One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband

Chapter 3426: The little newcomer rides on her head

"A few days ago, the local tycoons Sun XX and Zhang XX went to sea on a private boat. They did not return for 48 hours. After their family members called the police, the police found the remains of Sun XX and Zhang XX on the public coast. They were suspected of being missing after DNA identification. In order to accidentally fall into the sea and be attacked by sharks...Here, the Imperial City police warmly reminds that citizens must pay attention to personal safety when traveling, stay away from dangerous areas, and do not go to sea by private boat..."

In the news, the deaths of Sun XX and Zhang XX were classified as accidental falling into the sea.

Only Qin Weiwei knows, the truth is definitely not that simple!

The little **** surnamed Song was able to escape from the hands of these two men, and as a result, the two men died so miserably. They were swallowed by sharks and left only the wreckage. There must be an inside story during the period.

Is there really an accident? Or did the money master behind the little **** shot?

Qin Weiwei suddenly felt a little hairy in her heart.

When she thought of meeting Song Song in the Empire State Building last time, she couldn't help but feel a little frightened. There was really a big man behind Song Song.

But before she changed her mind, she took another reassurance pill—how could there be a big man behind Song Song? Even if there is, it's just playing with her.

Otherwise, a woman who is really loved by a big man has already been raised at home as a young grandmother, so why would Song Song come out to be a painter?

After years of exposure to oil paints and paintbrushes, human hands will become deformed.

And drawing at the desk day and night, the back will be curved, and the face will be haggard.

Anyway, she has never heard of Qin Weiwei, a big man will buy ~ raise a hard-working little painter!

If so, Qin Weiwei would have been shy to seduce big people for so many years!

That is, President Wang of the publishing house can seduce and seduce him occasionally.

What big people in high society, ha ha, they are too far away from these little painters.

Qin Weiwei stared at the news and watched the somewhat horrifying scene—the white bones carried out by the police on the stretcher had a rotten smell through the screen.

She suddenly curled her lips and smiled inwardly: "Those two stupid pigs are dead! There is no proof! In this way, no one will shake her frame of Song Song in the future. No one will know that night. , She whispered the news..."

Qin Weiwei retracted her gaze, while President Wang was still on the phone: "Oh, President Zhao, thank you for taking care of us Song Song, and I also ask you to help her publish a special edition next week to introduce her new book. Where and where, how about you. I remembered the interview. Don’t worry, she will accept the interview in the future. I will be the first to arrange for a reporter from your newspaper to come? My brothers, who is with whom..."

There is a cunning old fox! Like to be official!

Qin Weiwei sneered.

However, during the phone call, the other party promised to give Song Songyi the entire special report conditions that still made Qin Weiwei jealous.

In the comics circle, how many people's books can get a full-page propaganda resource?

Fang Yiru's status as a big coffee is also possible.

Her last book, Qin Weiwei, sold a total of 100,000 copies, and earned several million yuan in royalties to the Imperial Capital. Mr. Wang was stingy. He took out one million and bought a quarter of the newspaper. Forums.

The broken layout is still in the lower left corner, in an inconspicuous position. A photo of her book is placed on it, and there are no famous critics to support it. It looks like an advertisement, not a special edition promotion.

No effect at all!

But now, Song Song can actually get a full-page publicity?

The little newcomer is really going to ride on her head!

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