Once the Crown Prince Joins In

277: If you are ruthless, I will be unrighteous.

On this day, Su Xinyi failed to wait until the prince returned to Deyang Palace and asked Zhang Jian to come back and send her a message, telling her not to worry and to rest early. New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖Google Search Reading

Su Xinyi knew that the prince must be very busy because of the sudden siege of the city by the Tatars. Naturally, she could not distract his highness at this time.

Su Xinyi suppressed the irritability in her heart and went to the study to read the notes left by her father for a while. After she calmed down, she returned to the bedroom.

The more times like this, the less you need to be anxious, you need to stabilize yourself, have a good rest, and be ready to respond to emergencies at any time.


In the early morning of the next day, as the door of Zichen Palace opened wide, the civil and military ministers in court uniforms walked into the hall in two groups.

Wen and Wu stood on one side and looked at each other. A tense atmosphere continued to circulate in the hall.


Upon hearing this, all the ministers fell to the ground to pay homage to the emperor and shouted long live the emperor.


The ministers stood up one after another, and everyone's eyes looked around calmly. Many people's eyes fell on the prince who was listening to the government, and then turned away, thinking about His Majesty's expression at this time.

After the announcement, there was a brief silence in the palace. The civil servants seemed to be waiting for the generals to speak first, but today was also strange. A group of generals were as silent as clam shells.

When there is something going on, we will start, and when there is nothing going on, we will retreat.

The sound of the announcement sounded again, and Lu Mengliang, Secretary of the Ministry of War, came out, his voice slightly deepened, Your Majesty, I have received an urgent report from the border. Tatar troops are approaching Zhangping Mansion. They claim to have 200,000 coalition troops. Zhangping Mansion is in danger. Your Majesty, please send troops to support us.

As soon as Lu Mengliang's voice fell, the right commander Yao Gongda immediately sneered, and the generals on the right squad also glared.

Who was clamoring not long ago that Zhangping Mansion was very stable and there was no need for the court to send troops and waste money and food.

The atmosphere in the court hall was frozen for a while.

The prince lowered his eyes and said nothing.

His Majesty sat on the dragon throne without saying a word, and the courtiers were inevitably a little uneasy. What did your Majesty mean?

Where is the prince?

Why didn't the prince speak?

Both His Majesty and the Crown Prince should pay great attention to such a major event.

The civil servants and generals quarreled for a while, and then they gradually became quiet after realizing something was wrong.

When the civil servant opened his mouth, he was right, and he was wrong. With just a touch of his lips, the court orders came to him at his fingertips. There were countless famous quotes and allusions. The military commander was stupid, and within a few rounds, the civil servant was so angry that he wanted to jump.

But today, something was wrong with this group of generals. They were determined not to talk to the civil servants, and they would never give them the opportunity to step on their faces and feel proud.

In short, they don't care whether they ask or don't understand the affairs of the Tatar Chen Bing Zhangping Mansion, they all rely on His Majesty's will.

As for the civil servants’ deliberate provocation?

Oh, I didn’t see it. New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

If they say anything wrong again, they may be accused of dishonesty, evil intentions, and deceiving the emperor. They are afraid that they will really roll up their sleeves and fight against these villains!

On the dragon chair, His Majesty's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the prince who still had his eyes lowered. He tapped his finger on the dragon chair, his face was dark and dark, and the storm was about to come.

My dear friends, do you have any plan to defeat the enemy?

The emperor finally spoke, but the question was obviously the same as usual, but it made people's hair stand on end for no reason. Even the censor, who was always at the forefront of impeaching court officials, shrank his neck at this time.

No one is talking? Wasn't there a lot of noise before? I always accept your beloved friends' opinions. Today I am waiting for your beloved ladies' plans to retreat from the enemy. Why don't you talk about it at this time?


say what?

Let’s talk about how to stop sending troops to help Zhangping Mansion? But what if the Tatars really captured the city?

When the time comes, who will bear His Majesty’s wrath?

Once Zhangping Mansion is breached, the enemy will be able to march straight in. This is not a good thing. The great rivers and mountains of the Central Plains will face the enemy's cavalry trampling on them.

Everyone's eyes fell on Prime Minister Wang. The courtiers had a huge quarrel last time, but Prime Minister Wang never expressed his position. Now he has become a life-saving straw for the courtiers.

Prime Minister Wang seemed to have noticed the sparkling glances of his colleagues. He sighed inwardly, raised his head and walked out of the queue, Your Majesty, I have something to report.

Yes. The emperor glanced at Prime Minister Wang and then said.

Your Majesty, the importance of the Zhangping Mansion cannot be ignored. Now that the Tatars claim to have 200,000 coalition troops stationed outside the pass, I think they should immediately send reinforcements...

Prime Minister Wang obviously came well-prepared. He spoke eloquently and cited numerous circumstantial evidences. He neither mentioned the righteous refusal of his colleagues to send troops to Zhangping Mansion, nor did he ridicule the military attaché for his dedication to meritorious service. Instead, he spoke impartially and acted upright. The generals looked at him with pleasure at this moment.

Duke Zheng's mouth twitched, Old and cunning Wang Yanxiu!

He knew that he would be the one to finish it off in the end.

Now that Prime Minister Wang has spoken, Zheng Guogong must not continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb, so he immediately stepped out and said: Your Majesty, if there are reinforcements, who will command the three armies? Although I am willing to share your worries for Your Majesty, the old illness has recurred, and it may be difficult to expedition. I don’t cherish my life, lest I delay His Majesty’s grand plan.”

As soon as Zheng Guogong said this, there was a lot of discussion in the court, especially the civil servants who still thought that it would be Zheng Guogong who would be in command this time. After all, it was him last time, and it is probably him this time.

But now Zheng Guogong declined, which suddenly disrupted everyone's thinking. If Zheng Guogong can't lead the army, who can lead the three armies?

Yao Gongda? Chen Gong?

Xiong Bingyuan? Zhao Xin?

Or Xu Yanshou, Guo Meng?

The prestige of these people is not comparable to Zheng Guogong. I am afraid that if they cannot be suppressed, civil strife may occur. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞

At this time, the civil servants were dumbfounded. They did not want the military generals to perform meritorious service again and again, so they opposed the reinforcement of Zhangping Mansion. But now that Zheng Guogong could not go on an expedition, there was no suitable candidate to be the commander of the three armies.

I felt uneasy and a little panicked.

There was another dispute in the court over the issue of the commander. Not only were the civil servants divided into fellow countrymen, classmates, and fellow sects, but there were also differences among the military attache factions.

The early court failed to produce a result, and the emperor angrily withdrew from the court.

Yan Junchu didn't speak to anyone and took the people back to the East Palace directly.

'Huang Zhongsheng, Xu Mengshu and others had been waiting for a long time. They saw the prince returning to the East Palace and immediately greeted him.

Your Highness.

Your Highness.

Yan Junchu waved his hand to stop everyone from talking, You all go back first and wait for Gu's summons.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then walked back to the temple and strode away.

Xu Mengshu frowned and looked at Huang Zhongsheng, Master Huang, what's going on, Your Highness? How can such a big event wait?

Huang Zhongsheng shook his head slightly, I'm afraid that today's court meeting will not go well, and His Highness is worried.

The two looked at each other, worried.

Yan Junchu did not go to the Mingguang Hall, but went directly to the Deyang Hall. He did not let anyone in the palace know, so he suppressed his anger and walked in. Through the window, he saw Su Xinyi writing at the desk, not knowing what he was writing.

As soon as Yan Junchu stood there, he saw Su Xinyi turned his head, and their eyes met.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Junchu saw Su Xinyi striding over, standing in front of the window and smiling at him, Your Highness.

The anger in Yan Junchu's heart dissipated a little, and he said to Su Xinyi: Today, the civil servant will take charge of the battle.

Su Xinyi was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on her face became a little ugly. She somewhat understood where the prince's anger lay.

Previously, civil servants used various reasons to prevent sending troops to Zhangping Mansion, but at that time there were only rumors that the Tatar troops were sent and the news was not confirmed, but now they changed their attitude once it was confirmed.

The character of the literati is a joke to them.

These people have been studying for many years and are determined to serve the country. Unfortunately, few of them can remember their original aspirations after becoming officials.

I'm afraid your Highness has expected it. If so, why bother to be angry? It's not worth it if you get angry and hurt your body. Su Xinyi took the initiative to hold Yan Junchu's hand this time. Since the civil servants are in charge of the battle, has the commander-in-chief of the three armies been decided?

Yan Junchu shook his head, Zheng Guogong's old illness has relapsed and he is unable to go on an expedition.

Su Xinyi was startled. This is really not good news. However, His Highness has always had the intention to lead troops on an expedition. Now that Zheng Guogong is unable to lead troops, and other military attachés are still lacking in the position of commander-in-chief, His Highness is more likely to go on an expedition.

Her heart was pounding, and she couldn't help but hold His Highness's hand tightly.

Yan Junchu looked at her expression and suddenly smiled, Are you worried about me?

Su Xinyi lost all reserve and shyness this time. She grabbed the prince's hand and refused to let go, saying bluntly: Of course I'm worried. Your Highness is not only the crown prince of a country, with great responsibilities, but also my husband. How can you not be worried?

Yan Junchu was stunned. This was the first time Su Xinyi said such straightforward and bold words. She has always been a person who doesn't speak emotionally...

Yan Junchu really smiled this time, You admire me so much, so lonely and happy.

Su Xinyi:......

She wanted to cover her face, but she didn't do so, and she didn't flinch when she looked at the prince, Your Highness, are you prepared?

Yan Junchu nodded, You know I have this intention for a long time, so I am naturally prepared.

Su Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief, That's good.

She also wanted to go on an expedition with His Majesty, but His Majesty was having a difficult time.

The matter is hopeless yet, and she doesn't want to tell His Highness Tutu Zeng's annoyance.

Thinking of this, she suddenly turned around and took a booklet from the table. She felt that it was strange to hand it to the prince from the window, so she simply went out and stood in front of the prince, handing the booklet over with both hands, Your Highness, this booklet is It contains the maps I compiled for part of the Tatars, as well as the battle examples of several battles. In addition, I also made new maps of the places where the previous caravans passed. Your Highness can compare them with the maps in the army. Make a conclusion.”

Yan Junchu was startled. He looked down at the book handed over by Su Xinyi. It was a finger thick and the cover was very new. It seemed that it had been made recently.

He didn't take the book, but hugged him and the book into his arms.

Ayuan, I will never repay you for your kindness to me.

Ever since Su Xinyi married Yan Junchu, he always loved to hold her hand, tease her, and hug her. She used to feel embarrassed and shy and had never hugged him seriously. This time she stretched out her hands to wrap around Yan Junchu's waist. .

If she couldn't accompany him this time, the separation would be long. At this moment, she suddenly realized that in just a short period of time, His Highness's weight in her heart had become heavier.

Yan Junchu felt Su Xinyi's response, and the smile between his eyebrows became thicker. He smiled and said, Can't you bear to leave me?

He just wanted to tease her.

Reluctant to part with it.

In the past, she always avoided such answers, with a blushing face and shyness, but this time she gave such a decisive answer, which surprised Yan Junchu.

Always remember, there will be reverberations.

As long as you persist, there will always be rewards.

Yan Junchu was in a good mood and had lunch with Su Xinyi before returning to Chongming Hall. Huang Zhongsheng and others were already there, and they immediately surrounded His Highness when they saw him.

The three armies cannot be without commanders. Regarding the issue of commanders, there was another fierce quarrel among the civil servants and generals in the morning of the next day. Until the prince came out to plead with the emperor to lead the troops to the expedition, the whole hall fell silent instantly.

Some of the civil servants looked unhappy and were about to try to stop him, but they hesitated and did not move.

The military commander also has a toothache here. The prince is leading troops... The prince has never led troops before. This war is no child's play.

In the harem, the news was soon known, and the concubines had different expressions.

In the Yuanhui Palace, the queen's face was as ugly as the bottom of a pot, and she said to Aunt Zhao: I just said why should I let my son go south? The feelings are here.

The prince commands the three armies?

Whether the prince will fight or not, if your majesty agrees, he will definitely be assigned a deputy commander. When the prince makes a show, if he returns with a great victory, it will be an extremely beneficial thing to his reputation.

It's really a good plan.

If his son was still alive, His Majesty might still hesitate for a moment, so that's why the Crown Prince would trick him into going south, right?

The more the Queen thought about it, the more it made sense. She only regretted that she had no evidence to expose the prince's true face.

But how could the queen only make herself uncomfortable with this kind of thing, and immediately sent someone to send a message to Concubine Li, expressing her pity for Prince Xiang gracefully.

Concubine Li's heart was beating with anger. She knew it was the Queen who was inciting her, but she just couldn't suppress her anger.

Concubine Li and the empress had obviously gone to the same place, and the prince did not know how to fight. Your Majesty would definitely send someone to assist the prince. If he returned with a great victory, the prince's prestige would surely rise to a higher level. This was naturally not what Concubine Li expected.

Recalling what her son had said before, Concubine Li's heart trembled. She had not agreed to take risks before, but this time she was obviously angry.

They are all His Majesty's sons, and His Majesty's partiality is too obvious.

She took a deep breath, looked at Jinzhan beside her and ordered: Go and invite Prince Xiang.

She wanted to discuss this matter carefully with her son, and she must stop the prince from leading the army. If she failed to stop him, she would not stop her son's previous thoughts.

Your Majesty is ruthless, so you can't blame her for being unjust.

Concubine Li was sitting in the hall, her long nails piercing her palms. The sharp sting made her slowly calm down.

Once you make up your mind, when you think about it again, you will feel your mind becomes clear.

It's just that the queen wanted to take advantage of their mother and son, and of course she wouldn't do what the queen wanted. Concubine Li called Yin Bei over again and whispered a few instructions.

Yin Bei bowed and saluted, Don't worry, I will take care of it.


The second update is here, the update is completed today, my little cuties have been waiting for a long time, okay? There is no update in the early morning. Tomorrow's update will also be in the afternoon and evening. Let's watch it together in the evening. I love you.


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