“Opening Ceremony?”

Hai Yunfan looked curiously along the direction of Wang Lu’s finger.

In the proposal book, the opening ceremony was indeed designed. Immortals’ Great Competition is, after all, a major event related to the future of Nine Provinces. The main purpose is to promote cooperation between the two parties. Peace and development are the main line. The Gathered Immortals’ Great Competition’s principle is also friendship first and second competition. If you hit face covered in blood as soon as you come up, it really doesn’t match the theme.

So before the official start of the game, an opening ceremony was also added, and the two parties performed some entertainment programs by themselves, which can be regarded as creating a somewhat peaceful atmosphere. As for whether the principle of friendship first and game second can be maintained after the start of the match, it can only be resigned.

So overall, this opening ceremony can only be regarded as an appetizer, insignificant in the context of Gathered Immortals’ Great Competition’s. Even Wang Lu himself didn’t put much effort into this link. It is enough to find an idol group like the sun at high noon to show off his thighs.

However, when Wang Wu represented the beauty pageant team to report to Wang Lu today, it happened that Wang Lu also turned to this page when he was reading the proposal. He immediately flashed the intuition and thought of a way.

“In short, there is no time limit for the opening ceremony.”

Hai Yunfan froze for a moment, and then retorted: “Do you want to delay the opening ceremony indefinitely? But before the show starts. It only needs to be reviewed by both parties.”

“Yes, so a program list of 5,000 programs will definitely be rejected by them. We must create unlimited possibilities in limited programs. .”

Hai Yunfan frowned: “Limited programs…unlimited possibilities?”

Wang Lu was already inspired by this and immediately reached out and wrote a line on the table word.

Program, calligraphy performance, copy, “Start From Scratch”.

Hai Yunfan said in surprise: “I know the calligraphy copy performance, but what is Start From Scratch?”

“You will know.”

Then, Wang Lu wrote another line of words: program, cross talk, New Year greetings.

“Crosstalk, I know, has only gradually become popular in Nine Provinces Continent’s entertainment form in the past few hundred years. It must be very new to the Earth Immortal who have been sleeping for 16,000 years. But this Is there any mystery in it?”

Wang Lu laughed: “The same sentence, when the time comes, you will know it, now, forgive me to keep it secret.”

Hai Seeing that Wang Lu had sold Guanzi, Yunfan shook his head and stopped asking. Anyway, since he has such a winning ticket, no one else should worry about it.

“By the way, Little Hai, only three people in this room know about the opening ceremony. Don’t mention it to anyone. If you feel that your confidentiality is not strict, I can help you brainwash.”

Hai Yunfan waved his hand: “No, you just promised me that you will give me a compensatory vacation after the official start. If you wash it like this, the vacation is probably gone.”< /p>

Wang Lu praised: “Little Hai, your thinking has become more rigorous.”


Then Wang Lu gave the Master a wink, Indicate that this topic has time to discuss in detail.

Next, deal with the official duties at hand step by step.

“By the way, have you counted all the cross-dressers of the opposite sex that I mentioned earlier?”

Wang Wu said: “Of course I remember clearly, what do I do with this black material? Maybe lose it?”

More than a month ago, Wang Lu designed a competition to leapfrog the competition, and the losing party disguised as punishment. However, in actual execution, for various reasons (one of the important reasons is the shocking performance of King of Myriad Beasts, which brought serious psychological shadows to everyone) did not have time to organize the people of the opposite sex group to conduct a large-scale tour and punish The effect is actually limited.

Later, many people thought that the so-called heterosexual cross-dressing was nothing more than verbal talk, and the impossible was actually implemented, and the fear of it was let go. In a sense, in the last month of the assault, the progress not at all fully met Wang Lu’s requirements.

But this of course does not mean that Wang Lu really intends to let them go.

Indeed, the resistance to the implementation of this policy is very, very large, because according to his design, except for a handful of geniuses, almost most people are inevitably defeated… Is it necessary to let the thousands of Nine Provinces Continent? Do elite talents go to the opposite sex to change clothes? In particular, it may also involve True Monarch level cultivator, which is even more difficult to execute.

But because of the difficulty of execution, it should be resolutely executed. If the True Monarch level cultivator can take the lead in changing costumes, who else would dare to push back and forth? It’s a pity, because of Wang Lu’s ability, I haven’t been able to convince River Chart before…After all, many Elders in Shengjing Immortal Gate are on the drag list, and River Chart himself is also under great pressure.

At that time, Wang Lu was fighting alone, but now there are more Masters by her side, and her mobility is quite strong.

Wang Wu remembered all the people who had lost in the classification competition before, and prepared to find them to pay close attention to the accounts later. The arbitrage space is huge.

According to Wang Lu’s rules, those who lose in a group match must be cross-dressed. If the senior group loses, the penalty is tripled. Then the benchmark number should be set as in what sector? How to execute the so-called tripling? The current more mature plan is to incorporate the opposite sex into the negative incentive group of the cheerleader. If you lose once, you are scheduled to perform in the future.

This set of programs was vigorously promoted by Wang Wu’s not long ago, and finally got the acquiescence of True Monarch River Chart’s.

Then the problem is here: I also starred in the shame of the opposite sex, played in the competition link that countless people paid attention to, and played in a remote project with only two or three audiences, but two concept.

Wang Wu and Wang Lu are the masters and disciples who decide the cheerleading performance. From Wang Wu’s point of view, the operating space here is all profit space.

Anyone who is flexible and gives Wang Wu a piece of heart in time will make the tasks on the performance table easier. And for those who fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, you can only do a good job of the opposite sex under the focal point of ten thousands.

After the two discussed the details of the performance, they instructed Hai Yunfan to draft a notice, so that those who are famous on the cross-dressing list can accurately understand the superior spirit, and promptly and fully Pay bribes to avoid inviting humiliation to oneself. Of course, the text should be vague enough to avoid being caught. Hai Yunfan was speechless for a long time, but finally helpless, buried his head and pondered over how to write this article destined to be nailed to the pillar of historical shame.

While Hai Yunfan was working hard, Wang Wu remembered something and asked.

“According to your statement, the Great Competition martial stage in the center of Gathered Immortals City can isolate the inside and outside. Therefore, you have been away for so long, Bai Ze has not been able to find… In such a venue, cheerleaders I am afraid that the effect will not be reflected.”

“Never mind, when the venue was designed, the cheerleader space was left at hand. You can ask them to open this function for this reason, no need to worry. However. I remembered that according to the work schedule, I would trouble you to have a public performance in the beauty pageant before the official start. How are you preparing now?”

Wang Wu patted chest: “Don’t worry, handsome guys and beautiful girls We are all properly tuned and kept well.”

Wang Lu asked suspiciously: “Easy to use? How to use it? Have you used it before?”

“Nonsense, no How can I safely push them to the stage to inspect the goods by myself?”

“…how many have been inspected?”

Wang Wu pinpointed and counted: “The girls have basically tested it Now, all the guys are exempt from inspection. I let Miao Yan take responsibility.”

“Your sense of responsibility is really touching.”

Wang Wu snort disdainfully: “That’s fine, I Let’s go to the men’s team to check the lush and green on your head. What do you think?”

As the two of them were talking, they heard an angry slap on the table next to the table: “you Two slut, flirt with me! Think about my feelings of not seeing the dao companion for a long time because of busy business affairs!”

I was severely accused of this by Hai Yunfan. , Master and Disciple had no choice but to escape with laughter.

When he walked out of the office, Wang Lu was in a daze, feeling a light on his shoulder for no reason.

I want to come too. At this time, it is only two days before the start of the Immortals’ Great Competition. Most of the training events have been stopped, only waiting for the players to raise the spirit and officially debut. So there are not many things that need him to deal with at a time.

This makes the chief planner who has been busy for months feel quite uncomfortable.

“Let’s relax today. According to your idea, I am afraid I will be busy again.” Wang Wu said with emotion on the shoulder of the patted disciple.

If the delay plan of the opening ceremony can be implemented smoothly, it means that the people of Nine Provinces will have more time for training and assault, and as the chief planner, they will naturally be busy. But at least for these two days, he can relax a little bit.

“It’s better to go to the beauty pageant rehearsal with me. Here we gather all the beauties from all over the world, and Miao Yan carefully tunes them. The previous two auditions made many monastic scholars feel uncomfortable. .”

Wang Lu smiled: “Then you caught the ugly state, blackmailed for ransom?”

Wang Wu ha ha said with a smile: “Nonsense.”

“Let’s take a look. In recent days, there is no time to pay attention to the beauty team that has attracted the attention of the cultivator… It is said that Xiaobai is sure to be selected?”

Wang Wu said “You really don’t care about my career. Don’t talk about Xiaobai, even Liuli and Yao’er didn’t run away. I took them all to enrich the team and formed a girl group like Nascent Soul Realm. This kind of opportunity to be famous all over the world, how can it not be cheaper to outsiders.”

Wang Lu was surprised when he heard it: “You are not trying to take the opportunity to inspect the goods?”

Wang Wu replied: “When did you become so forgetful? When it comes to inspection, I have already inspected it. When Ask the Azure Heavens, I hadn’t used Finger of Harmony to inspect all the products. When there is nothing to say, do you think you can be as comfortable as Xiao Yao now? You have long been reduced to a vulgar housewife like that Hai Yunfan!”

Hai Yunfan’s roar came from the house: “you Two slut, get me away!”

Wang Wu ha ha smiled and took Wang Lu with a sword away. He was in mid-air and said: “Let’s see the results of my work. There is a surprise.”

Wang Lu helpless: “Well, there is nothing else to do anyway.”

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