Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 741: Narrow road

Land Rover opened the road in front of a tall horse, while Han Tianyu took Li Mo and five other students on a spacious carriage. Facing the rising sun slowly, heading in the direction of the imperial capital. Their speed is not fast, and there are still six days before the start of the contest. Their time is still ample.

Enjoying the scenery along the way along the way is also a delightful and beautiful thing.

"Senior President, we are only three days away from the imperial capital. Why should we come out so early? Isn't it the same after two days?"

Ye Fan, who has always been lively and active, was already upset in the car, and he could not help but complain.

"Hehe... The reason why I want to familiarize you with the venue of this contest a few days in advance is to open your eyes. The emperor is not our fallen leaf town, it is very bustling there. You little guys will give it to you when the time comes. Don’t lose the reputation of our guild!"

Han Tianyu said with a smile, obviously he is in a good mood today.

"Haha... Others don't say, how could the handsome man of Yushu Lingfeng be shameful to our guild!"

Ye Fan's extremely narcissistic self-praise.

"Ye Fan! Can you make a face, but you are still a beautiful man? I won't say it, Li Mo is a hundred times stronger than you, so I'm so sorry to say it!"

"Hehe... Han Zhe said it well. Li Mo is the most handsome of the three of you. If we let our girls choose, you will definitely not choose you Ye Fan!"

"Hey! You... you are too shocking! What's wrong with me, isn't it good?"


Lan Xin's words made Ye Fan completely deflated, causing everyone to look up and laugh. Only Li Mo kept looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Xiao Mo, what are you thinking? Is it a bit of pressure at this conference!"

Han Tianyu asked Li Mo, who was in a daze, with concern. He didn't want Li Mo to have any problems in his mind at this time.

"Oh, grown up, I don't have any pressure. I'm just thinking about the opponents I might meet, and make a plan for myself based on opponents of different professions."

"Haha... It's really rare not to be arrogant, to concentrate on researching your opponents! You several of you should also learn more from Li Mo and don't be giggling all day long."

"Hey! President, we also want to be like Li Mo, but my qualifications do not allow it! I do not have much pursuit, as long as I have the strength of a Land Rover mentor, I will be satisfied!"

"Ye Fan, look at your prosperity. Why did my Han Zhe and you have been brothers for so many years? What a shame. If you go out later, let's say we are students of the Luoye Town Association!

"Ye Fan, in fact, your qualifications are not bad, but you haven't put all your mind on cultivation. The biggest enemy in life is yourself, as long as you can overcome your inertia, not cultivation for cultivation, when that time comes Your repairs will increase the height of the ship!"

"It's still Li Mo's ability to speak well. Li Mo waits until the contest ends, and I will follow you to practice. I will go wherever I go. I think some people dare to look down on me!"

Ye Fan said while glancing at Han Zhe.

"Haha... Xiaomo is right! Ye Fan, although the qualifications are born, they are inseparable from the later efforts. To become a man, you have to put in more effort than ordinary people. Otherwise, Even if your talent is outstanding, it is a waste material!"

Han Tianyu glanced at Li Mo with appreciation, and said to Ye Fan. In his heart, he likes Li Mo more and more, not only because of his qualifications and strength. And his gritty, arrogant personality!


One day has passed. When it was getting dark, the team stopped and prepared to camp next to a forest!

"Li Mo, here for you! Have some food. I don't think you'll eat much this day."

As Li Mo checked the surrounding environment, Zi Lingwei's voice sounded behind him.

"Thank you!"

Li Mo smiled and took over the dry food in Zi Lingwei's hands.

"Wow! Li Mo, your kid is really good. The cold beauty in our guild is so gentle to you, envious of me!"

"Ye Fan! You are looking for death!"


As soon as Zi Ling's micro-speech fell, Ye Fan kicked out.

"Ah! How did your face change so quickly? Just now the tenderness is like water, now how..."

"You said, did I just kick that foot?"

"Mine, Master, please help me! You're about to die!"

Seeing Zi Lingwei rushing up again, Ye Fan hurriedly crawled in the direction of Han Tianyu and others.

"Hehe...well, you don't want to make trouble. It's getting late. Hurry up and eat something and take a rest!"

Han Tianyu, Zi Lingwei's character, is very clear. He also knows Zi Lingwei's feelings for Li Mo, so he will not care about such trivial matters.

"Haha... Ye Fan, that's why you're asking for fun!"

Han Zhe couldn't help grinning when he saw Ye Fan's miserable behavior. And at this moment, Li Mo in front suddenly gestured a forbidden gesture to everyone.

"Land Rover, go and see what happened there, everyone else comes to me to gather!"

Let's talk back, make trouble. But when something happened, everyone immediately became serious. Following Han Tianyu's instructions, he came to his side.

"Xiao Mo, what's wrong?"

Land Rover came to Li Mo's side and followed his gaze to the dark distance.

"Someone has come, and many!"

As an assassin, Li Mo has already reached level 40. The keen perception ability has surpassed Land Rover!

After a moment, Land Rover heard a slight horseshoe sound.


Immediately afterwards there was a sound of whiplash, and they were getting closer and closer. Soon it was already clear that several black shadows appeared in their sight.

"It's from the Liulicheng Guild!"

Li Mo snorted softly, his eyes full of anger. He had long regarded Liulicheng Guild as his number one enemy.


More than a dozen tall horses and a carriage stopped in front of Land Rover and Li Mo.

"Who dares to block the way of our Liulicheng Guild?"

An old man with a mentor in the lead raised his horsewhip and stared at Land Rover and Li Mo asked. This person is no one else, the mentor of the Wu surname that Li Mo saw in the misty forest.

"Humph! Landfall Town Guild Land Rover, Wulie, don't you even forget me!"

"Yo! It turned out to be the Land Rover mentor of the Fall Leaf Town Guild! Who am I supposed to be?"

Everyone talking about the Liulicheng Guild jumped out of the horse.

"Huh! Why does this kid look so familiar? Have we seen it somewhere?"

Wu Lie did not continue to care about Land Rover, but looked at Li Mo behind him?

"We have seen in the misty forest!"

Li Mo didn't panic at The answer was not overbearing!

"Ah! It turns out to be you? How could your kid be alive? What about my students?"

After Li Moyi said, Wu Lie remembered the young man in front of him at the entrance of the misty forest!

"Hehe... Martial Instructor, you shouldn't ask me about it. How could you know where your students went?"

"Huh! Boy, don't worry! I have many ways to make you speak."

As Wu Lie waved his hand, he immediately stood out several students of 30-level multi-level strength.

"Get me this kid!"

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