Chapter 197 The Massacre

“Huh! Arrogant!”

The kings of the Ming Dynasty did not pay attention to the passage of one party at all, because in the entire [Box Garden], there are only a handful of people who can surpass them in strength, and such people have a reputation in the whole [Box Garden], even if one side The prevailing power is strong, and they will not think that they are losing. When a person’s Master has absolute power, his thinking will change drastically.

“Arrogant? Are you introducing yourself? Since you have so much confidence in yourself, let this uncle come to crush it. The pleasure of ravaging the other’s confidence is unparalleled.”

“Huh! Sinner, it’s useless to say more.”

“one move!”

One party passed out his hand and gestured [one] out.

The Ming princes were stunned on the spot, trying to solve them with one move? What a joke, even [Military God] Emperor Shitian can’t do a single move, they have now completely judged that one side is a simple fool.

“Do you think you know our bottom line?”

The kings of Ming said disdainfully.

“Your bottom is really shallow!”


“I don’t want to touch the shallow ones!”

“Huh! You can’t win with a lot of effort! Accept sanctions, sinner.”

The five Ming kings drew their sabers, but the thousands of [Heavenly Army] behind them did not act because they had to commit suicide by themselves. He knew too much and had to obliterate them.

However, they haven’t made a move yet, and one party has made a move.


In the next moment, the Ming kings saw a scene that made them unbelievable. For the first time in their lives, they made an expression like [stunned].

Because in the sky, there are densely black cracks. There are at least tens of thousands of them, surrounding all of them. Although they don’t know what this is, it is certain that this is dangerous.

All of them looked at these cracks in panic. His face was full of anxiety.

Finally someone couldn’t bear it and wanted to rush out, but the moment they touched the crack, the huge attraction instantly tore the person to pieces, and the flesh of the corpse flew everywhere.


Everyone took a breath.

“This, what is this move?”

Their first feeling was weird, quite weird, and they had never seen a similar move or gift.

At this time, Yifang Tongxing had already turned around and walked slowly towards the distance. He didn’t look any further, because the ending was already doomed. The long white bangs covered his red pupils. A crack slowly opened at the corner of his mouth.

“Squeak, greedy treasures! Use your so-called [superior first class] blood ceremonies to venerate these treasures.”

The voice of one party just fell off. In the gap between the dark cracks and the cracks, a golden light slowly appeared, as if raindrops fell on the calm lake surface, ripples appeared, and a handful of ripples slowly appeared from the ripples. Gorgeous weapons,

“This is”

The five Ming Wang frowned, they had seen this move.

“It seems that the [Seven Deadly Sins] have been resurrected. Isn’t this the [Ravenous Treasure] back then?”

Have faced [Seven Deadly Sins]. So they know how powerful this [greedy treasure] is, at least, they can’t hold on for long. So they must find a way to escape this weird crack space.

They nodded to each other and seemed to want to attack a little bit, force a breakthrough,

Behind them, thousands of [celestial army] were trapped in it, and they didn’t dare to take any action. Because they had learned lessons from some people before, they didn’t dare to act rashly, because they knew that this was not of their level. People can break through,

“Go, force a breakthrough.”

The five kings acted. Pulling out their beloved swords and stabs in one direction at the same time, they used their most powerful tricks. If these moves fall on other demon kings at the same time, it is estimated that they can be destroyed in an instant, even the strongest species. , It will also hurt.


No use, no effect. All the attacks were swallowed up by the powerful laundry at the moment they touched the cracks, and were sucked into another space for wireless crushing, crushing,

“Damn it! What the hell is this?”

They can’t imagine how powerful this move is to have such an effect. Their attacks have no effect. Who is this young man? Where did it come from? Why has such a character never been heard in the history of [Hakatai], and why did he suddenly appear? None of these they know,

The next moment.

The most tragic massacre was carried out in this space. [The Greedy Treasure] released the first batch, and then released the second batch. Accumulated, millions of gorgeous treasures are leaning down gorgeously. Everything was wiped out in this blow.

In just one minute, the whole army was wiped out, and no one was spared. The five Ming kings lingered in the space, their armors had been completely destroyed, their heads, hands, and feet were covered with their blood, and some people even had weapons stuck in their bodies, which looked quite frightening.


“It looks like we’re over here.”

They don’t even have the strength to hold the sword now, and they have exhausted their entire body just by standing.

“This matter must be reported to the [Military God] Great Talent.”

The last batch of [greedy treasures] has arrived, and tens of thousands of treasures are pouring down densely. Such a density can even completely cover the sky.

“Are you kidding? He came back unexpectedly”

Seeing the densely packed treasures flying towards them in the sky, they had given up resistance. It’s not that they are too weak, but the enemy is too strong. One move, really only one move, leaves them with no power to fight back.

At the last moment before the temporary, they exhausted their life’s supernatural power and issued a final announcement to the distant [Moon Temple Temple]:

“Your Excellency Di Shitian, be careful of that white”

They did not finish their words. Numerous treasures penetrated their bodies in an instant, and dense blood holes appeared on them. There was no struggle, no pain, and no avoidance. Perhaps they did not even have the strength to avoid. Avoiding it is of no avail, this is not a question of a level that can not be avoided at all.

Even if they faced such moves, they did not take a step back. This is their dignity, the dignity of King Ming, who is a master god, would rather die than bow to the enemy. They did it, they did not succumb to it. One side passes, although they are honored to die, but one side has no meaning to make them surrender. He just wants to kill them.

————Sharp dividing line————

——The Moon Temple on the third floor of the upper level of the box court.

Di Shitian stood at the window very anxiously. He couldn’t think that [Ren Litian] would be destroyed at this time, and the only way for them to interfere with the resurrection of the three-headed dragon disappeared. This incident is also strange. I just discussed with the Great Sage Qitian how to prevent the resurrection of the three-headed dragon, and [Ren Litian] was destroyed. Will there be any hidden secrets in it?

How did Di Shitian know that this was just an absolute made by one party on a whim. If he knew about it, it is estimated that Di Shitian would also vomit blood with anger.

The great sage with Loli’s figure also frowned. Although it is completely impossible to connect her with the Monkey King of [Demon King’s Head] from the appearance, this is sometimes the case.

“Di Shitian, don’t go on like this anymore? Things have already happened. Now the most important thing is to perform your duties. If this thing is really done by those at the top, I won’t stand by.”


Di Shitian sighed helplessly, this situation is really not optimistic.

And at this moment–

Upgrade happened.

Just outside the window, five stars suddenly dimmed, cut through the starry sky, and fell toward the ground.

Di Shitian instantly showed an unbelievable expression.

“This, this is the star of the kings, can it be them.”

“What’s going on!? What happened to them?”

The Great Sage had some doubts, Di Shitian rarely experienced such a situation, but if it did, it meant that the current situation was very unusual.

“Just now, five of the main god-level Ming kings have fallen.”

Di Shitian’s voice sounded a little heavy, and even he himself couldn’t believe that such a thing would happen.

“What!? The main god-level King Ming has fallen? What happened? What happened?” ..

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