One New Rule Per Month Globally

Chapter 375: “What a tea!”

 Chapter 375 “What a great tea!”

 When the announcement sounded, everyone was dumbfounded.

 But immediately afterwards, these players who were watching outside the territory of Beifeng planet opened their personal panels with excitement and kept notifying their subordinates to arrive at the scene.

 As everyone knows!

 Chen Yi exterminated his clan and never picked up any props!

To be precise, it’s not that they don’t want to pick it up, but that they are unable to pick it up. After all, they also know that it is difficult for novice players to obtain props from other players in the outside world, including items dropped before death, which are also considered gifts in disguise.

Although the Beifeng tribe is not a very powerful race.

  However, the props dropped when a clan is destroyed can still make them eat meat.

They are not worried that Brother Yi will be killed by them when he comes. After all, they are existences that have paid protection fees. Brother Yi is just strong and has a bad temper and likes to kill people at every turn. He is not a psychopath with red eyes.

  Not yet to the point of killing people on sight.

It’s just unclear whether Yi Ge will say that no one is allowed to pick up the props dropped here after annihilating the clan. If that’s the case, there’s nothing we can do.

They heard that Chen Yi wiped out several clans on the Nirvana Starfield, and the props dropped by those clans could not be picked up. Before leaving, Chen Yi made a message to the outside world that anyone who dared to pick up one of his props would have their entire family wiped out.


So it has been so long, and there are still a large number of ownerless props scattered on the Annihilation Starfield.

No one dares to pick it up so far.

 It can also be regarded as a local scene.

Of course, I don’t know whether there are people who have the courage to quietly pick up a prop and put it in their pockets at the edge. After all, there are a lot of props scattered there. It would be difficult for Brother Yi to find a prop if he just walks by. Unless Yi Ge left some detection and monitoring props there.

 “Hard, really hard!”

The moment he heard the announcement, Li Yi immediately contacted the patriarch of Beifeng Planet, but received a reply that he would rather die than surrender. He couldn't help but sigh helplessly: "Why didn't you find that old guy so hard before?"

 “Okay, Niubi Xingyuan will lose another piece of fiscal revenue.”

Before Chen Yi came to Niubi Xingyuan for the first time, his control over Niubi Xingyuan was not that strong. He was more of a nominal controller. For example, the Lisu people basically did not listen to his orders.

 But after Chen Yi came several times, there were gradually no races in the Niubi Star Plain that disobeyed his orders. The biggest reason for this was that everyone saw Chen Yi's terrifying power and the relationship between Chen Yi and him.

Relying on this relationship, he almost completely ruled the entire Xingyuan in a short time.

  He has control over the armies of all races, as well as the financial income of all races, and he draws a few points.

 But now it seems that there will be less financial income from the Beifeng planet in the future.


The tuberculosis rabbit nodded, stood up angrily, stood on the deserted grassland except for him, and said with his arms crossed: "Wait for me, I'll call Brother Yi."

This Beifeng clan simply doesn't give any face to Brother Yi. He wants to be wiped out by the Beifeng clan right now without Brother Yi taking action.

 But. He is a bit incapable of this.

 To be precise, it’s not that he doesn’t have this ability.

He has a total of 301 sets of the ultimate version of the air food series props, which can completely cover the entire territory of the Bei Maple Planet. If he is willing, he can ensure that all players on the Bei Maple Planet can look up and see those giant statue versions of food.

However, these ultimate air food series props come with a particularly significant cost.

That means it takes a lot of time.

 Because his series of air food props can only force people to feel full and unable to eat, it will take at least six, seven, or more than ten days to starve these Bei Maple players to death.

 But Yi Ge’s career is about to change.

 Only a few hours left.

 It was too late for him to use his methods.

 However, the tuberculosis rabbit doesn’t know all of them.

When the announcement resounded over the Beifeng tribe, an undercurrent began to surge wildly within the Beifeng tribe. No, it should not be said to be an undercurrent, but an open current.

Countless players armed with various tools rushed into the meeting of the supreme ruler of the Beifeng Tribe.

Under the shocking eyes of the tough patriarch, these players pointed their weapons at him and rushed over without hesitation.

 This includes even the patriarch’s usual drivers, subordinates, and most sincere confidants.

Although they are unwilling to pay the protection fee, they know better the consequences of offending Chen Yi head-on. In the face of being exterminated and temporarily humiliated, they are more willing to embrace the shame, not to mention what a shame it is. Even Li Yuanchang paid .

Li Yuanchang paid the most, totaling more than one billion.

 The entire Niubo Xingyuan, except for them, has all paid.

  When they think about going to the depths of **** after death and serving as the vomiting cleaners, they can't help but want to vomit. They would rather kneel down than be a monster that only eats corpses.

 It didn’t take long.

 An announcement resounded again in the sky above the entire Bei Fengqiu.

“Ding, announcement from Beifeng Planet.”

"Hello, dear Mr. Tussy Rabbit, our leader just committed dementia and said some foolish words. We have quickly executed the old leader, and have sent people with some coupons to buy them at Yishen Paradise in the Sky City. The porcelain is gone."

“I hope I can get Mr. Tutu’s understanding and Mr. Chen Yi’s understanding.”

“To all the players on Bei Maple Planet who have infinite respect for Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Chen Yi, here’s to you!”


 The interval between this announcement and the previous announcement shall not exceed 5 minutes.

"What's the meaning?"

Li Yi, who was feeling regretful, was a little confused when he heard the sound: "Is this a betrayal? Is it so fast? The patriarch was killed in 5 minutes?"

“Then the Beifeng Planet Clan doesn’t have an army? Doesn’t it have any close followers?”

"After all, he is the leader of a three-dimensional planet. Is his dominance too weak? He was overthrown in 5 minutes."

ˆ “.”

The Lisu clan leader received the news and said quietly with a strange expression: "It is said that all the troops and cronies under the old leader Beifeng have rebelled, without exception."

 This news shocked him the most.

He suddenly remembered that some time ago, all the players of their Lisu tribe were forced by Chen Yi to wear the title of "Yishen's Pursuit Target", which made their players blocked wherever they went for a long time.

At that time, Li Yuanchang proposed to let him save money and avoid disaster, and gave Chen Yi a large sum of money, which might be able to avoid the harm of genocide in the future.

 But he felt sorry for the money at the time and was really reluctant to give it to him.

 Later, he even contacted a player from the six planets in an attempt to behead Chen Yi. During that time, his cronies and subordinates always looked at him strangely and surrounded him from time to time.

At that time, he thought that these cronies were afraid of Chen Yi's arrival, which was a little unnatural, but they still surrounded him and were ready to help him defend against the enemy as soon as possible, which even moved him a little.

I also thought in my heart that I, a group of people who trust me so much, should not give in so easily and lower my prestige in the hearts of my people. The worst case scenario is that the fish will die and the net will fail!

Now it seems that those close friends of mine at that time were not afraid of Chen Yi's arrival. They probably wanted to rebel and kill him quickly, lest Chen Yi's monster would come down and wipe out his clan.

ˆ “.”

Thinking of this, the Lisu patriarch could not help but twitch the corners of his expressionless mouth slightly. He had never thought that he was so close to death.

 At this time.

The players who were watching outside Beifeng Planet also spoke with emotion on their faces.

"The patriarch of the Beifeng planet is very tough, but it is obvious that the people below are not very tough. It's a pity. I really thought that the Beifeng planet could continue to be so tough. If that is the case, I still admire all the people on the Beifeng planet. All the clansmen are men.”

"Come on, stop making sarcastic remarks here. If you are really awesome, what kind of protection fee do you pay? Now go to Sky City and say that you want to return the porcelain and ask Chen Yi to refund you. How dare you If you do this, I will admire you as a man."

"Okay, it seems that this farce should end here. It's a pity. I thought I could see Brother Yi annihilate the clan. I have always heard that Brother Yi has annihilated the clan. I have never had the opportunity to see Brother Yi actually annihilate the clan. I heard that Brother Yi has annihilated the clan. It only takes less than an hour for a clan.”

"Almost. When the Void Clan invaded, it's not like you didn't see Yi Ge's firepower. The firepower directly covered half of the sky. Even the Void Clan's durable race was driven away. How long do you think your family can resist? "


A player standing nearby who was watching the show shook his head: "No matter how hard you resist, you know the Liuben planet player that Brother Yi killed. That Liuben planet has the ability to share life, and every player has the ability to share their lives with each other." The values ​​are all shared, which means you can never kill any player of this race unless you annihilate the entire race."

"The results of it?"

“It turns out there is a player of this race who went to find trouble for Chen Yi.”

"He was killed by Chen Yi on the spot. You have seen what happened after that. The damage caused by Chen Yi's killing of that player was directly shared among all the players on the entire Liuben planet, which directly led to the annihilation of that Liuben planet!"

"That planet is a race with millions or even tens of millions of people. It was exterminated without even Chen Yi people seeing it. You can think about it for yourselves. Chen Yi's attack that killed the player on the Liuben planet How terrifying is that?!”

“This attack is probably what killed Jiang Chenglu!”

"Okay, can you please stop saying no? I already paid the protection fee, but when you said this, I started to feel scared again."

 At this time.

 The depths of **** of the Beifeng tribe.

 In a tea room.

An old man was sitting cross-legged in front of the tea table. With a hint of pride and a smile on his brow, he picked up a cup of tea and brought it to his mouth. After taking a sip, he couldn't help but sigh: "What a good tea!"

 He is the old leader of the Beifeng tribe.

He was originally unwilling to pay the protection fee, and he also wanted to bet that Chen Yi would not come directly to ask for it because he was so proud. After all, asking for protection money was a bad name, but he did not expect that Chen Yi would not ask for it directly. Don't care about face.

 Can’t wait even a day.

He sent someone the same day.

What else can be done? It’s okay to give in, but he doesn’t want to give in so easily. He wants to establish a tough and unyielding persona for himself. After all, if someone comes to him and then gives in, it will seem like he is too cowardly.

 So he issued a tough announcement first.

After that announcement, without any hesitation, he asked his most loyal cronies to rebel and kill him, and issued the resignation announcement.

 The people and outsiders don’t know this. In everyone’s eyes, the old leader of the Beifeng tribe would rather die than surrender. In the end, he was betrayed, and the people of the Beifeng tribe collected the protection money.


 The people of the Beifeng tribe collected the protection money.

The biggest reason why he was unwilling to pay the protection fee was that he wanted to use the money in the treasury. However, once the money left the treasury, it would be empty, and his living conditions would drop a lot, so he planned this rebellion.

 Not only can it give him a good reputation.

He can also let his close confidant serve as the acting leader of the Beifeng clan. The first time he takes office is to raise protection funds from the people, because he has already issued a tough announcement. At this time, the people of Beifeng know that if they do not gather protection quickly, If you don't pay, you will be exterminated!

 So no one was delayed.

Even the most greedy people have contributed their share.

The 270 million coupons were collected quickly.

 At this time, we are already on the way to the Sky City.

It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone!

  Not only did he establish his image of not being afraid of power but willing to die rather than surrender, he also asked the Beifeng players to pay for the money without touching the treasury, and allowed himself to escape from this whirlpool safely.

  Wait for some time.

When he returned to Beifeng Planet from **** and took back his own rights and status, Chen Yi would not notice him at that time, nor would he notice that he came back alive from hell. It was even said that Chen Yi might not notice him at all. I don't care if he dies.

 After all, how could a big shot like Chen Yi care about such trivial matters.

What's this?

 This is the charm of means.

Think of this.

This old man couldn't help but taste the tea in his mouth again, and said with emotion: "What a good tea. The tea from our Beifeng tribe is not inferior to the tea in Chen Yi's hand."

 But just then—

A man in a black suit pushed open the door, strode up to him, and bowed respectfully.

 “Hello, chief.”

 “Well, tell me.”

The old man just raised his eyelids and glanced, and said no more. He waited patiently for this man to report. This man was his most loyal subordinate. He was several levels behind him and was not worthy of chatting with him.


I saw this man in a suit taking out a silenced pistol from his pocket and putting it against the old man's head: "I'm just giving you a ride."

 The next second—

In the eyes of the old leader of the Beifeng Tribe with disbelief, the trigger was pulled.


  A slightly dull sound echoed throughout the tea room.

 And the old leader also slowly fell into a pool of blood with his eyes unwilling.

 After doing all this.

The man in a black suit just walked out of the door of the tea room, took off his pistol and white gloves, threw them into the arms of the boy at the door and said calmly.

 “Throw the body into the meat grinder to make sure it is completely dead.”

 “I’m going to report to the boss.”

"I will take all the responsibilities. I have no other ideas. I just think that since the boss is sitting in the position of acting leader, he should always sit down."

 (End of this chapter)

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