Chapter 582: One Party Passes vsberserker②【Seeking Full Order】

(Recommended new book: “The Strongest Conquering System”, you can check it out if you are interested!!!)

With a roar, he fiercely inserted his hands into the body of the car, and the iron sheet on the private car was ridiculously playing with paper in front of his eyes.

Suddenly appeared on the back of the car, the lacquered black figure wearing the lead-colored Titan armor…only Berserker could do that kind of thing.

The black on the armor, like ink, eroded the shell of the private car bit by bit.

It is Berserker’s special ability that once captured Archer’s treasure and can transform scrap iron into magic swords and magic spears. For him who can control everything, the concept of ordinary [weapons] is completely inapplicable.

The black magic is eroding again, and it is the highest crystalline power system of modern science, instantly transforming into an alien posture.


Even if one side is passing through, it can’t help showing a shocked look!

Berserker, who had completely controlled the private car, clutched his back like a legendary dragon knight, roaring resentfully in the night sky.

Suddenly, the steel raptor, which had been eroded by the dark magic power, turned the front of the car, and the wheels spun wildly. There seemed to be no limit. The acceleration caused by tire friction at that moment could not even be estimated. The moment the front of the car was eroded by magic. Changed the form.

The icy machine is constantly reorganizing in a way of destruction and reconstruction, and the alien transformation is completed in an instant at a rhythm that is so fast that the eyes can’t keep up. The pure white body stabbed away. (This is Transformers!? Optimus Prime! You rest in peace)

The speed was brought to the Ultimate by Berserker. In the dark night, only an unknown shadow was seen rushing towards a pure white boy at an incredible speed. The speed has even reached the top level in the world today. The ultimate speed!

No-it’s faster than that!

Although shocked, one party is not in a panic, perhaps it should be said that there is no situation that can make one party panic! The outstretched hands were suddenly put into the pockets, I don’t know what one party is going to do!

But no matter what one party wants to do, in short, what he has to do is crazy and extremely dangerous!

Yifangtong watched the vehicle controlled by Berserker that was completely beyond the scope of a private car suddenly rushed forward rudely. The killing intent and hatred contained in it was contemptuous, but he only showed a weird smile in a leisurely manner.

(This guy’s treasure seems to be very convenient-even this level can be done!!)

One side was thinking casually in his head, lowering his body slightly.

The violent blade, mixed with countless resentments and destruction, rushed to the side of the thin and extremely thin body, and in the next second he was able to destroy his body to pieces. That’s right-it should be like this!


There was a sound of crushing metal. It’s like increasing the sound of trampling an empty can a thousand times.

But one party passed but did not move a step. Not even a single hair swayed. What was squashed was the fuselage operated by Berserker. All the [force directions] that had collided head-on were all turned downwards. The four tyres eroded by the magic pattern of the sports car burst in an instant, and the steel rim was squeezed into an egg shape. The height of the chassis is completely zero, and it is buried several centimeters thick on the asphalt road. Perhaps the car body has been distorted, and all the glass on the front, rear, left, and right are all broken into pieces.

Even if the strength is increased to the level of a treasure, it is still unable to withstand this huge sense of oppression. It can be seen that Berserker just said how huge the kinetic energy of the manipulating blade is. Maybe just this blow is enough to make a huge The mountain is flying!

The sharp blade formed by the transformation has been completely distorted, and the so-called shape has long ceased to exist!

Then there was a [bang], and the vehicle in front of one party passed today’s explosion! Berserker directly manipulated the vehicle to cause it to explode, a small mushroom cloud rose instantly, and the power of a treasure-level weapon detonated could be seen in Madara.

Standing in the distance, Yan Ye was already stunned by all this. The aftermath of the explosion almost knocked him to the ground, using his body to protect the fainted Rin with difficulty!


“No effect!!!”

A demonic and unknown sound came from the flames. The pure white figure in that area was not affected in the slightest, even in such a high-temperature flame, it was unscathed, not to mention this ordinary flame, even the magical flames on [Suzaku] could not hurt one party’s passage!

The sound of the raging fire was mixed with the clear metallic sound of [click]. Although it was very slight, the sound that sneaked into the ear was cold and frightening, and it was undoubtedly made by Berserker-the whole body armor under the black mist was trembling.

That was the sound of the armor that completely covered the limbs vibrating slightly like water waves and colliding with each other.

The blow brought by the passage of one party just now was devastating. The armor on the body began to collapse. The helmet had been completely destroyed, but the infinite hatred exuded by Berserker’s unyielding figure still existed!


Yifang Tong finally sensed the source of the strange sound like a moaning resentment crawling across the ground.

[Crack] A sound.

The helmet that wrapped the mysterious black knight collapsed at this moment.

A blackened face appeared from the shattered mask.

The beauty that has envied countless women in the past has disappeared. He was thin and haggard because of the hatred of the past, like a ghost, only his eyes full of hatred shined. That’s because the curse finally lost everything about him, his appearance like a living dead.

The black mist that covered the black knight’s whole body rolled up, Uzumaki began to shrink. In the pouring mist, the pitch-black armor finally revealed the true face of Lushan Mountain.

It is a perfect armor that is neither gorgeous nor vulgar, but can combine functional beauty with gorgeousness.

The craftsman tried his best to carefully cast it to make it appear both mighty and refined. Even the countless scars on it have become sculptures that show their magnificent military exploits, adding a brave demeanor to it. That is the ideal battle outfit that all knights can’t help but envy.

“King Arthur”

Hearing the words in Berserker’s mouth, one party sneered. He didn’t know what happened to Berserker and didn’t want to know what happened to him. He only knew that since he came to provoke me. Then you can’t let him go back alive.

“You seem to have a big opinion on King Arthur!? That king of the British Empire-Altria Pendragon”

As if hearing the key words,

The sound of being crushed and sobbing originated from the depths of the black helmet. Berserker twitched all over, showing irresistible feelings.

“King Arthur!! King Arthur!!!?” ..

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