Once the Crown Prince Joins In

423: A blessing in disguise

He didn't expect it to be the second sister-in-law. Su Xinyi looked at the eldest lady in confusion, Auntie, the second sister-in-law just got married, what can happen?

Which family's new daughter-in-law makes trouble as soon as she enters the house?

This is a bit long to say. New𝟨𝟫Book →𝟨𝟫𝗌𝗁𝗎𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆 The eldest lady sighed.

The fourth lady continued: It starts with your second aunt discovering that your second sister-in-law brought a whole box of ancient books as a dowry...

When Su Xinyi heard about a whole box of ancient books, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

She only knew in her last life that for a scholar's family, books are good things passed down from generation to generation, especially books with some profound knowledge that are hard to find.

Back then, the Pingjing County Prince's Mansion had a study room, which was filled with Shang Junyan's favorite books. Even though he didn't have time to study, there was a dedicated servant to take care of it.

Sweeping, dusting, and posting books cannot be ambiguous.

The second sister-in-law was born in the Hanlin Mansion, and the Zhao family must have some background, but the Zhao family does not only have one child, the second sister-in-law, and it is impossible to give her a whole box of ancient books as a dowry.

...At that time, your second aunt felt that something was wrong. After discussing it with us, she decided to ask your second sister-in-law what was going on. It just so happened that I also came from a scholarly family, so she asked me to handle this matter.

After listening to her mother's words, Su Xinyi nodded slightly, without interrupting her mother, and listened to her continue.

The next day was to serve tea and pay homage to the elders. After lunch, I found an excuse to go to your second brother's yard to meet your second sister-in-law. I'm not very familiar with her, and I can't quite figure out her temperament. No. It’s better to ask directly, so I can only test it in a roundabout way, but you didn’t know that your second sister-in-law just heard me say something, but she said it very simply.

Su Xinyi was surprised to hear this, Second sister-in-law told you directly?

Yeah, seeing how soft and gentle your second sister-in-law is, I didn't expect you to be so straightforward in doing things. Only when she said this did we know that your second sister-in-law's father was in some trouble in the Hanlin Academy. Involved in an old case.

Su Xinyi's heart trembled, An old case? What case?

The fourth lady raised her head and glanced at her daughter, Do you know about the murder case?

Su Xinyi really knew, not in this life, but in her previous life she had heard Grandma She mention it.

The murder case refers to the fact that the late emperor became more suspicious as he was in power. The late emperor was very distrustful of both his courtiers and his sons, and often thought they had evil intentions.

Therefore, in the past few years, the late emperor had massacred court officials, especially important officials in the court, and more than a dozen princes and uncles had been arrested. Such cases that occurred in those two years were later called murder cases.

The old man of the Su family was in his prime at that time. In order to avoid the dangerous dangers in the court, he did not hesitate to lead troops to fight outside. He was seriously injured and returned to Beijing to recuperate. It was probably the injury that touched the compassionate heart of the late emperor. Although the Su family had some twists and turns, it was still preserved. Come down. New 𝟞𝟡book →𝟞𝟡𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞

From then on, the Su family began to live a low-key life.

Su Xinyi later thought about it, and the reason why his eldest uncle's current temperament was also related to those years, because at that time, his eldest uncle was not very old, but he caught up with the late emperor who killed courtiers indiscriminately, so he developed the habit of being extremely cautious in his actions. temperament.

I would rather take three steps back than take the initiative to take one step forward.

My daughter knows a thing or two, but how could Zhao Hanlin get involved in this matter? He shouldn't be involved at his age. Su Xinyi asked strangely.

It's not that he was involved in the case of that year, but the Hanlin Academy sometimes does some copying of files. You know this, right?

Su Xinyi nodded, the Hanlin Academy also compiles history, so it is not strange to do these things.

The file on the case of Marquis Feng'an was copied by Mr. Zhao, but there was a mistake in the copying, and someone got it wrong. The eldest lady looked at Su Xinyi and said.

Su Xinyi frowned, What kind of mistake is so serious?

The eldest lady glanced at Xin Yi, Our family is not scholarly, so we don't understand the power here, but your mother knows that copying files and compiling history is a big deal. If you make a mistake and someone catches it, it is not a small crime. , if I put a deliberate move on you, I wouldn’t be able to explain it even if I had the words to say it.”

History books are strict, and no word can be wrong. It is indeed very strict. The fourth lady nodded.

Doesn't it still need to be proofread? Su Xinyi said suspiciously. It's not just copying it, there is proofreading later.

Isn't this a coincidence? The person who was proofreading happened to be unwell that day and took leave early to go home early. Mr. Zhao also helped with his errands. Isn't it easy to be careless when proofreading the things you copy by yourself?

Su Xinyi:......

This is also something that cannot be said.

Extremely awesome.

This kind of opportunity is also rare.

Now that someone has caught this, who wants to threaten Mr. Zhao? Su Xinyi immediately grasped the point. If it were an ordinary person, Mr. Zhao would be able to deal with it. After all, they are all colleagues. Unless it is a matter of life and death, it will not matter. There will be people who really hold on to it.

Shilang Ji.

Su Xinyi frowned, Shilang Ji?

Ji Yun's father?

Su Xinyi's heart sank, and she immediately thought of King Yi behind Ji Shilang. She calmed down, looked at her aunt and asked, When did this happen?

Half a year ago, when your second sister-in-law was about to get married, she was caught by Mr. Ji, the eldest lady said.

half year ago?

Six months ago, after her second brother and second sister-in-law met, the two families had already agreed on a marriage contract.

It was a mistake half a year ago, but when the second sister-in-law was getting married, Shi Lang came to the door. Su Xinyi knew why the eldest aunt came over.

Auntie, do you suspect that the Zhao family is being plotted against our family?

The eldest lady sighed, Your uncle and the others have discussed this matter several times, but they all thought it was too strange. The timing cannot be such a coincidence, unless someone has a deliberate plan. Behind Ji Shilang is King Yi, and now His Royal Highness and your eldest brother are both in the granary. One case, so everyone thought it was because of King Yi, and the Zhao family was dragged down by us.

Su Xinyi was silent.

Seeing that her daughter's expression was not very good, the Fourth Madam hurriedly spoke to comfort her: Don't worry, I'm telling you that it's not good if I don't want to know about this matter. Now that you know it, you have an idea, and the family will find a solution. .”

What can you think of? Su Xinyi looked at her mother, Mom, since King Yi has decided to take action, I'm sure that the Hanlin Academy has already made preparations. As long as the Zhao family doesn't comply, the Hanlin Academy will definitely be beneficial. The king’s people immediately broke the news and dragged Mr. Zhao into the water.”

The eldest lady glanced at the fourth lady and said, Look, I guessed it right? I knew Xin Yi would definitely think so.

Xin Yi is a child who always thinks too much about others. She will definitely think about Zhao Hanlin's fate first.

The Fourth Madam smiled helplessly, Sister-in-law, please stop teasing me and think of a way first.

So when the second sister-in-law got married, Zhao Hanlin asked the second sister-in-law to bring all the books collected by the Zhao family. This was because he was prepared to fight them to the end. Su Xinyi said with a slight sigh.

That's what we also guessed. The eldest lady nodded, Zhao Hanlin is a scholar, but he is full of blood, which is rare.

What's the family's plan? What do they want to do about this matter? What did grandfather say? Su Xinyi asked.

The fourth lady said: Your grandfather said that our family cannot just ignore this matter. In the final analysis, King Yi is still targeting the Su family, and the Zhao family has been implicated. I am afraid your second sister-in-law also had such a suspicion in her heart, but she still married her. , it can be seen that the Zhao family does not resent our family for this matter, so we cannot just let it go.

Threatening people by getting stuck at a critical point is killing people.

Minister Ji, Su Xinyi really remembered him this time.

It's surprising that the Zhao family actually made such a decision, with a scholarly character, which is really admirable and impressive sometimes.

It has to be managed, not only managed, but managed well. Ever since Su Xinyi guessed that Huaining's hometown was a constraint for King Yi, King Yi had to deal with the Su family no matter what, so even if they retreated, Yi Wang will definitely not stop, but will intensify his efforts. Especially now that the Zhao family is implicated, it has confirmed Su Xinyi's guess, Does the family have any plans?

Your grandfather wants to ask you first. The eldest lady said in a deep voice, Now that you have become the crown princess, our family cannot do things as before. The main reason is to see whether it will affect you.

Su Xinyi looked at the eldest lady and smiled, Auntie, I thank my family for thinking about me, but when something happens, my family doesn't really have to think about me.

In this case, the family members will be wronged to some extent.

What you said, we are a family, and you are the Crown Princess now, so naturally you are the most important. Hello, only the family can be well, and only the children and grandchildren of the Su family can be well. It's not that the family favors you, but that you are in In this position, your brothers and sisters are all blessed by you, so they should naturally contribute to you.

Su Xinyi hesitated and wanted to say something else, but the eldest lady said again: You must have an idea. I know that you have always been decisive in doing things, and your ideas are different from those of us old bones. Please tell us. , as long as it works, we will do it.”

King Yi pressed forward step by step. If they followed the way they had done before, they would naturally avoid his sharp edge.

But, obviously it doesn't work anymore.

When it comes to using offense as defense, apart from the third master, the most courageous person in their family is Xin Yi.

Su Xinyi listened to the eldest lady's words and did not refuse this time. Instead, she thought about it seriously and said after thinking about it: Auntie, have you ever thought about one thing? King Yi has done so many things in the capital. Does Your Majesty know this?

The eldest lady shook her head, Who dares to guess His Majesty's thoughts, and we can't guess it either. If you want to ask me this, I really don't know. What do you mean by asking?

The fourth lady's face paled slightly, Xinyi, do you want to go directly to Datian to listen?

Su Xinyi nodded slightly, Yes, mother, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not in the capital now. What can I, a pregnant woman, do even if I have some martial arts skills? In the eyes of others, I am just a person with brute force and no brains. Your Highness, when encountering such a thing Without me, I can only complain to my elders.”


Fourth Lady:…

This is true, but if this elder is His Majesty, most people would not dare to think about it.

Your Majesty is indeed Xin Yi's elder, but that is your Majesty.

Everyone regards His Majesty as a monarch, but who dares to treat Him as an elder?

Not to mention Xin Yi, even His Majesty's sons, those princes, except for King Rong, who is more courageous and often likes to get into trouble, the other princes don't dare to do this.

Xin Yi, think about it again, is this feasible? If you offend His Majesty and His Majesty is away, who will intercede for you? The fourth lady felt that this was not possible and immediately dissuaded her daughter.

There was even the slightest risk, and she didn't want her daughter to be in danger.

The eldest lady also hesitated. Even if Xin Yi married His Highness the Crown Prince, their family did not dare to think of His Majesty as their in-laws. Xin Yi was so bold that he treated His Majesty as his father-in-law?

How reckless.

Xin Yi, your mother is right, think about this matter again. If you go directly to His Majesty to explain this matter, what if it makes His Majesty angry? Not only you, but also Mr. Zhao, we can't continue He was harmed.”

The eldest lady sighed after saying this, Your second aunt is not here today, but she and your second uncle went to the Zhao family to discuss the matter. We are really short of breath when facing the Zhao family.

Mom, eldest aunt, have you ever thought about why His Majesty asked King Yi to stay in Beijing for the New Year before leaving? There is also the matter of the granary. Before His Highness went south, he had already leaked some words in front of His Majesty, and suspected that it had something to do with King Yi. .”

Su Xinyi thought about it and spoke slowly, I think your majesty will definitely let people pay attention to King Yi secretly. Maybe your majesty already knows about the Zhao family's affairs.

The eldest lady was stunned, and the fourth lady was also a little surprised. The two of them looked at each other, but for a moment they didn't know what to say.

Xin Yi, are you sure?

Auntie, how can we be sure of this kind of thing? Su Xinyi replied, Don't forget about the family. The Li family also wants Li Ji to return to Beijing. I'm thinking that the Li family will definitely not be able to do this by themselves. I will definitely find a helper. Who could this helper be? No one in the capital would do this easily, so I suspect that the person who conspired with the Li family should also be King Yi. You still don’t know that Concubine Li deliberately provoked the Queen, but the Queen The queen was beaten.

The two of them changed color instantly.

Is Concubine Li crazy? The eldest lady was shocked. Concubine Li always acted steadily, how could she do such a thing?

Since Li Ji's accident, without him to provide advice and money for Concubine Li and her son, their situation has become increasingly difficult in the past two years. Concubine Li saw that the relationship between King Rong and the East Palace was getting closer and closer, and she saw that the Queen Standing on the boat in the East Palace, how could Concubine Li let things go on like this? She will definitely find a way. If Li Ji can come back, this will be the greatest support for Concubine Li.

The eldest lady stood up immediately and said, You are right, Concubine Li took action so quickly. We cannot just sit idly by.

Then let's do it like this. Su Xinyi immediately made up his mind, It just so happens that the Queen has already confronted Concubine Li in front of Your Majesty. At this time, I will go to explain the affairs of the Zhao family and ask Your Majesty to make the decision. Your Majesty will definitely think of this behind the scenes. You don’t need us to ask, His Majesty will definitely ask people to investigate. In this way, as long as there are clues, King Yi will be dragged out of the water sooner or later.

Su Xinyi was not sure whether His Majesty would investigate, but she could not watch Concubine Li trick His Majesty into letting Li Ji return to the capital, so the Zhao family's affairs at this time were a blessing in disguise for her.


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