Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 486: Charcoal in the snow

After a moment, Shi Ping came out with several family members who were all in the martial arts level!

"Who are you? Don't hurt my son, what are the conditions for you to put it forward."

When Shi Ping heard the report from his servant, he thought that he was not content with what he was doing and had caused him something outside. They came to the door.

"You are Shi Ping?"

Li Mo jumped off the carriage and faced the old man with gray hair.

"Yes, it's old age. I don't know if my son offended everyone. Please be merciful!"

Shi Ping's first impression of Li Mo was not a very fierce, but rather humble and polite. Such an old man really does not know how he educated his son.

"Shi Ping, I'm here to take over Li Mo from the county guard!"

"Oh! Oh, it turned out to be Master Li Mo's arrival. The old age has lost its way to welcome forgiveness and forgiveness! Yesterday the prince has informed me that the adult is coming, but I didn't expect the adult to come so fast..."

"Shi Ping, fortunately I came early, otherwise what your two sons might do!"

Li Mo was too lazy to listen to Shi Ping's official speech there and interrupt him!

"What did they do with my son?"

Shi Ping was shocked, but Shi Ping was very fond of his two sons. Although they are not content, they are idle all day long. But they were very obedient in front of him, and did not do excessive things.

"What did your son do? You still ask yourself!"

After Li Mo gave Yang Shuo a try, Yang Shuo pushed Shi Yang to Shi Ping.

"Shi Yang! What's wrong, what did you do?"

"The father is a son who is not filial, but this is what my older brother asked me to do.

Now Shi Yang told him the story.

Snapped! There was a handprint immediately on Shi Yang's face.

"You... you fooled things, the reputation of my life was ruined by your bunch of beasts! Where is your brother?"

Shi Ping's emotions were very excited at this time. He never thought of his two obedient sons who were very obedient in front of him.

"Father, my brother is still where we are holding the woman!"

"You lead me, I will kill this beast myself!"

"Brother Yang, you go with them, so as to avoid any accidents, release all the women in captivity, and arrange them properly!"

Seeing this, Shi Ping is nothing but the strength of a senior warrior. Li Mo did not go in person. Yang Shuo was enough.

"Relax, Xiaomo!"

Yang Shuo is a combative person himself, but now he has the opportunity to show his heart, and he is very excited!

About a scent of incense, Yang Shuo and others have returned.

Shi Ping's face was angry and took a young man who looked similar to Shi Yang back!

"Master Li, it is unfortunate for my family to have such a rebellious son today. Let you see the joke, but I will never let Shi Ping let him go because he is my son. He is not sorry for his death!"

Boom! Shi Ping's right hand banged directly on Shi Li's head, and Lao Tears spread across.

Just when he was going to use the same method to solve Shi Yang again, Li Mo's heart was still moving.

"Shi Ping, since you are so painful, it is better to leave it to me!"

As a result, his son's life was indeed cruel. Shi Ping Wenyan eventually pushed Shi Yang to Li Mo. Then turned around and couldn't bear to look again.


A painful scream rang out. Shi Ping's body shivered, but when he turned around, he saw Shi Yang struggling painfully on the ground, but he didn't die.

"Shi Ping, I heard about you before you came. You are a good official. Today I just abolished Shi Yang's self-cultivation and hope that he can give you the end of your retirement!"

"Master Xie left the child's life! I will never forget your kindness in Shi Ping's life!"

Shi Ping's sympathy for Li Mo's men is grateful to Dade, crying and running!

Li Mo was the least to see such sensational scenes, and ignored the father and son, and went directly into the mansion of the county guard. He is the overlord of Yanggu County from today!

Shi Pingqiang endured the pain of bereavement and handed over with Li Mo, and then left the Yunxi City with his family in loneliness.

Li Mo wanted to send this predecessor who had a profound sense of justice, but Shi Ping refused. Looking at his distant back, Li Mo actually felt a kind of unbearable feeling.

"Xiao Mo! Those who have become major events are not limited in terms of details. Whether you are talented or capable, you can be said to be first-class, and your future achievements are also unlimited. But this heart is too soft!"

Xuanyuan invincible did not know when to appear behind Li Mo.

"Senior, I feel it is pitiful!"

"The poor man must have hateful things. If he strictly disciplines his two sons, he will not end with this kind of ending! Let's go, let's go back! There are so many things waiting for you just after taking office. We still have to understand my wish for so many years!"

Now Xuanyuan invincible has only two words of revenge in mind, which is no wonder he. How can the genocide revenge be forgotten, if there is no Li Mo obstruction, it is estimated that Yuqingzhou is already in chaos.

"Seniors can rest assured, up to three days! You and I will go to Yuqingzhou together!"


As Xuanyuan invincible said, a lot of things in the county guard awaited Li Mo's handling. Just when Li Mo regretted to be the county guard, Yang Shuo came to his room.

"Xiao Mo, look who is coming!"

Following his finger direction, Li Mo actually saw his master.

"Master, why are you here?"

"Haha... This is not your uncle Liu worried that your kid is inexperienced, let me come and see what can help you!"

"Master, this is really great. These things are really annoying. Since you are old, leave it to you!"

"You're a bastard, I'm here to help you. You are so good, you can't do it if you want to be a shopkeeper!"

"Master, you can help me, you know I don't know anything about these things!"

"Everything is learned a little bit, and you will learn slowly with me!"


With Liu Shizhong by his side, Li Mo quickly entered the whole role of a county guard. The whole affairs of the whole government are on the right track. It also taught Li Mo a lot about being an official.

"Master, I'll take you to meet someone!"

Rarely, the master and the disciple have the opportunity to have leisure, Li Mo can’t wait to introduce Liu Shizhong to Xuanyuan the strength of Xuanyuan Invincible, if you can give pointers to Liu Shizhong, it will be a benefit to it. Shallow!

"But the senior you said?"

"Master is really powerful, and I guessed what I thought!"

"You kid don't wear me a high hat, just think about it if you can't figure it out, how can you be your master again!"

The two laughed and came to Xuanyuan's invincible residence. Since entering the county guard house, Xuanyuan's invincible has been in a state of cultivation, and no one has seen it. Except for Li Mo, of course, he has to face his enemies in his best state!

"Seniors, juniors and things to see!"

"come in!"

Crunch! As soon as the courtyard door opened, Li Mo and Liu Shizhong walked in. At this time, Xuanyuan Invincible has ended. Today's practice is tasting fragrant tea in the courtyard. When they saw Li Mo, they smiled slightly!

"This must be Master Xiao Mo's master."

"Senior, Liu Shizhong, see Senior!"

Although the difference in age between the two is not too big, in this continent Xuangu, where the strong are the most respected. As a junior, Liu Shizhong saluted Xuanyuan invincible.

"You don't have to be polite, but you educated a good apprentice, but the old man is jealous and dead!"

"Senior, you said it seriously. In fact, Xiao Mo can have everything today because of his own hard work! It is ashamed to say that I, the master, did not do my duty."

"Haha... You don't have to be so humble, Xiao Mo often mentions you by my side. If you don't take him in, this kid probably won't be in this world anymore! I am lucky enough to meet you today, and the two of us are destined."

"Senior Xuanyuan, now that my master is here, everything in the house has also been on the right track. I see how the two of us will go to Yuqingzhou tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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