Chapter 161 Dragon Horn, Eagle, Lion [One more]

After bidding farewell to Gurley, one side passed and they moved towards their destination again.

When you come to the hill, you can see the outline of the town.

“Wow… the elongated roots of the tree encased the hollowed out mountain wall.”

The wide-area underground city excavated in the shape of a bowl is developed in accordance with the expansion of tree roots. The underground city by the river can exist safely because the roots of the water tree will protect the city from flooding and violent storms.

Although there are artificial pillars everywhere, most of them are built using tree roots and brick-like objects.

“Yes! I heard that the [Underwood] tree is 8,000 years old. It is also famous as a [tree spirit dwelling place], and it is said to inhabit two thousand elves. But ten years ago, the tree was once Involved in the war with the devil, most of the roots were destroyed. Now it is relying on the mutual assistance and cooperation of many communities to finally restore the landscape.”

When it comes to [Devil King], the black rabbit’s emotions can’t help but drip, because [noname] used to be destroyed in a match with [Devil King], and now it is exactly the same as their [noname].

——【Underwood Underground City】, the swing ladder on the outer wall.

[Underwood] The underground city is digging downward in a spiral shape, so a group of people must circle the city in circles to move up high. Although the depth is only about 20 meters at most, there is actually quite a distance once you have to walk up the wall slowly.

However, the group of [NoName] did not show an expression of boredom at all. Instead, they were so excited that their eyes sparkled because of their first visit to this city. In addition, the harvest festival is being held, and the temporary stalls show a tempting smell of food.

Yao was caught by a booth with the flag of [Six Paths Scars] hanging.

Then she carefully pulled the black rabbit’s clothes.

“Black Rabbit, that stall seems to be buying roasted sweet potatoes” (the attributes of a foodie are exposed again)

After Asuka heard Yao’s words, her face changed slightly. She can still remember how Yao ate her food during the [Fire Dragon Birth Ceremony].

“It’s delicious.”


The black lines on Asuka’s face.

“When did you buy it?”

Yao didn’t care about the noise of Asuka at all, using his hand to stretch the hot sweet potato in his small mouth.

The steaming sweet potato has the unique aroma and taste of freshly baked food, even if it is eaten alone, it will not feel greasy.

At this moment, he noticed the look in Asuka’s eyes, so Yao handed the wrapping paper to them, tilted his head slightly and said:

“How is it!? Want to smell it?”


In Asuka’s heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses rushed past in an instant.

Under such circumstances, normal people should ask the other party if they want to eat. This guy is good, ask if you want to smell it? With the black lines on Asuka’s face, she could no longer complain.

“If you want to eat, you can find the last one, she bought it.”

Asuka suddenly realized after hearing this, it seemed that it was quite unwise to grab food in Yao’s mouth.

“Come on! One party, take a bite.”

The bee-eater held a bag of sweet potatoes and handed it to one side to pass.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Take a bite, it’s delicious.”


“It’s really delicious~! Misaka reminded Misaka.”

Seeing the taste of the last piece, Yifang Tong’s heart was a little shaken.

“It’s really delicious, Master.”

Icarus held a sweet potato and began to eat, with the residue of sweet potato on the corner of her mouth. It seemed that she should rarely eat such things.

“Look, take a bite, look-the cute girl’s hands are almost soft.”

Bee-eater Fuck Chi immediately made a very tired look, looking innocently at the party passing by.

Finally, under their soft and hard foam, one party compromised and started to eat. I have to say that the taste is really good.

“By the way, Yao, I have a gift here, which should be very suitable for you.”

The black rabbit said to Yao happily, and Yao looked at the black rabbit with a strange expression and said:


“Yes, because now you can fly, so it should suit you well.”

Pulling out a gift card, the black rabbit took out a pair of boots, pure white boots with white wings on them, the appearance is quite gorgeous.

“This is a gift to assist flying, engraved with [Sanskrit of Wind and Heaven] as a supplement.”

“That’s it, then I’ll see it later.”

After speaking, Yao took out his gift card and put his boots in it.

A group of people, noisier than any other group, climbed to the surface of the tree roots on the Internet.

However, the next distance is the real challenge. The bee-eater raised his head to look up at the tree, and asked with his mouth open in a daze:

“…Black Rabbit, how many meters is this tree?”

“Say [Underwood]’s water tree is five hundred meters in length. Although it is not as huge as the boundary wall, it should be considered large among the sacred trees.”

“Really…Where are we going?”

“Almost in the middle position.”

In other words, the height is two hundred and fifty meters, and a ladder or other stepping place for climbing must be used.

Yao made no secret of showing the mentality that he thought it was such a cumbersome task on his face.

“Can I fly up?”

She is now very much like trying her new abilities,

“Well, I don’t think you can disrupt the order of group operations. And you can use the elevator to get to the headquarters, and it won’t take too much time.”

Black Rabbit smiled and explained to Yao,

lift? The group was very puzzled.

“Everyone, please enter this box. When everyone comes in, please close the door and ring the bell next to it twice.”

“This thing is not an elevator, right?”

One party passed behind and looked at the box strangely. Well, it should be the elevator.

Sure enough, after the person came up, the [Box] was activated, and death was moving upwards.

The water tree bulge in the sky began to gush out of water.

I saw a large amount of water poured into another empty box, and that empty box was also connected to the wooden box on which the party was waiting and others were riding. When the trolley connecting the wooden box for riding started to creak and turn, the wooden box gradually rose.

(It turns out that this is the case. The use of buoyancy is really imaginative. But this method is really old-fashioned.)

After watching this [elevator], one party passed through and complained in his heart.

The water lift only took a few minutes to reach the headquarters.

A group of people buckled the pulled-up box on the metal parts for fixing, and walked towards the wooden pathway.

The pathways erected on the tree trunks were made by connecting blocks of wooden boards, which seemed dangerous at first glance, but after stepping on them, this worry disappeared immediately. The actual structure should be stronger than the appearance.

The group walked along the pathway on the tree trunk for a while and saw the banner of the organizer of the harvest festival [Dragon Horn, Eagle Lion].

“The banner has one, two, three…seven sides? Is it hosted by the seven communities?”

Izayoi asked the black rabbit.

“Unfortunately, the answer is NO. I heard that [Dragon Horn, Eagle, Lion] is an alliance of six communities, and the banner in the center is the Union Flag.”

The flag pointed out by the black rabbit has seven sides.

They are: [One Corner], [Two Wings], [Three Tails], [Four Legs], [Five Claws], [Six Injuries]. ..

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