Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 982: Li Renlong's punishment

Although Meng Zhentian became the patriarch of the nightmare tribe, there were the nightmare ancestors, and the tribes under the eyes. So the egg did not escape the rules of their nightmare.

Since you owe your son, you have to find a way to make up for it. So now I can't bear my son, even if I make up for it.

When Meng Zhentian and other powerful nightmares flew far away, this piece of heaven and earth disappeared the pressure and returned to normal.

"Call, call..."

Surrounded by breathing voices, Li Yan and Wu Yiliu sat directly on the ground with sweat.

The coercion that Meng Zhentian gave them just now is really too powerful. The powerful ones seem to be unattainable. They may not be able to reach that level in their entire life.


Li Renlong's spirit snorted unpleasantly.

Up to this time, these sweaty talents thought that their god, the **** of Jiuli, was still here.

So all the people got up and knelt on the ground respectfully, shouting in unison

"Meet Grandpa!"

Li Renlong gazed at Xiang Liyan and Wu Yiliu, not to mention that Li Renlong did not show up in the Jiuli tribe on weekdays.

But in fact, the entire Hundred Thousand Mountain is actually within the Nine Li Formation, and Li Renlong holds a large formation, so can Li Renlong know what happened in the formation?

"Frame the same family."

Only four words are just a harsh word for others, but for Li Yan and Wu Yiliu, it seems like a thunderbolt.


The two had a big mouthful of blood at the same time, and their faces were pale.

However, the two were too late to feel the pain in their bodies. At the moment, they both looked at their abdomens with horror.

"My Yuanying!"

"It's broken! Yuan Ying turned into Jin Dan!"

Li Yan and Wu Yiliu said, their expressions changed greatly.

The difference between Jindan Realm and Yuanying Realm is that Jindan in the belly of the strong can become Yuanying.

This infant is like a child, but this is not a physical fetus, but is formed with a strong aura. So there is a stronger spirit within Yuanying.

But now Li Renlong shattered Li Yan and Wu Yiliu's Yuan Ying, making them fall into the Jindan realm.

And with such a serious internal injury, it seems that these two people will not be able to support for half a year.

"Mind is poisonous! Nian belongs to the descendants of Jiuli's ancestors, save your life. Go back to practice and don't come out and shame!"

This time, even Li Renlong, who had always been in the dark, was angry.

As the voice of Li Renlong fell, the figure of Li Renlong's body gradually dissipated and became the spirit of this world.

Li Yan and Wu Yiliu were sitting on the ground as if they were silly.

The vast sloping cottage, countless Jindan realm. But now there are only Li Yan and Wu Yiliu, the two strong infants in Yuanying Realm, which shows that Jindan turns into Yuanying. Where is it so simple?

This requires not only talent and practice, but also opportunities. Now the two have fallen to Jindan Realm, and it is not easy to re-enter Yuanying Realm.

"Dad, daddy..."

Li Zi came to Li Yan's side pale every day, shoved Yan Yan and shouted. Wu Ye is the same.

However, Li Yan and Wu Yiliu, who did not show their anger, seemed to be silly this time.

"I will kill you!"

"Little beast!"

After a delay, Wu Yiliu and Yan Yan both screamed at Li Mo when they roared.

Not daring to resent Grandpa, so in Yan Yan and Wu Yiliu's heart. They can fall into today's end, defeated by Li Mo.


However, Li Yan hadn't reached Li Mo yet, so he was shot by Meng Kun.

Yuan Yingjing's harshness, Meng Kun could not beat. However, now that he has fallen into Jindan Realm severely, he has internal injuries, and the power of Jindan Realm can not be exerted. Therefore, Mengkun will fight severely in the palm of his hand.

"Patriarch Li Mo, look?"

Without continuing to shoot, Meng Kun turned and asked Li Mo. After all, Li Mo is now their deputy patriarch in the downhill cottage.

But in the final analysis, Mengkun didn't want to kill Li Yan and Wu Yiliu, although these two were abominable. But these two men are talented and they are two indispensable strongmen in Miluo cottage.

"They are crazy, and the people of the surname Wu and the people of the surname Li have taken back. Drinking more horse urine can cure the madness."

Li Mo said angrily that these two men almost counted as dead. So Li Mo really wanted to kill the two of them, but in the final analysis, the two of them were also the seniors of the village.

Menglin has kindness to herself, so to kill them, you need to agree with Menglin. But Li Mo has already made up his mind, regardless of whether Meng Lin agrees, Li Mo and strict, Wu Yiliu's affairs today, Li Mo will not give up.


"Thank you Patriarch!"


Seeing that Li Mo did not want to delve deeper, all the surnames of Li and Wu surnamed Amnesty, and then took Li Yan and Wu Yiliu of Zhangya Wupu back.

Fortunately, there are many people from the Jin Dan realm who followed the surnames of Li and Wu, otherwise it would be really difficult to carry Li Yan and Wu Yiliu away.

"You two stay."

Seeing that Li Zitian and Wu Ye had to sneak away behind the clan, Li Mo immediately stopped them.

The two of them just called the most joyful, and this time the mastermind can not miss them both. Can't deal with their Lao Tzu, is it better to be small?

Sure enough, I heard Li Mo's words. Both Li Zitian and Wu Ye shuddered, and then the two accelerated their pace to keep up with Li and Wu.

However, the two men had not made a few steps before they were surrounded by men of the surname Meng.

Li Zitian looked at Li Mo with a stretched face, while Wu Ye kept backing away. Until he hit a dream surname, Wu Ye stopped and shouted continuously

"What do you want to do? Do you dare to kill me? My father is Wu Yiliu!"

"Today your father's life was spared, and it was still in the face of Senior Menlin. But no matter how, when the senior comes back, regardless of whether the senior agrees or disagrees, we have to calculate this account."

Li Mo looked coldly and came step by step.

In many times of life and death, Li Mo has long regarded the egg as his brother. Today they are so strict that they dare to design poisonous eggs, Li Mo can't bear it!

"You, you have to settle the accounts...Go to the dad! You, why are you looking for me!"

Wu Ye said liquid began to flow between the two strands.

But compared with Wu Ye, there are more Li Zitian princes. Knowing that she couldn't run away, Li Zitian was not afraid anymore, she raised her head and shouted at Li Mo

"Li Mo! What do you want! It was you who killed me today. When my father's injury is better in the future, he will certainly kill you and avenge me!"

"Kill me? Have the ability to let him come."

Li Mo grinned if Li Mo was really scared. In the battle of the last century for hundreds of years, Li Mo did not know where he died.

Then Li Mo smiled again, but the smile was so cold

"Waiting for your dad to come to me for revenge? Unfortunately you can't see it."

The voice fell, Li Mo flashed, and rushed directly.

(End of this chapter)

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