Chapter 167 The Knight with a Mask [One more][Underwood] Harvest Festival’s general camp.

Sarah’s mouth half-opened, her whole body in a daze. Anyone who knows her usual resolute behavior should immediately understand that the use of [rare] alone may not be enough to describe this situation. It should be said that there is no one before, and there are still people in this world who can create [black holes] with their bare hands! ?

“That black rabbit”

“Yes, what’s the situation?”

Sarah glanced at the battlefield through the gap formed by the collapse of the wall.

“…What is that stuff?”

She pointed to Izayoi and the party going through, and asked with very rude words.

The black rabbit cried and laughed, scratching behind the rabbit’s ears.

“They are the companions of our community!”

Sarah opened his eyes wide, and he was a little hard to imagine that [noname]’s partner was so powerful, it was so powerful that it was terribly powerful, even if they crushed such a lower level, there was no problem at all.

And even though Sarah didn’t know what happened to the light spot made by one party, the eager air told it that this thing was really dangerous. Once caught, he didn’t even know how to die.

At this time, a thick fog surrounded the giants. The remaining hundreds of giants tried to escape in the thick fog, because they had realized that the two teenagers in front of them would definitely kill themselves. Here, a few lives are not enough.

“Hee hee what’s wrong, the next three abusers, you are going to run away, you are really embarrassed, when you first attacked us, you should consider the possibility that your side will be completely wiped out, bastard thing!”

One party laughed loudly. He didn’t want to let go of any giants. Those who had the consciousness to be killed were qualified to kill others.

But just when Yifangtong and Izayoi were ready to take action, a few white rays of light in the thick fog were fleeting, and the wailing of countless giants resounded through the sky for an instant, and no one knew what had happened.

One side passed and Izayoi stopped. She frowned slightly.

“Hey! One side, there seems to be another strong guy.”

Yifang Tongxing did not answer him. He kept watching what happened in the dense fog. If his feelings were not wrong, the giants should be at that moment–

The fog dissipated, and the figure began to be recognized gradually. As for those giants–

“How can it be!?”

Yao stood in the air and whispered involuntarily.

He couldn’t think of other people doing such a thing.

After the mist dissipated, the giants she saw–all died, and none were spared.

Their heads, necks, and hearts were cut with sharp blades, and none of them became corpses. It also includes the three that are supposed to be the enemy’s main force and wear accessories such as crowns and scepters.

The giants on the battlefield were all killed by the same technique.

Yao came to Asuka’s side and asked.

“Couldn’t… the giants in the dense fog are all by the same person…? Who the hell is—?”

This fact shocked Yao, and she took a breath.

To be able to kill all the giants in such a short instant is an act that transcends human intelligence.

Although she had already witnessed Yifangtong and Izayoi’s killing of giants before, even faster than this, after all, she was built on the basis of understanding their two strengths. But now this one is totally unknown.

“It seems that I made an extra effort!”

A woman’s voice was heard in the thick fog.

Hearing this voice, one party has been staring at the other party, and the other party’s attire is very strange.


A black hair accessory was used on the other’s head to tie her beautiful white hair.

He wore a long white dress with a calm and steady temperament and silver armor with exquisite decoration.

He wore a black and white ball mask covering the upper part of his face.

It seemed to be a figure made up of black and white from head to toe, but now it was stained with giant blood.

“Who are you!?”

One side asked unhurriedly, while Izayoi was observing something from the side.

“My name is Faith Lex, and I belong to [Halloween Queen].”

“Ah!? Halloween Queen!? What is it!?”

One party has never heard of [Halloween Queen] at all.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t know. In short, we are not enemies. I also came to participate in the [Harvest Festival].”

One party said nothing, since the other party had already made it clear that it was not an enemy, then there was no need to entangle her.

[Underwood] Harvest Festival’s general camp.

“Master Salad, have you invited [Halloween Queen]!?”

The Black Rabbit looked at the masked knight, and immediately recognized her.

“[Halloween Queen]! How is it possible, how can such a big man come to such a lower level?”

Sarah wondered why the black rabbit would ask herself like this.

“But [Halloween Queen]’s favorite knight Faith Lex is right below!”

“Ah!? What!? You said Faith Lex came!?”

“En!? That’s right. She was still fighting the giants just now.”

Sarah’s face changed after hearing this.

“Then let’s go and help too. If there is something wrong with her [Halloween Queen] won’t just sit back and watch, she and the [Devil of the White Night] Lord Shiroyasha are also known as [Children with Three Problems in Hakata]. The Shura God and Buddha, who has been transformed into a slaughter, is not necessarily true.”

The black rabbit also saw the tension in the salad, indeed. [Halloween Queen] is the same name as Shiroyasha, and she is no less powerful than Shirayasha. She is also the only demon with the most sun sovereignty outside of Shirayasha.

“It’s okay, the giants have been killed.”

“Ah! So fast.”

Sala felt in a trance. Thousands of giants were completely annihilated in just a few minutes. What is this concept? How powerful are the people in [noname]? Sarah couldn’t imagine it anymore.

Gurley landed in mid-air in a whirlwind. It probably has experienced quite fierce battles, its proud wings looked very messy after the heavy battles, and its hind feet suffered quite deep cuts.

Gurley, who landed next to Yao, spoke to her with a bloodless face:

“Um, are the two of them also members of your community!?”

Gurley had to be one side pass and Izayoi. He didn’t expect that the party who caught him somehow would be so terrifying. Fortunately, when he caught him, he didn’t do anything to him, otherwise he didn’t know how he died. Although Gurley already knew, he still asked subconsciously.

“Yes, he is the two main players in our community. Of course, they are the two most powerful.”

After Gurley took a breath, he couldn’t think that [noname] could really gather talents in this place.

The weird music rang–

Just where one side was facing, a weird dark shadow plucked a golden harp, and weird music sounded through the entire battlefield.

Although this voice did not have much influence on other people, when the giants who fell on the ground heard it, those giants who had not died stood up again with blood red eyes, and looked even more fierce in appearance.

“Huh!? Is this the [Golden Harp]!? The god gift of the giants!?” ..

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