Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 977: Father of eggs

"Meng Zhentian."

The man at the forefront of the nightmare said flatly, but these three words seemed to be so powerful that they caused Jia Quan and the land warfare to open their eyes and look in surprise at the extraordinary nightmare. man.

"The nightmare patriarch Meng Zhentian?"

Land War muttered to himself, then Land Warfare and Jia Quan held fists against Meng Zhentian one after another, politely said

"Seen Senior Dream."

Even the patriarch of the nightmare clan, these two patriarchs just clenched their fists without bowing. Holding fists is polite, and bowing is to admit that they are inferior to the Jiuli tribe.

The two elders in the Dangtang Presbyterian Church, of course, would not do the things that insulted the Jiuli Tribe.

The strong men behind the two elders also clenched fists and said

"Have seen seniors!"

The Jiuli tribe had a war with several races of gods and demons, and both sides had **** hatred. But this does not include the nightmare family. At that time, the nightmare family was still a small group among the gods and devil races, and did not rise to become the current noble family.

But now it is different. Now that the Nightmare family has risen vigorously, it also has a decisive position in the Shenmo family.

This is why the people of the Presbyterian Church are so polite to Meng Zhentian because the two sides do not have blood feuds. The status of Meng Zhentian's nightmare clan's head is worthy of such courtesy.

"Take me to meet your grandfather."

Meng Zhentian said that the tone of the subject went straight into the subject, and there was no politeness.


But Jia Quan and Lu Zhan looked at each other after hearing Meng Zhentian's words, said embarrassedly

"Without Grandpa's call, let alone an outsider, even our Presbyterians will not see Grandpa..."

Meng Zhentian frowned, a little unhappy.

"Let them come in."

But at this time, a voice was heard from the sky in the distance. Accurately speaking, it came from the palace at the top of this Lingxiao Peak. Both Lu Zhan and Jia Quan heard this voice, and they were all happy.

This voice is the voice of Grandpa, and then Jia Quan and the land warfare opened their sides, making a request to Meng Zhentian, saying

"Senior, please."

Meng Zhentian's icy face finally showed a smile, and then took the illusory footsteps and walked forward with the two subordinates.

Although Meng Zhentian has a high status, in this historic Jiuli tribe, Meng Zhentian is not too presumptuous. So Meng Zhentian and the genus came down to the mountainside of Lingxiaofeng and fell into the mountain, and walked to the top of Lingxiaofeng on foot.

For any force, flying in their sacred place is a great disrespect.

The eight elders Jia Quanhe and the Marines arranged for the other tribes to return, and the two personally took Meng Zhentian, the three powerful nightmares, to the Lingxiao Peak.

Even on foot, where is there a weak person? So it only took a moment, a few people came to the vast summit of Lingxiao Peak.

Pieces of white clouds are at his feet, which is as tall as the sky. As soon as he looked up, the sun on his head was much bigger and hotter than he looked below.

And here, a majestic palace stands here. The whole palace is completely white, but there is no one here, but it seems a bit deserted.

Two stone lions lie lazily at the gate of the palace, but these two lions are not dead. They are all genuine beasts.

The Shishi tribe not only has the inherent ferocity of the spirit beast. The strength and strength of the body are also well-known in the Orcs.

Jia Quanhe and the Marines stepped forward and bowed to the two stone lions. These two stone lions could be regarded as their elders.

How many years have it been since the last generation of Grandpa adopted these two stone lions when he was alive? The two stone lions are still guarding Lingxiao Peak.

The lifespan of the spirit beast is already much longer than that of the human race, so even if the last grandfather's hand is in the sky, he still lost to the years. But his two pets have been alive until now.

The two stone lions were sleeping loudly without even opening their eyes to see Jia Quan and Lu Zhan.

However, Jia Quan and the land warfare were used to it for a long time, and the two of them turned away and said

"Senior please."

Meng Zhentian led two strong men of the Nightmare family into the hall, followed by Jia Quan and the Land War.

Entering the palace, it was still white. The building of this palace seems to be all this white stone.

The palace is large and occupies the top of the entire peak.

But the spacious palace was deserted, except for the most two rows of stone pillars, and the main seat above the palace, there was no extra chair.

An old man sits on the front seat.

The old man was dressed in a spotless white shirt and long hair shawl. The vicissitudes of wrinkles on his face seemed to describe his age.

Seeing the old man, both Jia Quan and the land warfare knelt on the ground in excitement


The grandpa of the Jiuli tribe is the most respected person in the entire Jiuli tribe, from the elders to the eighty-one cottage. Without him, just because Grandpa is here, Jiuli is here!

The old man lifted his eyes very tiredly and smiled kindly

"Flat body."

Xie Agong, Land War and Jia Quan stood up after knocking again.

The grandfather of the Jiuli tribe, whose real name is the dragon of the Li people, is taken from the meaning of the dragon among people. Li Renlong slowly raised his head to look at Meng Zhentian.

Noting the sight of Li Renlong, Meng Zhentian immediately clenched his fists and said

"The younger nightmare, Meng Zhentian, have seen seniors."

Although Li Renlong is not as old as their nightmare ancestors, he is much older than him. So the noble Meng Zhentian did a junior ceremony.

This is like Jia Quan and the land battle, the junior rites show respect. But if you do not admit it, you will be lower.

Looking at Meng Zhentian's attitude, Li Renlong nodded with a smile. Say immediately

"The old man hasn't been here for years, and he doesn't even have a seat..."

"It's okay, there is one thing for the juniors to come this time. The juniors perceive through the bloodline that the children of the juniors are among the 100,000 mountains of the 100,000 mountains belong to the territory of the Jiuli Tribe, so the juniors I want to invite my seniors to use the power of the Jiuli tribe to help the younger ones find their children."

Meng Zhentian straightened up and said. Even if the nightmares are strong today, Meng Zhentian can't casually tune the nightmare's strongmen to search for 100,000 mountains.

After all, this is a great disrespect for the Jiuli tribe, although the Jiuli tribe says it is now going downhill. However, before the death of Jiu Li, the peerless strongman of the original generation, he deployed a formation with only the remaining vitality.

Recalling that the Fa had killed several top demon, their ancestors of the Nightmare tribe had headaches.

And the nightmare will still be a child of eggs, and it is naturally their inheritance, only to cultivate the most powerful clan. If the tribe cannot survive outside, the Nightmare does not need such a weak tribe.

But there is also time for this training, and it is time for the eggs to be trained outside, and his father came to him.

(End of this chapter)

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