Once the Crown Prince Joins In

215: Only Su Xinyi can suppress that bastard

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My subordinate met Mr. Yang from the East Palace. Mr. Yang made an explanation to his subordinate. New 69 Book Bar → 69𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔵.𝔠𝔬𝔪Google Search and Read Zhan Qiao said, Not only His Royal Highness Prince Rong was injured, His Highness Prince Xiang is also missing.

Su Xinyi looked shocked, Missing? Go to Ding'an Guard to investigate the case. One of the two princes is missing and the other is injured?

What do local officials do for food? Are their minds full of grass?

Zhan Qiao nodded, Master Yang said so.

Su Xinyi's expression suddenly turned ugly. If something happened to both Prince Rong and Prince Xiang, then the Crown Prince would have to go and take charge of the matter. His Highness's injuries would be better...

Su Xinyi asked Zhan Qiao to go down to rest, while she sat in the room feeling a little restless.

It seems that things in Ding'anwei are very dangerous. Not one of the two princes is safe, everything is in trouble.

Su Xinyi could guess what Yang Jin meant by asking Zhan Qiao to bring him a message. He probably hoped that she could go to Ding'an Guard with the prince, but she could not act willfully now.

How can I go?

It would neither offend His Majesty nor make people criticize her behavior. Su Xinyi really didn't have any good ideas for a while.

At the beginning, he went to Jing'an Mansion in the name of returning to his hometown to join the family tree, and secretly took a detour to Jing'an Mansion. Naturally, others did not know about it. Only a very few people knew about it. Because he was not directly involved, he later Concubine Li and the others cannot blame themselves.

But it won't work this time. Their family has no relatives in Ding'an.

Visiting relatives doesn't work.

Su Xinyi was wandering around the room trying to think of a solution, while Yan Junchu was silently looking at his angry father.

The emperor's anger gradually subsided and he looked at the prince and said: These two unsatisfactory things, the case was not investigated, but they got themselves into trouble.

If the emperor hadn't watched this grow up, he would have thought it was not his own!

The prince raised his head and looked at his father, Father, the seventh brother and the ninth brother are not deeply involved in the world, and they do not understand the dangers of people's hearts. The affairs of the Wang family have been entangled for more than ten years. It can be seen that this case is not simple. Every step of the way will make you wiser, and you will be better in the future. I know how to investigate the case. My son is also worried about his two younger brothers, so why don’t I go there myself and bring them back.

The emperor frowned and said, Your injury is just a little bit better. I'm worried about how you can travel a long distance.

It was just a flesh wound. It is completely healed now. Father, you don't have to worry about me. I am really worried about my two younger brothers. The seventh brother is injured and the ninth brother is missing. It is important to find them first no matter what. Yan Junchu said with a look on his face. He spoke worriedly.

The emperor looked at his son's expression carefully, paused for a while, and said, Let the imperial physician take a look at it for you. I want to hear the imperial physician's diagnosis.

The prince's expression was a little unnatural, and the emperor noticed it immediately, and said: I knew you were lying to me. Your injury hasn't been healed yet, so I sent someone else to go.

Father. Yan Junchu sighed, You know the temper of the seventh brother. I am afraid that others will not be able to control him. If he becomes angry due to injury and shame and does something irrational, it is better for the son to leave.

The emperor stared at the prince with a frown that could kill a fly. His son was good at everything, but he was too soft-hearted.

Humph, even if the prince goes, he may not be able to suppress that bastard King Rong.

Thinking of this, the emperor suddenly froze, his eyes fell on the prince again, and he coughed lightly, Your injury is not healed yet. I don't worry about you when you go out. I have to find someone to watch you carefully, and make sure not to add more injuries to the injury.

Yan Junchu felt relieved suddenly, but there was a hint of helplessness on his face, Father, my son is not a child, so he naturally knows the importance.

Hmph, I don't believe it if you say it sounds nice. The emperor waved his hand, You go back and prepare to settle the matter of security and guard. I have my own ideas.

Yan Junchu wanted to say something else, but the emperor glared at him and said, Go quickly, without further ado, we will set off today.

Yan Junchu had no choice but to leave. When he left the palace gate, Yan Junchu lowered his head slightly, showed a shallow smile, and his steps became a little more relaxed.

Wang Ce said that the two of them need to get along more and get closer together in order to slowly develop feelings for each other.

Seeing that Wang Ce and his wife have a good relationship, I think this makes sense.

He is the prince and lives in the East Palace, and A Yuan lives in the Duke of Qi's palace. How can they have the chance to meet each other if they have nothing to do on weekdays? This time going to Ding'an Guard is a good opportunity.

On the other side, Su Xinyi was still thinking hard about how to go to Ding'an Guard, but she finally received a public order, asking her to go with the prince to Ding'an Guard to investigate the case, and she must protect the prince thoroughly.

After such a decree came down, everyone in the Duke of Qi's mansion was stunned. They sent away the servant who delivered the decree, and the whole family looked at each other in shock.

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched. The emperor did not regard his Xiaoliu as a bodyguard, but protecting the prince's safety was indeed a big deal. Your Majesty allowed Xin Yi to go, which shows that your Majesty valued Xin Yi and did not treat her as an ordinary lady and detained her in the backyard. On the one hand it's also good news.

The old man looked at Xin Yi's delighted eyes and smiled inwardly. She was still a little girl. He looked at her and warned her: Since it is His Majesty's will, you quickly pack up and go to the East Palace to join His Highness the Crown Prince. You must protect His Highness. After saying this, he said, Xin Yi, you should also protect yourself. This trip may be dangerous. King Rong being injured and King Xiang missing are both serious matters. You must not be reckless and follow His Highness's orders.

Yes, my granddaughter has remembered it. Don't worry, grandpa. Of course Su Xinyi knew the importance and would not mess around.

The fourth lady was the most worried and hurriedly took people to pack her daughter's luggage. Because she was guarding the prince, she didn't bring any women's clothes, only the lightest men's clothes.

While tidying up, the fourth wife muttered to her daughter who was changing clothes, Okay now, I will have to make a special suitcase for you to put men's clothes in the future. Fortunately, you usually make a few sets for me, otherwise you would have to buy clothes before going out. .”

Su Xinyi chose a jade-white Hu suit. She must have been riding fast along the way. Hu suit was the most convenient. She listened to her mother's words and said with a smile: Okay, after I leave, you can find someone to make more clothes for me. . Choose something with a good-looking style that will make your daughter look the prettiest. Otherwise, if I wear it again, it will look great on your face.

Find something for your mother to do, otherwise she will be thinking about her all day long and worry about her safety, and may not be able to sleep well.

The fourth lady knew that her daughter was making her happy, and she was really amused. She packed her luggage, turned around and looked at her daughter who had already packed it, grabbed her hand and said softly: Mom is waiting for you to come back at home. Your safety is the most important thing in my mother's heart, Xin Yi, don't be impulsive before doing something, and don't rush forward just because you think you are good at martial arts.

Su Xinyi reached out and hugged her mother, Don't worry, I will remember your words.

The Fourth Madam smiled happily, stretched out her hand to straighten her daughter's clothes, and sent her out.

Not wanting to leave the palace, the prince arrived with his people and saw the fourth lady and the prince dismounting.

The fourth lady and her daughter hurriedly came forward to pay homage, My wife pays homage to His Highness the Crown Prince.

Madam, please get up. No need to be polite. The prince immediately said, Don't worry, I will take good care of Xin Yi along the way.

The fourth lady's heart twitched, she said something nice, your majesty still asked your daughter to protect the prince, but she thought so in her heart, but couldn't say it with her mouth. The fourth lady didn't say anything high-sounding, she just smiled and agreed.

My daughter hurts herself, and I can't care whether she looks good or not.

Yan Junchu felt funny when he looked at the fourth lady. It seemed that she really loved Xin Yi.

Yan Junchu saw that Su Xinyi only brought a simple baggage, then he withdrew his gaze and looked at Xin Yi, Let's go.

Su Xinyi nodded and turned to look at her mother, You can go back. My daughter is leaving now. When I come back, I will buy you a Ding'an earthen ritual.

The fourth lady couldn't laugh or cry, Let's go, my mother is waiting for you to come back.

Su Xinyi got on his horse and drove the horse to the prince's side. The group immediately rode away.

The climate in Ding'anwei is different from that in Beijing. The autumn in Beijing is cool and dry, while Ding'an has more water and humidity. It is also rainy here, and the wind blows on the face with thick moisture.

The group of people traveled all night, because the safety of King Xiang and King Rong was at stake and they could not delay.

Su Xinyi was a little worried about the health of His Highness the Crown Prince. He looked up at the sky, carefully observed the clouds, and said to everyone: I'm afraid it's going to rain tonight. Let's find a place to stay first. If we miss Sutou, I'm afraid we'll have to stay. Drenched in the rain. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞”

They can withstand the rain, but His Highness cannot.

Yang Jin had no doubt at all. King Rong had mentioned to His Highness the Crown Prince that Miss Six could see the clouds. After hearing Miss Six's words, he immediately sent people to explore the way and find a place to stay first.

Yan Junchu looked at Su Xinyi and said with a smile: The pigs are crossing the river, and the rain is pouring.

Su Xinyi's eyes lit up, Your Highness will also look at the sky.

Yan Junchu looked at Su Xinyi's smile and said, I'm not very good at it. I read a little bit in the book, and it seems to be relatively obvious.

For example, Yun Ruojiang Zhu is now.


Su Xinyi was happy. When she talked about this with Prince Rong, Prince Rong didn't understand it at all. His Highness the Crown Prince was indeed knowledgeable and knew all about it.

His Highness said a little bit, but she didn't believe it was really just a little bit.

The two of them were walking on horseback and talking, and soon a guard came back and said, Your Highness, there is an inn in the town ahead.

Go and have a look. Yan Junchu said to everyone.

Usually when river pigs cross the river, heavy rain is coming, so it is important for them to find a place to stay first.

The conditions of the inns in the town were definitely not as good as those in the capital, but they were still clean. Yan Junchu didn't mind it, let alone the others, so he stayed there.

Su Xinyi's room was next to the prince, and on the other side was Yang Jin's room. The two of them guarded the prince in the middle.

After Su Xinyi put down her luggage, she went out to check the terrain and road conditions around the inn. Although there would be guards to do these things, she could only feel at ease after seeing it with her own eyes.

By the time she finished circling around, the dark clouds in the sky were getting lower and lower, and the thick water vapor hitting her body made people feel uncomfortable. She walked into the inn and saw that everyone was already preparing to eat.

Su Xinyi had a good relationship with these guards. When she came in, they all stood up to say hello. Su Xinyi responded, asked a few more questions about the night guard, waved to everyone, and went up to the second floor.

It was much quieter after going to the second floor. Yang Jin was coming out of the prince's room. When he saw her, he immediately came over to greet her, I was looking for Miss Six, but I didn't expect you to disappear in the blink of an eye.

Su Xinyi said with a smile: I went out to take a look, and I found that this place is very close to Ding'an Guard. A powerful dragon can't overwhelm local snakes. The two princes have fallen here, so of course we have to be more careful.

When it came to business, Yang Jin's expression became serious, The sixth lady is right, by the way, His Highness is waiting for the girl to have dinner. Please go over quickly, and I will look down.

Su Xinyi nodded. Along the way, she and the prince ate together, and she gradually got used to it.

She knocked on the door and heard the prince's voice, Come in.

Su Xinyi opened the door and went in. Food was already placed on the table. His Highness was sitting in front of the window holding the file. He stood up and put the file down. He turned around and looked at Su Xinyi and said with a smile, How is the situation?

Su Xinyi went to wash her hands first, waited for the prince to sit down, and then sat down and said: The roads around the inn extend in all directions, there are no hidden dangers, you can advance and retreat, and you don't have to worry if something happens.

Yan Junchu used serving chopsticks to pick up food for Su Xinyi, which was the steamed fish she liked to eat.

Su Xinyi was a little uncomfortable at first, but she got used to it along the way, and even took the initiative to pick up the small plate and take it. After taking a bite, she couldn't help but praise: This fish is steamed so fresh, there is no fishy smell at all.

There is a lot of water here, and the fish we catch don't have any sediment in the belly. They are more delicious than the fish in the capital. Yan Junchu said with a smile.

There is little water in the capital, and the fish raised are a bit earthy because of too much sediment. But it is different here. There is water everywhere, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the fish raised are also delicious.

Su Xinyi nodded while eating. Because she had to take care of the prince's safety at night, she didn't waste much time. She said to the prince while eating: I see that the physique of the pedestrians here is comparable to that of the people from the north. They are very sturdy and strong. Shuo, your highness should be careful at night. I will also inform Mr. Yang and tell everyone not to take off their weapons and clothes, just in case something happens.

After listening to Su Xinyi's words, Yan Junchu asked: The people here in Ding'an are not as tall as those in the north. Have you ever asked why there are so many tall people in this town?

Su Xinyi shook his head, We have just arrived. If we ask rashly, we might alert the enemy. I will go out for a walk in the evening and ask again.

Yan Junchu frowned slightly, Let Yang Jin follow you.

That's not possible. One of Master Yang and I must stay by His Highness's side. Su Xinyi refused. She raised the waist knife beside her and showed it to the Prince, Your Highness does not need to worry about my safety. If you can't beat me, can you still run away?

Yan Junchu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He stretched out his hand to add a bowl of soup to Su Xinyi, Then eat more to gain strength.

Su Xinyi reached out to take the soup and didn't notice the prince's eyes. Her thoughts kept wandering around the people in the town. She took a sip of the soup. When she looked up, she saw His Highness looking at her. She subconsciously wiped her lips. , is there something on her face?

Yan Junchu:......

My daughter-in-law is not enlightened no matter what, and she is a little melancholy.

Wang Ce said to be gentle, and he was gentle.

To take the initiative, he also took the initiative to add rice and soup, and asked for help.

Be patient, he has always been very patient.

However, the piece of wood in front of him was really too hard, and he felt it was a bit difficult to chew.

After touching her face, Su Xinyi vaguely realized that something was not right. The main reason was that His Highness's look made her feel scared, as if she had done something wrong. She had an idea and said to His Highness the Crown Prince: Speaking of the last time I went there When we were in Huaining, we stayed at an inn once, but it rained like today, and we met an assassin.

When Yan Junchu heard what Su Xinyi said, he looked at her and said, Assassin? Didn't you go back to Huaining with your family?

The Su family has always kept a low profile and is unlikely to provoke assassins.

Su Xinyi laughed, Before we set off from Beijing, my eldest uncle was worried and asked the commander of Pingning Guard to look after us. Now that commander has become my eldest brother-in-law.

The prince then understood that the eldest daughter of the Duke of Qi remarried after divorce. It turned out that this was how fate came about.

He thought for a moment and asked, Did the assassin omit it just to explain the Bible?

Your Highness still knows the name of my eldest brother-in-law?

Yan Junchu looked at the forgetful man and nodded gently, You forgot that you mentioned it when we were in Jing'an Mansion.

Yes! Su Xinyi really forgot.

Yan Junchu suddenly remembered something again and looked at Su Xinyi, The assassin is Mu Xing?

Yes, that's him. Su Xinyi said cheerfully, Your Highness, you see, sometimes bad things happen in this world, and the results may not be bad.

Yan Junchu looked at Su Xinyi, What if your kung fu was not as good as Mu Xing's? I'm afraid you would have become his dead soul!

Su Xinyi saw the prince's expression became stern, and immediately said: Your Highness, don't worry, you will know if you can beat him or not. I have a sense of proportion.

Yan Junchu thought to himself, he finally saw what it would be like to be a bold person with great skills.

Seeing His Highness's uncertain expression, Su Xinyi immediately greased the soles of his shoes for fear of being scolded again, Your Highness, I will go out for a walk to find out the details first. You have a good rest.

Yan Junchu:......

Humph, it slipped away pretty fast!

When Su Xinyi came downstairs, she still felt her heartbeat pounding. She subconsciously touched her heart. It was strange. Why did she suddenly become frightened? Your Highness didn't say anything, right?

Anyway, it was the look in His Highness's eyes just now that made her feel that she would be in big trouble if she didn't leave. She always trusted her instincts.

Oops, I can't help Mu Xing this time. I'd better not mention him in front of His Highness in the future.

After going downstairs, Su Xinyi went to talk to the waiter. The waiter's dialect was a bit strong, but Su Xinyi could speak Mandarin. Although the communication between the two was a little smooth, they could basically understand what he meant.

After chatting for a while, Su Xinyi almost figured out the situation in the town. He smiled at the waiter and asked: On the way here, we heard that the Wang family in Ding'anwei was in trouble. This is really new. I haven't heard anything about it. There is so much competition for the position of family commander, your place has become famous because of this.

The guest officer is really well-informed. Did you know it so quickly? the waiter smiled enthusiastically.

Su Xinyi laughed, We escorts have seen many people along the way, so naturally we know a lot.

When the waiter in the store saw that all of these people were carrying weapons, he knew it was unusual. They turned out to be from the escort agency. Seeing that they didn't have any goods with them, it seemed that they were returning home after escorting the escort.

It turns out you are from the escort agency. No wonder you are so tired. Are you going back after escorting the escort? the waiter asked with a smile.

You're smart, but you're not. I'm tired from this trip. In our industry, we just put our heads on our waistbands and make a living. I don't have any other hobbies. I just want to ask questions when I encounter something new.

Then you have asked someone, but this news is not something that is easily revealed... The waiter in the shop chuckled.

Su Xinyi took out a piece of broken silver from his sleeve and pushed it over, Little brother, it's hard to tell stories. I'll buy you a cup of tea.

When the waiter saw that there were two taels of silver, he was immediately happy. He was a generous man. He immediately reached out to fish it out and put it away. Then he said: The Wang family incident caused a lot of noise ten years ago. Who in our area can do it? I don’t know, but there are many opinions, and the guest officer just took it as a joke, since this is not a court case, so I said it, but I didn’t recognize it.”

Su Xinyi was very happy. The waiter in this shop was very naughty, so she knocked on the table and said, Don't worry, just for fun, I can still find the boss of the Yamen to solve the case.

Your Majesty, you are a sensible man. I told you that Commander Wang Zhifang died in battle, but that is not the case.

Su Xinyi found this interesting and pretended to be surprised and asked: Didn't he die in battle? How did he die?

Hey, Commander Wang has been a commander for more than ten years. Even if he suppresses a bandit, he can still be killed by a group of bandits. Isn't this a joke? Speaking of which, I heard my father say that Commander Wang's kung fu is just a boy's skill. If he gets up, ordinary people can't beat him, how can such a person be easily killed by bandits?

Su Xinyi was surprised and said: I remember others said what was the name of the nephew who took over Wang Zhifang's position as commander?

Wang Daoxin.

Yes, that's him! I heard that he also died while suppressing bandits. What a coincidence?

Who knows what coincidence this is. The waiter sneered, Commander Wang Zhifang's ability is real, but Commander Wang Daoxin heard that people who failed to shoot willows didn't know how they survived in the martial arts department back then. . However, this is all the business of the court adults. We ordinary people don’t dare to care about it or ask about it. We just have to listen.”

Su Xinyi got a piece of news that he had never known before, that is, Wang Daoxin was not good at shooting willows, so wouldn't he be a waste?

Such a person can take over his brother's position. It seems that there is indeed a problem in the Martial Arts Department.

Su Xinyi looked at the waiter in the shop and nodded in agreement, No, let's just have fun. Hey, but after Wang Daoxin's death, it stands to reason that Wang Daoji should take over. After all, he couldn't take over when Wang Zhifang died. The age is acceptable, but when Wang Daoxin died, Wang Daoji was already eighteen or nineteen years old, so how come it was Wang Daoli who took over?

The waiter stepped forward and lowered his voice and said: The Wang family also had a quarrel back then, but Wang Daoli said that it is only natural that he should be the younger brother's errand to take over the older brother's errands.

Su Xinyi pretended to be shocked and said, Isn't this shameless? His brother also took over the position of Wang Daoji's biological father. He should return it as soon as he dies. After all, his son has grown up, right?

The waiter slapped his thigh, as if he had found a fellow disciple, and said excitedly: This is exactly the truth, but Wang Daoli is unreasonable to him.


The update of 6,000 words has been completed. There may not be an update in the early hours of tonight. Please don’t wait. Haha.

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