“The face…the first?”

On top the high stage, when Wang Lu proudly declared his identity, the scene fell into a very long silence.

Even Dragon City Master Bedivere has an unbelievable expression and his mouth is dumbfounded.

“…what did you say?”

Wang Lu sneered: “I said I am the gigolo of the descendant of Galahad, which can help her relieve her physical and psychological pressure It will not bring mentally burdens and burdens like relatives and families, just like wishful sticks, Mr. Jiao’s things, but can move and talk, have more complete functions, and no side effects! In short, bring me profit and nothing. One harm, so you guys have nothing to say?”

Bedivere is still in a stiff state: “You, you…”

Wang Lu reached out and hugged Aya: “Can’t bring family Members are also that’s all, can’t even bring personal items? As the personal item of the bloodline of the Bretton Dragon Clan, I follow the owner to Dragon City. Is there any problem?”


“If we are not allowed to bring personal items, are we going to apply to become Dragon City Guards or go to jail? Especially since there are many ladies who have applied for this conscription, we are not allowed to bring personal items? Do you want them to enter Dragon City naked? You are too wretched!?”


Wang Lu has a strict word: “So I want to enter Dragon City, yes Naturally, as it should be by rights!”

“hmph! A clever tongue!” Bedivere is not known for being eloquent, and Wang Lu was asked one after another, so he simply refused to talk to him.

In normal times, if he encounters a silver tongue like Wang Lu, he would not have a shred of politeness. It would be enough to release a tiny bit of the force of the Dragon City Master to make the opponent scared witless, but now, he Turning his eyes, he asked Aya: “What did you say? You want to bring this person?”

Aya was also a little dazed at this time, immersed in the shock of gigolo and did not slow down, listen to Bedivere When asked, he gave Wang Lu a fiercely fiercely. Just as he was about to speak, he listened to Wang Lu in Primordial Spirit.

“My sword, you said you wanted to be my sword! Follow my instructions! Didn’t you forget!?” paused, “This is not a joke, you agree to it first and see how Bedivere reacts Say it again.”

“You…” Aya sighed deeply, and then said: “He…that’s right, I want to take him to Dragon City.”

Wang Lu immediately added: “By the way, there is a dog we raise.” Then he picked up the mottled mutt and walked.

Bedivere stared at Aya emerald colored eyes, closed his eyes after a long time, turned and left: “Just do what you want!”


Dragon After the selection ceremony of City Guards, the number of qualified candidates reached an unprecedented 35. According to the past practice, it should be that night to simply pack up and leave Gold Flash Town for Dragon City, but this time, Gold Flash Town’s Mayor seized the opportunity and exhausted all means to keep Bedivee and the others.

“Please stay here for one night anyway! Since this selection ceremony, Gold Flash Town is the first time that more than 30 people have been qualified. This is a great event and should be celebrated seriously. Let’s do it!”

Speaking, Mayor slammed a few mysterious gift bags into the hands of the three Priests.

At the same time, because the ceremony lasted longer than expected, and the sky was sinking at the end, the three Holy Light Priests put away their gift packages and discussed for a while, and they agreed to Mayor’s kind invitation.

That night, Gold Flash Town held a carnival ceremony. Four people from Dragon City received the most warm hospitality. And more than 30 qualified new Dragon City Guards, also carnival late into the night amid numerous blessings. After that, at the request of Bedivere, they packed their luggage and spent the night at the largest Inn in town, preparing to leave early on the 2nd day.

Although the carnival has consumed a lot of energy, none of the 30-odd people have the intention to sleep and still feel spirit inspired. Because they lived in one place, they gathered together and started chatting.

Many of these people are natives of Gold Flash Town, but most of them come from other regions. Heavenly South Haibeidi talked about it, and it was still not enough until the sky was twilight.

“Ai, I don’t know what it will be like after arriving in Dragon City. I heard that Dragon City Guards looks glamorous, but the training is very hard, and there are often practical tasks, and the elimination rate is also high.”


A youngster from the countryside has both hopes and worries for the future and can’t help but sigh.

“Hehe, don’t worry too much about that.” A youngster from Gold Flash Town smiled and comforted, “I know a lot about Dragon City Guards.”

Gold Flash Town is well informed and knows more about Dragon City Guards than people in other places.

“Dragon City Guards do often have actual combat missions, but basically every time they play, they are crushed without any suspense. There is no military force in Bretonia that can match Dragon City Guards. After all, behind Dragon City It is also the continent’s first Holy Light Religion! As long as we recruits pay attention not to do their best, there is generally no danger. As for elimination? Elimination is eliminated, in fact, there is nothing at worst. There are many people who have retired from Dragon City Guards. The places are very popular. After all, what you learned in Dragon City is genuine.”

The rural youngster is so said in surprise: “If you are eliminated, won’t you be regained your strength?”< /p>

“che, where did you hear the rumors? Take back your power and how do you take it? Is it that every time a person is eliminated, he must be beaten as a useless person before he is driven out? Just make a Soul Contract, no Leaking out Dragon City art, the ability you learn is your own ability, there’s no problem.” The well-informed youngster said with a smile, “So joining Dragon City Guards, in addition to a bit of hardship, is a big profit. ! The various Secret Art collections in Dragon City, you can’t find them anywhere else.”

“Really?” The youngster in the countryside became more curious, “Dragon City’s art is very powerful? Yes. How good is it?”

“As long as you practice step by step, you have the hope of becoming High Order Vocation. How good do you say?” Gold Flash Town youngster’s eyes flickered, “Professionals and ordinary person have been as different as heaven and earth, when you arrive at High Order Vocation, you will be treated in any place in the continent! Whether you are playing for the nobles or setting up your own adventure team, your status and status are extraordinary! For example, if you look at this Gold Flash Town, in Bretonia It is already a town that can be counted on one’s fingers, but even if Mayor, its status and status are similar to the general High Order Vocation ! Change to your small places, ten towns add up to almost one High Order Vocation. “

“Ten towns add up! ? “

“However, High Order Vocation is very difficult to promote. I don’t know how many professionals can have a High Order. In addition to requiring a high bloodline level, art should not be bad, which is actually difficult. There are countless bloodlines on the continent, each of which has its own unique profound mystery, and it must be cultivated continuously with the corresponding art to inspire stronger Magical Powers. Otherwise, it will half the results for twice the effort, Dragon City collected Bretonia overwhelming majority art, so it is amazing. Almost any bloodline can find the corresponding art and tap its potential to the limit. And now that we have passed the selection of Dragon City Guards, at least the potential is not a problem, as long as we cultivation well in the future, there is hope! “

“Just hope? “

“Nonsense, what do you think High Order Vocation is?” Among the thousands of Dragon City Guards, High Order Vocation can have 60-70 people! But that road is at least unobstructed! In other places, no matter how hard you try, you can’t get promoted to High Order. Dragon City Guards has at least that hope! “

The rural youngster thought for a while, suddenly asked: “Where are those Bretton Dragon Clan?” “

Speaking of this, the Gold Flash Town youngster looked envious: “They are the real Heaven’s Chosen Child. It is said that every qualified bloodline of the Bretton Dragon Clan, at least half of them hope to become High Order Vocation, today those blue-purple colored and purple colored bloodlines are 100 out of 100 and become High Order, and they are all first-class strong in High Order Vocation. Dragon Clan Bloodlines are too powerful. Fabi. “

paused, Gold Flash Town youngster became confused again: “However, I heard that the Dragon Clan’s bloodline selected for Dragon City Guards seems to be managed separately and isolated from the world. There were a few Dragon Clan’s bloodline in the town who joined Dragon City before, and they never saw it again…”

The rural youngster was a little scared: “No…what will happen, right? “

“che, where did you want to go? Dragon City Master is the powerful Dragon Clan’s bloodline, what can happen? It should be to form a secret team and perform some secret actions. Hmph, in short, we are not the same person, do you live alone now without seeing them? “


At the same time, the Dragon Clan’s bloodline who stayed alone are not the same as other people, they are also chatting with great interest, compared with other qualified Dragon City Guards, their sense of happiness is undoubtedly stronger, because as Dragon Clan’s bloodline, legend has it that their position in Dragon City Guards is much higher than that of others.

The son of the strong blacksmith said: “Nicole , You can hide it deep enough. Seeing you usually not showing the mountains and not revealing the water, it is actually Dragon Clan’s bloodline and advanced Dragon Clan’s bloodline, which is really amazing! “

Dragon Clan’s bloodline recruited by the Holy Light Religion this time are almost all from Gold Flash Town, and they are all familiar with each other. In fact, they are more happy to talk.

Nicole himself Distracted: “What’s so great? I don’t want to be some Dragon City Guards. I’m satisfied with the Inn who runs my house seriously. I really don’t know what kind of evil I’ve hit and ran to the application in a daze. My family can worry about me… I hate that what I said to those Death God sticks just now doesn’t work. They also said that they would accept Dragon City’s arrangements when they got on stage. Otherwise, it’s just contempt for majesty… How come their majesty is so worthless! “

Listening to Nicole’s words, everyone else couldn’t answer. He was selected as Dragon City Guards by Dragon City, and has boundless prospects since then. What a gratifying good thing, how can I get to her? Avoid it for fear?

Seeing Nicole’s depression, the others moved the topic to other places after seeing Nicole’s words: “By the way, Nicole, what are the identities of those outsiders? It seems to live in your Inn. “

The tailor’s daughter curiously pointed at Aya and Wang Lu in the corner of the room.

Nicole shrugged: “I don’t know, I only know that they are holding our family ancestors. The uploaded emblem. According to the ancestral instruction, when you see the emblem, you must treat it with the most honorable etiquette. It is probably the offspring of people who migrated from Gold Flash Town a long time ago. As for the few people who walked with her, they seem to be similar to the average Oriental Scholar Scholar, but they didn’t expect that they also have epic poetry-level bloodline-except for that man. “

Speaking of Wang Lu, the inner Qi atmosphere of the house has changed again. The appalling gigolo theory is still shocking when I think of it.

As a party to the incident, Wang Lu We are talking softly with Aya.

“Hey, don’t always keep your face straight. It’s rare that the plan is executed so smoothly. It’s not good to be happy. “

Aya coldly said: “Don’t talk to me, pervert. “

“Damn, is this your attitude towards the senior apprentice brother who bears the humiliation!” ? “

“I won’t talk to gigolo, thank you! “

“Then you use me purely as a tool for venting? “


“Hey, what else can you tell me to do in the situation just now?” If I can’t seize the opportunity to join Dragon City Guards and go with you all the way, do you want me to mix into Dragon City alone afterwards? I am a war defense, not a stealth! “

Aya said: “But your rhetoric is too ridiculous, too low!” “

Wang Lu coldly snorted: “No, will Bedivere let go?” “

“Strange to say, Bedivere will actually let you in? “Aya is a little unbelievable. “He has never been a person who will succumb to absurd remarks. He is not good at words, so he doesn’t need to say more if he says that he is out of date. This time I actually let you in…”

Wang Lu said: “The reason is very simple. He was moved by my sincerity. You see, don’t you knight’s spirit pay attention to loyalty? My gigolo is so loyal and enthusiastic to Queen Your Majesty. He was so touched that he made an exception and asked me to join. “


“If not. “Wang Lu said indifferently, “Besides, Bedivere has other plans. In his opinion, introducing our variables is more beneficial to him.” “

Aya froze for a moment: “More advantageous? “

“Of course, there is one last possibility. “


“He fell in love with me. “


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