The blazing sun, the earth is like blood, and the fire cloud is like a life-threatening knife, stretching upward from the horizon and hanging above the head.

The territory of Gold Jade City is horrified. Angry Flame Valley is an amazing soldier that disturbs the world’s strongest country without peace. The panic of war has spread and is unstoppable.

At this time, there are still nine days before the life and death deadline set by the Gold Jade City Lord for Jiang Liu.

One day ago, Metal Spirit Jiang Liu received the death order in front of the Gold Jade City Lord. Within ten days, the head of Fire Spirit Xiang Liang must be removed. Now, although only one day has passed, the Angry Flame Valley The arrogance is rampant, but Jiang Liu hasn’t seen any action or even whereabouts. Time is precious, and people have to guess, what exactly does he want to do?

Gold Jade City Lord must learn from what he said. He said that within ten days no head will be seen, and he will seal the King of Metal Spirit forever. This is definitely not a lie. At the same time, those subjects who disappointed him will never end well. Although the Shengjing team led by Jiang Liu is strong, it is still difficult to face the anger of Gold Jade City Lord.

So, in such a desperate situation, what exactly does Jiang Liu want to do?

It didn’t take long. The next day, the answer was announced.

In the ethereal mansion city, the sky is trembling, and the earth is cracking. This imperial mansion city suspended in the air is sprinkled with dust and sand, like a storm, covering the sky and the sun. Wrath of the king, look at all beings

“Do you say it again!?”

Below the White Jade Stone steps, the officials bowed down, I can’t afford it, the first one is trembling with fear, and fear has made him He was confused, but the majesty of the king drove him to follow the order and repeat what had just been said.

“Metal Spirit Jiang Liu defected to Angry Flame Valley and got the Angry Flame Great King and was personally named as Fire Spirit!”

“Gold Jade City Lord is stupid and unruly, he used his own words to coerce his Metal Spirit with decisive conditions, but seeing that King of Metal Spirit has no hope of unblocking. So he rebelled against the enemy in rage…Ha, Senior Apprentice Sister Qiong Hua, you asked me to cultivate the city for many years, Do you still get angry? I don’t know if my current answer can satisfy you?”

Under the anger, any radical behavior is not uncommon, but only the city can let people get rid of the bondage of feelings. , Clear-headed see the status quo and make rational judgments. Gold Jade City Lord requires Jiang Liu to complete the impossible mission within ten days. His intention to seal the King of Metal Spirit forever is clear. The Gold Jade City Lord has ruled for many years, and what he has to do has never changed.

Even though Jiang Liu has great abilities and really offers Fire Spirit the first level, Gold Jade City Lord can always find more and more tricky problems and push Metal Spirits to death step by step. Therefore, before Jiang Liu, there is only one way: to escape from the control of the Gold Jade City Lord and jump out of the quarrel. And Angry Flame Valley is the first choice for refuge-he led the crowd to raid Leaf Water River and Eternal Tree not long ago, and the road to the alliance has long been broken.

With such a background, the King of Angry Flame Valley will not have many doubts about turning to the enemy and rebelling. Moreover, the people of Angry Flame Valley have always had simple and direct thinking. Xiang Liang is lonely and deep, and the rear lacks ingenuity to be vigilant. What’s more, Jiang Liu immediately gave his vote after surrendering to the enemy.

“Senior Apprentice Brother Zhan Ziye Ten Thousand Arts Breakthrough, a pair of Divine Eyes see through the world spell, I have what skills and abilities, can I conceal the traces of the spell of Angry Flame Valley from his eyes? Let him think of doing it. It’s Angry Flame Valley? Besides, Jiang Liu has always treated people with sincerity and acted with me. It was the red flame guard of Angry Flame Valley, authentic, who ignited the prairie fire in Eternal Tree. Even if Senior Apprentice Brother Ziye Divine Eyes rose again It’s several levels, and I don’t see the second possibility.”

“Then, relying on a surprise attack, Sha Man was completely injured, and he snatched the essence of the Eternal Tree and invested in Angry Flame Valley to ignite the heaven burning flames. It further strengthened me. In the position of Angry Flame Valley, Eternal Tree and Leaf Water River are further involved in the battle group, kill two birds with one stone…… Senior Apprentice Sister Qiong Hua, your script is really admirable prostrate oneself in admiration.”

In Angry Flame Valley, Jiang Liu has been replaced with angry flame animal skins, his body knotted muscles are like rock sintered in the heat, and there are endless bursts in his determination. Behind him, a group of unruly angry flame elites were standing quietly. In the previous surprise attack, Jiang Liu took the lead and won their respect with unparalleled bravery and heroic success.

“Next, junior apprentice brothers and sisters, it’s up to you.”

As I said, it seemed to be emotional, it seemed to be funny, and I lowered my head and sighed.

“Gold Jade City Lord is a learned person. The ten-day appointment… is still valid.”


In Gold Jade City, again A fortress has fallen.

Because of the raging raids of Angry Flame Valley in the territory, the troops in the entire territory are on high alert. One day ago, intelligence showed that the Raiders of Angry Flame Valley were haunting somewhere. By coincidence, a Legion survived. He was ordered to delay it for a period of time, making it impossible to evacuate in time. Then, the soldiers of Angry Flame Valley were besieged by the army. The battle strength of the Angry Flame Valley Raiders is amazing. The Golden Clothed Regiment needs the support of the surrounding troops to strengthen the encirclement, so many fortresses are deployed to ensure safety.

Then, the Angry Flame Valley raiders surrounded them overnight and went straight to the empty Gold Jade fortress. Because the main force was dispatched, Rage Flame barbarian with no difficulty captured it, and then killed all the garrisons, plundered all supplies, and fled.

Gold Jade City is rich in the world, strong in national power, a fortress insignificant, but terrifying is that the exhausted barbarian got the fortress’s supplies and became a lively dragon and animated tiger again.

No, even more terrifying than before. The barrenness of the Angry Flame Valley makes it difficult for the barbarian warriors to keep up with even the weapons they have joined together. At this time, getting the luxurious arms of Gold Jade City is like a tiger that has grown wings.

However, after this battle, the coach Xiang Liang planned to retreat and led his army back to Angry Flame Valley.

Indeed, the morale of today’s Raiders is climbing to Peak, and equipped with assistance, the strength has almost doubled. There is basically no army in Gold Jade City that can compete head-on with it. If the guerrilla continues to continue, unless Gold Jade City builds a large area and clears the fields, or deploys real elite forces, there is nothing left to do.

However, as Army Imperial Mountain’s lead representative, how can Xiang Liang’s vision be so short? Compared to leading an elite army to complete special tasks, his real value lies in commanding the tens of thousands of Angry Flame Valley army to swallow everything.

This special guerrilla warfare is a necessary procedure for him to truly prove his worth. The General Angry Flame Great King delegated the power to him, but the Elders still had doubts about this. Xiang Liang was about to use a miraculous victory to dispel their doubts.

Up to now, Xiang Liang’s achievements have been enough to plug anyone’s mouth. The next thing to do is to return to the Angry Flame Valley, climb his strength to Peak, and then…

“Nothing then, you can’t go anywhere!”

In the deep mountains and valleys, beside the coach camp, a stranger’s voice that shouldn’t be heard suddenly sounded.

Such a sudden attack, even if it is encountered by the Angry Flame Great King’s own army, it is difficult to maintain calmness, but Xiang Liang’s barbarian fighters are like him, indifferent like a stone, and are indifferent to their voices. Do not ask.

For a group of puppet warriors whose souls have been dissipated, heaven falls and earth rends remain unchanged. As for Xiang Liang himself, he has a mental quality that exceeds that of steel. At the moment he heard the sound, he thought about everything and responded.

“Come well.”

As he said, he flicked his bullet forward, and several air currents stabled away like weapons.

Spell is small, but it shows Xiang Liang’s high-spirited fighting intent. In the face of challenges, the Army Imperial Mountain disciple is bound to move forward!

Even this sudden sound means that his whereabouts have been mastered, and his opponent is about to launch an unprecedented surprise attack. But knowing that he is powerful and daring to make a move, the other party must rely on it. The enemy is secretive, and the situation is very unfavorable.

But Xiang Liang was not afraid at all, on the contrary, he was happy because his opponent actually came to the door! For people who are addicted to war, this is a pie from the sky!

Even though this pie will be very hot.

Although the invisible weapons flicked out and pierced a jungle towards the mountain valley, but before the weapons, they were bounced away by a strong force. In the sky, two Shengjing cultivators appeared. A man and a woman, the two held a treasure chest. The mouth of the chest was wide open, and a round shield was spit out from it, blocking the spell that Xiang Liang casually ejected.

After a few light sounds, the round shield all split up and in pieces, and the invisible weapons also fell apart. Only one side moved casually, but the other side was well prepared. The strength gap was already between the blows. Undoubtedly.


Wangyue Luanyu, holding the treasure chest, did not waver at all, shouted coldly. At the same time, in this quiet deep mountain valley, weapons and flesh and blood began to continue to be heard The sound of impact cutting.

The sound is monotonous, but it is even more terrifying because of the monotony. The barbarian warriors under Xiang Liang have lost their souls. Even if they suffer the most pain, they will not waste their energy and scream, but they will instinctively shout and scream at the extreme of fighting. Now this monotonous voice can only explain one thing: Xi Valley camp is staged a side-to-side massacre.

At the same time, Xiang Liang, as the head of the army, has a way to look down on the whole situation, so he knows that the elite of his men are decreasing at a rapid rate. In front of the surprise attackers, the barbarian elite seemed impossible to withstand a single blow.

But Xiang Liang became more excited.

To slaughter the barbarian elite like this, there are only two possibilities in Gold Jade City: the guards of the Gold Jade City Lord and the Shengjing team.

However, the Guards never leave the Gold Jade City Lord, and the Gold Jade City Lord never leaves the Misty City. At this time, only the Shengjing team will appear. At the same time, the unique smell of people of Shengjing in the air made him firm his judgment.

The Shengjing team has been waiting for you for a long time.

This Five Spirits Vying for Hegemony, the Metal Spirit side, that is, the people of Shengjing, is very powerful. The entire team has joined it, and the overall strength is comparable to the sum of the other four. . But the most important thing about this team is that the main axis of the team, Fairy Qiong Hua, is unmatched. If you change the main team, the formidable power of this team will be greatly reduced.

It is no secret that Qiong Hua is imprisoned by the Gold Jade City Lord nowadays. Besides Qiong Hua, Xiang Liang doesn’t care whoever is in charge of the team now.

So, people of Shengjing came just right.

When you are here, don’t even think about leaving. After this battle, these people can’t go anywhere!

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