One billion years of longevity

Chapter 330 Small Robot

Mon Dad is full of gains, after leaving, Yang Zhen just entered the bathroom, and did not adjust the medicine bath, and there was a doorbell again outside the door.

Yang Zhen frowned the window and found this time, it was a courier.

"Retriever Express, the mission will be! Mr. Yang, please sign your express."

Express brother, this is said.

Yang Zhen came to the first floor, and as a result, the express box saw that people who sent this express delivery were actually Zhu Wei.

Looking at Zhu Weijuan Xiu's handwriting, Yang Zhenbei took a pick, immediately signed it, and ennaeded a small fee of express delivery.

"The next time I have Zhu Wei's express, please be sure to send it earlier." Yang Zhen deliberately told.

Express brother took one by one, followed by four zero signature checks, a face, "Oh, I know."


Yang Zhen waved, after leaving the express delivery, he took the door, and entered the bedroom in the second floor and opened the parcel.

In the package, it is a gray black small robot, as well as a letter.

Yang Zhen first opened the letter.

This is said in the letter.

"Yang Zhe, I am Zhu Wei. In the last week, I have been experimenting in the laboratory. Because this phase of the experiment has involved the national secret, I am not convenient to reveal too much detailed information. However, Our laboratory has recently assembled several small robots, quite interesting. I also made one by my hand, I gave you a toy, I hope you like. In short, I am afraid I am afraid it. I can't take it away, I hope you take care of Zhu Jiu, telling her to study hard, go up every day, and strive to become a country's pillar. After I go home, I will check her homework and homework. "

The last word of this letter is marked.

"Love you Zhu Wei."

Yang Zhen saw this letter, his heart was touched, showing the excitement of a face.

Subsequently, Yang Zhen put down the letter in his hand and looked toward the small robot.

This small robot is like a mobile phone Android system, which is the same as a green robot representing an Android system.

Stupid, still stupid.

However, no matter how it is stupid, it is what Zhu Wei is made by Zhu Wei, so Yang Zhen likes.

Even, under the left, look at it, it is inexplicably a feeling.

This small robot has two antennas, and the head is like a buckled iron pan, and two round holes are also opened, and the camera is the same as the camera.

The following body, or similar round gas tanks. The bottom two bare calves, as well as the same big feet, looks like a laughter.

It is its two fine arms, causing Yang Zhen's attention.

This place has no hand, only two light bald arms, but Yang Zhen is only a lot of money, and it must be in the arm, and there is a powerful power contained.

"Mini missile?"

Yang Zhen touched the chin, revealing a curious look.

Subsequently, Yang Zhen took a red button in the chest of the small robot and pressed.

"Drip drip!"

The red button is just pressed, and this small robot immediately issued a warller of the warlute.

Subsequently, a pair of eyes flashed out of a metal rays, like shooting lenses.

"Target identification ... Identification is successful, the target object is 'Yang Zhen', one of the people who need protection."

Subsequently, this only half a small machine, turned it, swept around the room.

"Confirm the environment ... Environmental safety! The system is about to enter the standby state ... three, two, one."

After the row is over, this small robot is automatically turned off and restored the rest of the start.

Yang Zhen saw, can not help but feel stunned.

"This is an escort robot. Just, it seems that it doesn't seem to be smart. Is it dangerous, but also touch the red button, it will protect me? This is too chicken ..."

Speaking of the two words of 'chicken ribs', Yang Zhen suddenly remembered, this little thing is doing Zhu Wei.

At the time of boarding, Yang Zhen, forcibly put the 'chicken rib', swallowed back into his stomach.

A high school student, in just a month, it is very impossible to make such a robot in the laboratory.

In this respect, it is certainly not too much to require it.

In addition, Zhu Wei came from the laboratory, and he had sent such a thing, and it must have her deep intention.

Perhaps, I want to show Yang Zhen, the material properties of this small robot.

Is Zhu Wei said it? The direction of her research is Sima Qin, and the man-like robot like Sima Ma.

Perhaps this seems ugly giant gadgets, in fact, contain huge killing, and is not known.

Thinking of this, Yang Zhen came back again, kneeling down, you must reach out to touch this small robot to see its property material, how is it.

However, when Yang Zhen just squatted, it was preparing to go to this small robot, and there was a footsteps in the corridor behind this small robot.

Subsequently, a high-short two people were so long, without any notification, broke into the Yangshi bedroom.

"Hey? What is this? I'm so ugly."

"Yang Zhen's brother, when did you like the up to the soldiers?"

These two, came to Yang Zhenfu, as if they came back to their home, Husky is Su Ji and Zhu Jiu.

Zhu Jiu is also awkward, innocent romance, no less known.

Su Sui is also a teenager, how can I be so casual, such as a man's bedroom?

Yang Zhen's eyebrows wrinkled, standing up, intended to follow Suzhou theory theory.

Who can think that Yang Zhen, who has blocked the robot, just stood up, Su Jiu's figure, exposed the field of vision of the small robot.

At the time, this small robot that was originally automatically turned off, and the rose 'rang again.

"Found that the stranger in Yang Zhenfu! Target identification!"

"The first target identification is successful, the target is Zhu Jiu, one of the people who need to protect!"

"The second target is successful, the target is Su Tao, is a hostile goal! The system is about to start attack mode, attack warning! Attack warning!"

After a warning, this small robot actually made a small broken step, like a fat penguin, and the branch of the branch passed by Suzhou.

It is quite a momentum.

"Su Tao, danger!" Yang Zhen saw, it was shocked.

To know, in a small arm of this small robot, it contains quite powerful chemical explosives, which is basically equivalent to two mini missiles.

If it really launches Suzhou, it is Su Xi, I am afraid that the entire bedroom in Zhu Jiu is going to be overturned on the spot.

However, when Yang Zhen was shocked, when it was going to block, Su Ji had already revealed a curious look, greeted the past, and kneeling down, reaching a hand.

"What is this, actually will be moving? It looks like a good look!"

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