Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 767: Changes in red space

After everyone left, the huge building was calm, and Li Mo slept with a smile on his face.


"Master! Master!"

In his sleep, Li Mo was awakened by a cry. He opened his eyes and saw Ao Ying in a red gold dress appeared in front of him.

"Ah! Ao Ying? Are you... are you okay? How is Yaner doing now? Where is this place?"

Looking at the strange and familiar environment around him, Li Mo asked the girl in front of him in surprise.

"Hehe... Master, this is a red space! Why didn't you forget it here for so long? Liu Yan is fine, but she is still sleeping."

"Ah! Red space? Where is Liu Yan? You will take me to see her soon!"

Upon hearing that he was now in a red space, Li Mo hurriedly asked Ao Ying to take him to Liu Yan.

"Master, Liu Yan is there!"

Following Ao Ying's instructions, Li Mo saw a little light in front of him. It was a round glowing sphere, but the light emitted was unusually dim, as if it could be extinguished at any time!

"Yan'er! Yan'er!"

Li Mo hurried forward and called softly. His eyes have already begun to wet, and this is the first time the two have met in this world, although Liu Yan is no longer the same as Liu Yan.

"Master, Liu Yan is just a soul body now, and she is still incomplete and weak. It is impossible for her to answer you even if she hears your call."

Looking at Li Mo's painful appearance, Ao Ying couldn't bear to deceive him to tell the truth.

"Then... how can she be able to meet and talk to me just like you? You must know the way, Ao Ying, can you tell me?"

"Master, calm down first. I know your mood, but this is not an anxious thing. If you want Liu Yan's soul to talk to you like me, you must give her enough energy to restore him!"

"Energy? I have energy. Is the energy in my body enough?"

When a ball of energy appeared in Li Mo's palm, he would enter Liu Yan's remnant soul.

"Master, don't do it! The energy in your body is too large for her, so it will not help her but will harm her!"

"Then... what should I do?"

Li Mo stared blankly at Liu Yan's remnant soul, a feeling of powerlessness poured into his heart, and he could no longer control his inner emotions and tears ran down his cheeks!

"Master, don't be sad, don't you find that the red space now has changed significantly compared to before?"

Hearing Ao Ying's words, Li Mo looked at the surrounding environment carefully. I just guessed that because he was too concerned about Liu Yan's situation, he could still take care of other things.

"No wonder when I entered this space, I felt a familiar and unfamiliar atmosphere. How could this red space become what it is now? By the way, Ao Ying, you fell asleep because of energy exhaustion. How did you wake up so quickly?"

Looking at the lush green everywhere, the vibrant red space Li Mo asked suspiciously.

"I don’t know why the red space has changed to what it is now, but I have tried it. Although it has become like this, its efficacy has not changed. As for why I can get it again in a short time Awake, this is thanks to the fact that you have hunted so many monsters. My body is a dragon, even if the soul is more powerful than Liu Yan, I don’t know how many times stronger, so every time you kill a monster, I will absorb energy from it to recover myself."

"Oh! That's what it is! So how can you tell Yaner's remnant to absorb energy like you?"

"This is easy to handle, this red space has now become this scene, very suitable for the growth of plants. As long as you can transplant some exotic treasures here, they will exude gentleness during the growth process. The energy is the best to help Liu Yan recover!"

"Really...really? Great! I'm going to get those rare treasures back now!"

Knowing the way to restore Liu Yan's residual soul, Li Mo was very excited.

"Master, wait a moment. You are no longer the former Li Mo who was able to enter and exit the red space freely. I want to go out and have to help you."

With that, the golden light flashed in Ao Ying's hands. Li Mo only felt a flower in front of him, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to reality!

"Ah... it's a dream? No... it's impossible. What happened just now is so real, it must not be a dream! Qizhendibao? Where to get those rare treasures?"

Li Mo was breathing heavily while sitting on the bed, constantly thinking in his mind that the conversation with Ao Ying was anxious for a while. The rare herbs of the Tianfeng Empire now no longer exist. If you want to get enough rare treasures, I am afraid you can only go to the Xuya fantasy realm mentioned by Lan Jingyuan in advance. But when he thought of his level, Li Mo felt distressed. He was afraid that Liu Yan could not wait until he reached level 80!

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can restore Yan'er. Even if it's the sword and the sea of ​​fire. What happens after I have participated in the contest, and I will go to Naxu's illusion, just to die, so I can stay with Yan'er forever. Now!"

After making up his mind, Li Mo got up and walked out of the door!


"Yo! Xiaomo, have you rested?"

When Li Mo came to the hall, Han Tianyu was reading there, and Land Rover and others had not returned.

"Yes, President, I've taken a break. I want to ask you something. I don't know when the next round will start?"

"Oh! The next round will be held in three days. Is your kid so anxious that he already has some expectations for the championship? I have heard that the championship awards in this competition are quite generous. Come on! You will not only win the supreme honor for our guild, but will also be of great benefit to you! Ha ha..."

Han Tianyu was obviously mistaken. Where did he know that Li Mo was so anxious about the game that he wanted to leave early to go to Xumi Fantasy?

"Three days? Three more days!"

Li Mo couldn't help but frown, his words calculated in this way. If I could reach the finals all the time, wouldn’t it be more than ten days!

"What? Is there anything wrong with you, Xiaomo?"

Looking at Li Mo's anxious Han Tianyu finally realized that something was wrong and put down his book and hurriedly asked Li Mo.

"Senior President, you are my benefactor! It is also my elder! I will not hide you from some things, things are like this..."

At the moment, Li Mo told Han Tianyu all his own affairs and Liu Yan's affairs, and Han Tianyu was dumbfounded.

"What happened to you? Oh my god... this is really unheard of thing! Don't worry, Xiaomo, come sit down and say!"

"It's because of this, I want to go to the competition sooner. That's why I went to Naxu's illusion to look for rare treasures to save my wife!"

"Xumi Fantasy Realm? This is what the old guy Lan Jingyuan said! But your level is dead even if you go now. Not only can you not help your wife, but you can also take yourself in. !"

"No... I'm not afraid, even if I know it's a dead end, I'm going to go, because this is the only way to save my wife. And her time is running out. If you go on like this, the gods will be afraid of it. I can't save her!"

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