Once the Crown Prince Joins In

468: Something happened

The eldest lady and the second lady were stunned for a moment after hearing this, but the third lady had already squeezed over to take a look. When she saw it, she exclaimed, Hey, he really looks like the fourth brother. New 𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝓼𝓱𝓾𝔁.𝓬𝓸𝓶

The eldest lady and the second lady also came over to take a look. They were both a little surprised. You looked at me and I looked at you.

Su Xinyi had never met her biological father and didn't know what his father looked like. Hearing this, he was startled for a moment and then looked at his son. Does he look like... a father?

After the fourth lady was surprised, she hurriedly took out the handkerchief and pressed it to the corner of her eyes. For fear of being seen as inappropriate, she carefully held the child in her arms, with a smile on her face that could not be blocked.

If the husband were still alive, he would definitely be very happy to see this grandson who looks like him.

The eldest lady and the others looked at the appearance of the fourth lady and thought of the fourth master who died young. For a moment, everyone felt a little indescribable.

The eldest lady cheered up, asked Xin Yi's health carefully, and asked her to take good care of herself, Don't be in a hurry to take care of things, take good care of your health first. There are endless things to do, but if you don't take good care of your body, it will A lifetime thing.”

Su Xinyi nodded hurriedly, I listen to my aunt, don't worry.

She must protect her body. His Highness said that he would grow old with her.

Moreover, she must be filial to her aunt and protect the Duke's mansion so that her family can be safe and sound throughout her life.

There were so many things she had to do, but first she had to let herself live longer.

The eldest lady looked at Xin Yi's meek appearance and immediately said, We Xin Yi are much softer now that we are mothers.

Everyone started laughing, and Su Xinyi herself felt embarrassed.

Guests soon arrived, and the East Palace suddenly became lively. Zhu Chanyi and Tu Jingjia were both pregnant. Su Xinyi originally thought that they would not come, but they still came together.

Zhu Chanyi said with a smile: Let's enjoy the happiness of the Crown Princess.

Su Xinyi hurriedly asked them to sit down. Seeing that both of them looked good, she smiled and said, There are many people today, so you should stay in the house.

Tu Jingjia said softly: It's a rare opportunity to come out for some air. Princess, let us come out.

Su Xinyi was also happy. At this moment, several ladies from the Duke's Mansion went out to help entertain the guests, and it happened that their sisters-in-law had some time to talk.

Su Xinyi looked at Tu Jingjia and said: Seventh brother and sister, I'm not worried. It's just you and I who are always worried about you. Are you okay?

Tu Jingjia's heart warmed up, and she looked at the Crown Princess and said softly: Princess, you send someone to see me every few days. Who in the house dares to neglect me now? Even the prince treats me the same as before, don't worry.

as usual?

Su Xinyi frowned slightly. Logically speaking, Jing Jia was pregnant, so King Jing should be more concerned about her than before.

But she couldn't say this, lest Jingjia worry too much, so she smiled and said, That's good. Will Concubine Yan treat you respectfully?

Tu Jingjia was silent for a moment, and Su Xinyi looked at her.

Zhu Chanyi said from the side: Against the rules, you can't make a mistake.

If you can't go wrong in terms of rules, you can't fault it in terms of human relationships.

I know it all in my heart, sister-in-law, don't worry. Tu Jingjia was afraid that the princess would be worried about her affairs during her confinement, and it would be bad if she hurt her body.

At this point, she was afraid that the princess would be worried, so she said softly, I know what she was thinking about. She was honest at first. But these days, the prince mentioned that it was too hard for me to be pregnant and I needed to find someone to help me first. To share the affairs in the palace, I will tell you directly, there are few people in the palace, the rules are all set, and the managers everywhere are used to it, so why should I worry about everything, the prince will not mention it again.

Su Xinyi nodded slightly, and Zhu Chanyi on the side said: Foxes always show their tails. When she and Sixth Brother collided so hard, I thought there must be something fishy. However, fortunately, Sixth Brother also I'm not stupid. I guess I was really worried that you were tired when I asked you before.

Tu Jingjia smiled and said nothing, just nodded.

Su Xinyi looked at it and was afraid that there might be something wrong with this couple, but since King Jing didn't mention it again, the matter passed as it was.

Thinking of this, Su Xinyi recalled what her mother had taught her before, and smiled at Tu Jingjia: I am a rough person, but I also know that husband and wife should be considerate of each other. Since my sixth brother is considerate of you, you should also take care of him. Don’t forget about him just because you’re pregnant.”

When Tu Jingjia heard what the Crown Princess said was the same as what her mother said, she thought to herself that it was no wonder the Crown Princess was so liked by His Highness, so she nodded, I listen to the Crown Princess.

Just as he said this, You Xiangzhe and Ji Yun also arrived, and the three of them stopped talking.

Su Xinyi had nothing to say to these two people. She only had a decent etiquette. After saying a few words, she asked Forsythia to invite them to sit out. She also took Zhu Chanyi and Tu Jingjia with her, so as not to be singled out and criticized. .

After everyone arrived, the Queen came in person, and everyone paid homage to the Queen. The Queen took a look at Xin Yi first, and saw that she looked good, and then went out to talk to everyone.

The Queen's attitude of arriving in person was something no one dared to ignore. Soon Concubine Ruan Ming and Concubine Qi Xian also arrived in a hurry. Concubine Li Guifei's late arrival had a somewhat reluctant look on her face.

Before the three baptisms began, His Majesty's reward also arrived. Everyone was surprised at first and then looked at Su Xinyi with a different expression. New 𝟞𝟡book →𝟞𝟡𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞

The baptism ceremony of the little grandson was very grand. The empress held the little grandson in her arms and couldn't bear to let go. The look on her face made Concubine Li grit her teeth. She believed that the queen was just pretending and wanted to gain a good reputation.

But this was not the case in the eyes of the other ladies. The Queen's eyes were full of love, and her movements in holding the little emperor's grandson were gentle and cautious. It was clear from the first glance that she really liked her.

Everyone knew that the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Queen and the Crown Princess was harmonious, but they did not expect it to be so good. As a result, everyone looked at Zhu Chanyi with a somewhat subtle look.

Zhu Chanyi:......

She offended whomever she provoked. She was not just a green kid in the cabbage field, and her life was good.

Not only was the queen nice to her, but the princess was even better to her.

After the banquet in the East Palace ended and the ladies left the palace one after another, the news about the emperor's eldest grandson Xi San was spread in the capital. Xi San was so concerned about it that he was afraid that it would be more troublesome when the full moon came.

It can be seen that His Majesty really likes the emperor's eldest grandson.

After the third bath, Su Xinyi went to confinement in peace and contentment. The four wet nurses took turns taking care of the little prince. The only thing that made her speechless was that she kept delaying the name of the child. The prince wanted to name his son, but His Majesty couldn't stand it. , he insisted on taking it himself.

Can Su Xinyi and the Crown Prince compete with His Majesty because of this?

After half a month of this, the prince and his wife finally received the imperial edict from His Majesty to name them, with the single word Heng, Yan Heng.

Su Xinyi was silent for a long time, so after waiting for so long, he just waited for a long word?

Yan Junchu liked this word and said to Xin Yi: Heng, long-lasting, eternal. My father hopes that his children can grow up safely and have perseverance in doing things in the future.

Su Xinyi smiled, did she dare to say that His Majesty's choice of place names was not good?

It's indeed a good name. Su Xinyi said, taking all the names, that's it.

The news that His Majesty named the Emperor's eldest grandson has also spread. Su Xinyi would wonder what the courtiers would think, but who dares to say that His Majesty's name is common? It must have been a swarm of adulation.

During the confinement period, Su Xinyi ate well and slept well. The prince would visit their mother and son when he came back from the next morning. He would not leave until nightfall, because the prince could not stay overnight during the confinement period and could only go to the front hall to sleep alone.

During the month of confinement, news from Su Xinyi's side kept coming, and the Duke's Mansion was also very busy. First, Su Xixian also gave birth to her first baby girl. Su Xinyi was not able to visit in the middle of the month, so she asked Grandma She to visit for her, and wash the three The ceremony was also attended by Grandma She. Several brothers in northern Jiangsu were getting engaged one after another, marrying wives one after another, making small engagements, and betrothals. They also had to paint a new house, prepare for banquets, etc. Even the fourth lady, who was hiding away from leisure, was taken over by the eldest lady. Please go out and lend a hand.

The first thing Su Xinyi did after her confinement was to attend her third brother's wedding banquet. As soon as she showed up, many more people came to congratulate her. Many people got the news and came over with gifts, just to have a good time. Opportunity to strike up a conversation with the Crown Princess.

The eldest lady was so busy that she temporarily opened a dozen extra seats. Fortunately, the family had made preparations in advance for the wedding, otherwise she might have been embarrassed.

Su Xinyi met her third sister-in-law, Mrs. Wei. The bride was sitting on the wedding bed. She was not particularly beautiful, but her bookish air added a bit of charm to her. At least the fourth lady liked her niece-in-law quite a lot.

Su Xinyi missed her child and stood up to leave after seeing the bride. Su Jingmo stopped her and said, Why are you in such a hurry? It's rare to see her.

Su Jingmo gained a little weight after giving birth. Seeing that Su Xinyi's figure after confinement was not much different from before giving birth, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Su Chaoyan and Su Lanqian were laughing on the side, so Su Xinyi had no choice but to follow Su Jingmo and others to the flower hall to talk to each other for a while, then went to say goodbye to the madam and the old man, and then returned to the East Palace.

It had only been a day since this happened, and it was the first time that she and her son had been separated for so long. When she saw the child, the little boy stared at her with a pair of dark eyes, babbling without knowing what he was talking about.

The eldest grandson of the Emperor is very well-behaved. He eats when he is hungry and sleeps when he is sleepy. When His Highness the Crown Prince came to see him, His Highness was sleeping soundly. Grandma She said with a smile.

Su Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief, sat aside and played with his son, and asked about the affairs of the East Palace.

Aunt She replied on the side, talking about the exchanges of favors in the East Palace. Su Xinyi nodded while listening. When Aunt She said that Concubine Pei fell, she raised her head and asked, I fell. Fall? When did it happen?

It's what happened today. When the Queen learned about it, she sent the imperial doctor to have a look. Although she was red, the child was saved.

Su Xinyi asked: Why did such a good person fall down?

The news from Prince Wu's Mansion is that Concubine Pei accidentally fell, but I heard that Prince Wu and Princess Wu had a quarrel later. At this point, Grandma She paused slightly and coughed lightly. Then he said: Didn't Concubine Ming ask Aunt Xu next to her to take care of things in Prince Wu's Mansion? It is said that Aunt Xu found out that Concubine Pei had applied a layer of varnish on the place where she fell.

Su Xinyi didn't know what to say. Aunt She only said that a layer of clear oil was found, but she didn't say the result. It could only mean that the person who applied the oil could not be found. Even though everyone guessed that Ji Yun did it, there was no witness or physical evidence. Who dares to convict others easily?

Looking at the silent look on the Crown Princess's face, Nanny She said slowly: Crown Princess, even if there is no evidence, Mrs. Wu Anhou is not the one who will suffer.

Aunt She was right. Su Xinyi said, Of course Concubine Ming has the final say on matters in Prince Wu's Mansion. I just think that attacking a fetus would be too damaging to one's morality.

Aunt She thought that the Crown Princess was still too kind-hearted. No matter whether she was in the harem or a noble official, there were many such things. It was just that there was no such thing in the Duke of Qi's palace. The legitimate sons and common sons in the mansion were taught the same way.

Not everyone has the kind heart of the Crown Princess. Grandma She said.

Su Xinyi sighed, What did the Queen do on Concubine Pei's side?

I was given a reward to appease you. Grandma She said, Crown Princess, what do you think?

Su Xinyi didn't like the people in the Wu'an Hou Mansion, and each one from Pei Nianwei to You Xiangzhe would cause trouble. However, there was no conflict between her and Pei Huiran, not to mention that she was the Crown Princess, and the Queen had set an example, so naturally she couldn't be rude.

Mommy, go to the warehouse to select some health-preserving medicinal materials and deliver them. After thinking about this, she paused and said, Go to the Imperial Hospital and ask a physician to follow you and test the things in front of others to avoid being tampered with.

Aunt She did not agree with sending supplements, but it was a good idea to let the imperial doctor follow, so she agreed immediately.

Aunt She opened the warehouse and took things to Prince Wu's Mansion. Su Xinyi thought about it and was afraid that Prince Wu's Mansion would be even more lively in the future. If Ji Yun keeps struggling like this, the princess will reach her end.

Grandma She left as quickly as she came back.

Concubine Pei looks not in good condition, her face is as white as paper.

Su Xinyi was coaxing the child to sleep. She patted his back gently and said in a low voice: It must have hurt your vitality after such a fall. I hope you can get through it safely. How is the situation at Prince Wu's Mansion?

Concubine Ming got angry this time and begged the Queen to change the people serving in the mansion inside and out.

Su Xinyi was surprised, Really?

Yes, even the people around Princess Wu have been changed. I heard that Princess Wu caused a scene and was sent back to the main courtyard by the people sent by Concubine Ming.

Thinking of this, Su Xinyi suddenly asked: Isn't there another pregnant concubine in Prince Wu's mansion? I remember she is about to give birth, right?

The Crown Princess has a very good memory. Yes, she was born in September, not that long ago. Concubine Zhou was also rewarded by Concubine Ming. The old slave happened to take a look when she passed by today. She has a big belly but is thin. Skinny.

Su Xinyi sneered, Then King Wu indulged Princess Wu too much. What did King Wu say about this matter?

Su Xinyi didn't quite understand what King Wu was thinking. Ji Yun was so tormented, but he could still endure it. To say that King Wu really liked Ji Yun.


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