Once the Crown Prince Joins In

348: Someone supports me

The adjustment of the caravan has been discussed a long time ago, and there is also a new decree from His Majesty.

After the last war with the Tatars started again, the new map added by the caravan did play a big role. This map was able to drive the Tatars back to the depths of the desert. This map played a big role.

His Majesty now attaches great importance to the role of the caravan, and it is expected that he wants to adjust the caravan.

Su Xinyi nodded and opened the letter in his hand. It was thick and had more than ten pages. Is it so thick?

Not to mention Su Xinyi was surprised, Yan Junchu was also a little surprised, and asked with an inexplicable expression: Mu Xing writes so much every time?

Su Xinyi didn't notice His Highness's subtle tone. She lowered her head to open the letter. She shook her head slightly and said, No, this is the first time. There is a new map this time.

Su Xinyi took out the map that Mu Xing had put in the letter and handed it to His Highness. Then he quickly went to the study to take the previous map and spread it on the table.

Yan Junchu understood what Xin Yi was going to do, so he unfolded the map in his hand, compared the original map with Xin Yi, and found that the blank space on the table could now be filled with a few more strokes.

Su Xinyi drew slowly with a pen, and said as he drew: The caravan has gone further this time, passing through Tatar and Oara. Has it reached Tubo?

Yan Junchu also frowned slightly, This detour is a bit far. Tubo is adjacent to Duogan, and from Duogan you can reach the southwestern lands of Southern Qi.

Su Xinyi nodded slightly while comparing the map, How come it's such a long detour? It's normal for caravans to avoid fighting, but it's not normal to go so far.

The two looked at each other and knew that something must have happened to the caravan.

Su Xinyi hurriedly took out Mu Xing's letter and handed it to His Highness. Yan Junchu sat down and read it with Xin Yi. Both of them looked a little bad at the end.

Mu Xing's letter said that before they crossed from Tatar to Wala, Tatar cavalry chased them. Fortunately, they arrived in Wala overnight, but within a few days of staying in Wala, the Wala nobles also started to attack them, and everyone felt that something was not right. Satisfied, they immediately sold the goods, and then immediately fled from Oara to Tubo, and then rushed from Tubo to Duogan. The people who were chasing them followed them all the way, and they knew that they had entered the territory of Southern Qi overnight, so they were able to get rid of them.

Su Xinyi asked: Did the news leak out?

Yan Junchu looked very solemn, I have to go to the palace to tell my father about this matter. The matter of the caravan has only been made public not long ago, and not much is known about the caravan heading outside the Great Wall. If the news is leaked, it can only be an internal leak. .”

Su Xinyi's expression also became serious, Although Mu Xing didn't say much in the letter, it can be seen that escaping along the way is not easy, and there are casualties.

Yan Junchu looked at Xin Yi and said: I will go to the palace immediately to ask for an audience with my father. They and their group still need someone from the capital to pick them up. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫ⓢⓗⓤⓧ.ⓒⓞⓜ

Su Xinyi instantly understood that if someone really leaked the news, then if they entered the territory of Southern Qi, although they would be hunted by foreigners, the territory of Southern Qi might not be safe.

Su Xinyi immediately became worried.

Yan Junchu immediately changed his clothes and went to the palace to see the driver. Su Xinyi was waiting for news in the East Palace. After a while, Delphinium came in to reply and asked her to come over from Yuanhui Palace.

Su Xinyi cheered up and went to see the queen. The queen was angry about the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet. When she arrived, she could still hear the queen's angry scolding. Soon she saw several stewards from the Six Shang Bureau coming out with their heads lowered. She bowed.

Su Xinyi nodded slightly and watched them go out with their heads down. These stewards were all senior stewards of the Six Shang Bureau. It was extremely rare to see them like this today.

When she entered the main hall, the queen's expression was still a little ugly, so she stepped forward to greet her.

The queen looked at Su Xinyi coming in, waved her hand for her to sit down, and then said: You have been keeping a closer eye on the affairs of the Six Shang Bureau these days, and you actually did something that was inferior to the good and deceived the superiors and the inferiors. This matter would not have been discovered if I hadn’t audited the accounts.”

Su Xinyi was stunned. She didn't expect the matter to be so serious. She didn't care about the accounts of Liu Shang Bureau. She only went to Liu Shang Bureau to do the errands ordered by the queen. She didn't know that there were problems with the accounts and that they were shoddy. It's also very big. Things that can be sent to the palace for the harem and the east palace are tributes from various places. If there is a problem now, it is definitely not a person's problem.

However, such a big matter was beyond Su Xinyi's reach. He could only listen to the queen angrily scold Liu Shangju for a few words, and then feel relieved.

The queen looked at Su Xinyi and said: The Sixth Shang Bureau has always been in charge of every matter in the inner palace. You will gradually take over this aspect in the future. You can also learn from Aunt Zhao about this matter.

Su Xinyi:......

I didn't expect that.

The queen looked at Su Xinyi's expression and said seriously: You have such a powerful name, you should be useful, so go ahead.

Feelings need to be used with her sword!

Su Xinyi looked at the queen dumbfounded, Mother, if you really let me take care of this matter, if anything is found out, if my temper can't suppress it, I will make some noise...

I'll take care of it for you! the queen slapped the table and said, I think the Six Shang Bureau is self-conscious about their seniority. If they want to put on airs in front of me, it depends on whether I will give them the face. Just go ahead. , no matter what happens, I will take care of it for you.

Su Xinyi thought that this could be regarded as being domineering according to the queen's wishes.

She did not agree immediately, but looked at the queen and asked: Mother, my daughter-in-law doesn't know the specific matter yet, why don't you ask Aunt Zhao to talk to me first?

The queen glared at Su Xinyi, Don't think that I don't know what your plans are. Isn't it just that I'm afraid of embarrassing the prince?

Su Xinyi nodded shamelessly, My daughter-in-law is shallow-minded, but my mother is really wise.

The queen laughed angrily, but still explained it carefully to Su Xinyi, The Six Shang Bureau has been suffering for a long time. Some things and rules have been adhered to successfully. They have figured out my temperament. They have already found ways to fool me, but you are different. There are no rules in doing things, and you can show them how awesome you are. Besides, you are going there on my orders, and no matter what happens, just blame it on me.

At this point, Su Xinyi felt embarrassed to refuse, and said: My wife, please ask Aunt Zhao carefully first.

The queen waved her hand, Go.

Su Xinyi went to find Aunt Zhao. Apparently, Aunt Zhao had been prepared under the Queen's orders and took out a stack of account books waiting for her.

Su Xinyi flipped through the account books and didn't see anything wrong for a moment, so she looked at Aunt Zhao and asked, Auntie, what went wrong?

Aunt Zhao turned the account book to the back. Su Xinyi was stunned when she saw that it said eggs were worth one tael of silver each. Eggs cost a few cents each, and they cost one tael of silver in the palace?

She looked further down and saw that not only the eggs, but also the prices of other rice, flour, grains and oils were dozens of times higher than those outside the palace, and her face darkened.

Aunt Zhao looked at the expression on the Crown Princess's face and said slowly from the side: The Six Shang Bureau secretly makes some money. This is the custom, and the palace will give a certain amount of leeway. Last year, the price of an egg was still five One hundred coins, this year they dared to ask for one tael of silver, which doubled. Although prices have indeed risen a lot due to the war, this is too much. The Queen has to check the accounts twice a year, this time It was the first time I checked the accounts this year, and I was so angry that I almost fainted.

Su Xinyi didn't understand very well. Looking at Aunt Zhao, I asked, Since we know that the Six Shang Bureau is not clean, why don't we change all the people?

If the manager isn't good enough, just replace him with someone else. It's not that difficult.

Aunt Zhao sighed softly, The Crown Princess doesn't know something. The Six Shang Bureau tree has deep roots and has Taizu's decree. Moreover, if this batch is replaced, the next one will be chosen sooner or later.

Su Xinyi slowly understood what Nanny Zhao said. The harem and the Liushang Bureau were originally interfering with each other. When Taizu founded the country, because the harem cost a lot, the Liushang Bureau was established to manage the expenses of the harem.

When it was newly built, it was indeed very upright and upright. However, through the dynasties, the Six Shang Bureau has already changed its original intention. Now it is even more expensive to skin the royal family than the harem itself.

It hadn't been this much before, but this year's accounts made the Queen a little overwhelmed.

Su Xinyi looked at the Liu Shang Bureau's annual expenditure of several million taels of silver. There were only a few people in the harem, and they could see delicacies from all over the world being eaten all the time, and they could see the silks and satins of the world being changed and wear them every day. You can't spend so much money on having a banquet and enjoying yourself.

Where did the money go?

Su Xinyi thought that it was definitely not her idea for the Queen to take action against the Six Shang Bureau at this time. Given the Queen's temperament, it was definitely not her idea, so it was His Majesty?

So, His Majesty asked her to take action?

Su Xinyi was silent.

She didn't promise anything immediately. She just looked at Aunt Zhao and said, Mom, I'll go back and think about countermeasures first.

Aunt Zhao nodded with a smile, Don't worry, Crown Princess, this matter won't be done in a short while, please take your time and think about it.

Su Xinyi:......

She felt that His Majesty was a bit unkind, but she did not dare to speak in front of His Majesty.


Su Xinyi returned to the East Palace and before His Highness the Crown Prince came back, she called Aunt She over and asked her about the affairs of the Six Shang Bureau in detail.

Aunt She did know some things about the Six Shang Bureau, but when she heard the Crown Princess say that an egg cost one tael of silver, she was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

Princess, there are hundreds of people in the Liu Shang Bureau, and the expenses are high, so the inner palace turned a blind eye to the actions of the Liu Shang Bureau. After all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. If you want others to be loyal and capable, you have to be honest. These benefits are all things that stick to the rules. However, the old slave never knew that he could get one tael of silver for an egg. This is a bit too cruel.

Su Xinyi's fingertips lightly hit the table, Mommy, the Six Shang Bureau only changed prices this year. The reason is because of the war.

Isn't this a joke? There was a war a few years ago, but why didn't I see them charging one tael of silver per egg? Aunt Zhao sneered, There must be some unknown reason here.

Su Xinyi thought so too, but since everything had come out, she had to investigate. She looked at Aunt Zhao and asked, Among the stewards of the Six Shang Bureau, who do you think is the best place to start the investigation?

Mr. Wu, the steward of the Shangshi Bureau, has Shi Qing, the food secretary. If this person has not been replaced, you can start with him. He is in charge of the purchase of the harem dining room and handles a lot of money. It is easy to check. , and besides, there is a sky-high price of one tael of silver per egg, so it’s appropriate to start with him.”

Su Xinyi thought it made sense, What mama said makes sense, mama called Manager Zhang.

Aunt She nodded and went out, and soon Zhang Jian came to ask for an audience.

Mr. Zhang, go check it out. Si Shan Shi Qing, make sure you check everything inside and out.

After hearing what the Crown Princess said, Zhang Jian was stunned for a moment and asked cautiously: Princess, may I ask why?

Su Xinyi smiled, After all, this person quoted a price of one tael of silver for an egg, but you can't check it carefully.

Zhang Jian was stunned and his voice was a little shaky, One egg is one tael of silver?

Su Xinyi nodded.

Zhang Jian understood something instantly and looked at the Crown Princess with a complicated expression, Princess, this kind of matter is considered to be a harem matter, why are you here to investigate?

Could it be that he was used as a weapon by the Queen?

As the general manager of the East Palace, Zhang Jian felt that he had the obligation to remind the princess not to be fooled.

Su Xinyi heard the reminder and deep meaning in Zhang Jian's words, looked at him and said: I am just investigating the case at the request of the Queen, and the Queen will be responsible for everything.

Zhang Jian breathed a sigh of relief, that's okay, that's okay.

My subordinates will investigate immediately. However, this kind of thing may not be able to be investigated clearly. Zhang Jian said thoughtfully.

Su Xinyi looked at the other party in confusion, What do you mean?

The Crown Princess does not know that all the meals used in the harem are not purchased randomly from outside the palace, but are specially hired to build a livestock department to raise them. The price of an egg includes a lot of things.

For example, the cost of building a site, the cost of hiring people to raise chickens, ducks, pigs, sheep and other livestock, as well as the annual cost of raising livestock for those who die due to illness, burial costs, etc. The categories are very detailed and most of the costs are.

Su Xinyi:......

So troublesome?

She never knew that there were so many ways to go about what she put into her mouth every day.

Zhang Jian looked at the astonished look on the Crown Princess's face, and then said after thinking: The purpose of building a separate livestock department to raise poultry was to ensure the safety of the poultry. It was just passed down from generation to generation, so it is inevitable...

Su Xinyi understands.

What Mr. Zhang said makes sense, but that's not the reason why they deceived the royal family. They still need to investigate. Su Xinyi remembered that they had no money to fight the war, but they ended up fattening up the Six Shang Bureau.

If I had known they were so fat, I should have gone down and bled them with a knife when they were short of military funds.

Zhang Jian knew that the Crown Princess was determined, so he immediately said: I will investigate immediately, but the Queen has left this matter to you. I am afraid she also knows that the matter is not easy to handle, and it will really make a big fuss by then. I want to It’s not easy to suppress it.”

This is a tactful way to tell the princess that if she really wants to cause trouble in the court, she will not be kind.

The Liu Shang Bureau is so bold that it must be backed by someone in the court.

Cutting off someone's money is like killing one's parents.


Today’s update is for you, my little cuties.


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