you, I don’t want to lose you. It is precisely because I have such a desire that I can sincerely deny the so-called sin you committed.

This is Altria’s true thoughts, but-can’t be the redemption of that knight.

The knight closed his eyes as if sleeping, and his body was gradually dissipating. Seeing that he was going to disappear soon, Saber still didn’t know what to say.

“Lancelot, actually you…!”

You are not a sinner—what does that mean to him.

Even if someone denies his sin, it is not someone else who is most entangled in this sin, but himself.

Why didn’t he notice his lonely thoughts at the time. Why didn’t he liberate the knight’s noble soul from almost crazy self-blame?

——Wang does not understand other people’s feelings, Wang has no human feelings!

Lancelot’s words once pierced Saber’s heart mercilessly like a steel needle–



The knight who is about to disappear, smiling.

“I was wrong, the king has feelings! You have laughed-and cried, you can become a king-this is really great!”

The knight’s dead body took the last words, accompanied by the last afterglow, and he disappeared.

“This country–I won’t let it be destroyed again. This time–As [king], I will definitely protect it. Just watch it–my friend, the chief knight of the Round Table– Lancelot!”

Finally, Wang admitted his identity. If he could hear these words, he would definitely be very happy! ?


This sentence has forever become a nihility, forever drifting, drifting-until far, far away-

Watching his lost weight and empty arms, Saber stood up firmly.

This time…




Keep guarding!

Here, only Saber and the queen are left–

Queen Gurney is at a loss, she blames herself, she blames herself deeply! Because that’s what happened! ?

She was crying–

——A woman is crying.

The beautiful cheeks were getting haggard with sorrow, the tangled wrinkles were engraved on the eyebrows, and the woman was crying silently.

Blame yourself.


In the past-as a sinner who combined all the guilt of the world, she could only wash her face in tears all day long.

Everyone in the world is pointing to her-unchaste wife, betrayal princess.

The fools who were blinded by the glorious legend didn’t know the truth, they just surrounded her round and round, rebuking her.

They didn’t even know that her husband was not a man at all.

In this world, only her noble face made [he] give his heart.

However, all [he] can recall is her tears full of distress and melancholy. ..

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