Chapter 134 The Ceremony Begins [Ten more]

——Boundary wall, stage area. [Fire Dragon Birth Festival] Operation headquarters.

A group of people from one side were taken to the base of the community [Salamandra] and came to the headquarters responsible for holding the [Fire Dragon Birth Festival]. The palace excavated from the huge bright red boundary wall is directly connected to the game venue, and you can go to the headquarters through the deep stone path. The game venue has a circular outline, and the audience seats are arranged along the outline, showing the form of enclosing the venue. The gift game on the Baiyasha flyer is currently being held in the venue, and the stage is competing for the right to participate in the final finals.

The black rabbit, respected as the [Hakunoi nobleman,] is hosting a gift game called [Duel of the Creators] in the venue. Amidst the cheers, [NONAME] took a special seat to celebrate the new [Class Dominator] 】 Was born, the strongest 【Class Dominator】White Yasha was also invited here.

Everyone in the special seat was watching the gift game with enthusiasm. It seemed that even Icarus was also interested. Only one person put his hands behind his head, two feet on the railing in the front row, and closed his eyes tightly. , Seems to have fallen asleep, white hair and red eyes are his biggest feature.

Although it seems that one party is asleep, it is not like this. He has been paying attention to the environment, because he knows that Pest may come over today, but that is not necessarily true.

“Hey! One party, don’t be so innocent. You can go to sleep when you start interesting things. It’s free of charge!?”

Seeing the sleeping party passing through, Izayoi subconsciously raised the volume, trying to wake him up.

Although Izayoi said so, Yifangtong did not respond to him.

One side could not hear what Izayoi said, because he had already reflected all the sounds back. Even so, one party still knows that Izayoi is talking to him. Izayoi’s voice shakes the air. From the other party’s perspective, countless [0] and [1] data are constantly changing in his mind. For one party As far as the general open-and-hang-level calculation ability is concerned, it’s not a problem at all.

“She can’t hear her. As long as one party falls asleep, she can’t hear anything. He won’t know if there is an explosion in the house, Misaka Misaka tried to remind.”

Seeing Izayoi calling one side to pass, the final piece couldn’t help but say.

“Oh!? Does he reflect the sound? Damn it, bastard thing. [Vector manipulation] is really convenient.”

Sixteen Yoruichi’s face was unwilling, and turned his head to continue watching the game.

The competition is called [Creator Duel] and Yao has also joined it. However, this is recommended by Bai Yasha to participate, because [Life Catalog] can be regarded as the top existence among the gifts of [Creation Department]. Now, although Bai Yacha wanted to buy Yao’s [Life Catalog] at a high price many times, Yao also refused to agree.

“Miss~~~~! It’s there! Take it now! Go around behind your opponent and kick it!”

The Sanmao cat who came here with Leticia yelled as an assistant. Fighting on the stage is [NoName]’s Kasugabe, and the automatic doll belonging to the community [RockEater], the giant stone wall.

“In this way… the winner is decided…!”

Using the gift from the eagle lion to manipulate the whirlwind’s Yao, he flew behind the stone wall giant and kicked its head. In addition, at the moment of the hit, Yao changed his weight to [Elephant], and with the reduced strength, he overwhelmed the giant to the ground. When the stone wall giant fell to the ground, the audience also cheered deafeningly.

“Miss~~~~~~~! Awesome~~~~~~~~! Miss~~~~~~~~!”

Sanmao applauded Yao’s heroic appearance. Although it was just meowing in the ears of others, Yao should have understood what it was saying. Yao raised one hand and cast his eyes here, showing a smile.

Shiroyasha, who was watching the battle from above the palace, slapped his palms, and the audience’s voice stopped abruptly. It can be seen that the popularity and power of Shiroyasha, who is the [class ruler] in the eastern district, is quite influential.

She stood on the balcony and laughed heartily, and said to Yao and the general audience:

“The final winner is Kasugabe from [NoName]. Therefore, she will receive a gift of [Creation] provided by the community [Salamandra]. The competition will continue next, and the rules will trouble another [organizer]. , Is also the master of this festival to explain to everyone.”

Bai Yasha turned around and let out the center of the palace balcony. On the balcony soil that could see the whole stage at a glance, there appeared a young girl with dark red hair tied to her head and wearing a multi-layered colorful costume.

She is the new [class ruler] who inherited the purebred dragon, the dragon horn of the Xinghai Dragon King.

The young leader of [Salamandra] with the flame dragon pattern as the banner, Shandora got up from the throne.

Yifang Tongxing also discovered this situation, so he opened his eyes with great interest to see what kind of character the protagonist of this [Fire Dragon Birth Festival] was.

But when one party passed through and saw Shandora, his expression became weird.

From the perspective of the original party, if you want to be a [class dominator], you should be a high-ranking talent, and most of these people should be very old, of course, except for Bai Yasha, few people know her age. And Baiyasha was also appointed by [ThousandEyes] as the [Class Dominator], which is different from Shandora’s situation.

(Is it the world of children now!?)

Yifang Tongtong thought of the figure of Loli of Baiyacha, and also of the leaders in his own community, plus the current Shandora, who were all children who looked about ten years old, so Yifang Tongtong was surprised for reason.

“Oh! Boring!”

After speaking, one side closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Shandora took a big breath and greeted everyone with a voice that was as clear and sweet as a silver bell, with determination and dignity.

“I am the ruler of the North District, Sandorat Dorek, who was introduced just now. This festival [Fire Dragon Birth Festival], jointly organized by the East District and the North District, also passed half of the schedule smoothly today. No accidents worthy of special mention have occurred. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone in the Eastern Community and the Northern Community who assisted in the activities.”

I have to say that Shandora is indeed the temperament of some leaders. In this regard, Ren of [noname] did not do as well as her.

Sandra’s speech was also spent in the audience’s excitement.

Next is the final.

Izayoi smiled happily, anxiously waiting for the opening of the finals. Because in his opinion, such a thing is much more interesting than someone sleeping there. Someone who was sleeping was shot while lying down

“By the way, Bai Yasha, have you got the permission to let the black rabbit be the referee?”

“Well, I have officially commissioned the Black Rabbit to be the referee of the game. By the way, isn’t the Black Rabbit already hosting it just now?”

“That’s just the host, I’m talking about the referee.”

“You can see that you are quite careful.”

“Haha, if you compliment me, I will gladly accept it.”

Izayoi laughed loudly, facing Shiroyasha without any restraint, just like a normal friend. ..

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