Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 452: 4 protection methods

When Yang Shuo was in Hou Ye Mansion, Li Mo was naturally at ease and ran to the county guard mansion again. After telling the news to Liu Changhe, he took out the heads of the black men and worshipped the spirit of the three elders. And let Liu Changhe say to King Gongxian for him, to keep Yang Shuo in his house. Then he returned to Taiping Town.

However, Li Mo did not meet the man in black again on this road, which was very smooth.

It’s not just Li Mo. There are no traces of people in black in various places in the ancient continent recently, as if they disappeared overnight. Let the atmosphere of the original panic slightly ease.

However, Li Mo regarded this phenomenon as the tranquility before the storm. The temporary dormancy does not mean that they gave up the invasion. There should be something important happening soon!

Li Mo, who returned to Hou Ye Mansion, still did not dare to relax, and strengthened the inspection in the mansion. And recruit troops to expand their influence.

The efficiency of Gongxian Wang's affairs was really high, and within a few days, he arrived at the military camp where Yang Shuo was located with a paper order. Not only was Yang Shuo taken over by Li Mo, but also two strong men who were better than Yang Shuo in the barracks were also pulled over by Li Mo.

"Li Mo, this is the brothers Zhang Long and Zhang Hu. They are like straight men like me, so we are more destined!"

Yang Shuo introduced his two good brothers to Li Mo.

With Yang Shuo's character, he can become a brother, and his character Li Mo is naturally at ease.

"Very good. At this moment, it's time to hire people. Welcome two big brothers to join us!"

Li Mo is extremely polite.

"Hou Ye, our brothers don't dare to be like you. We are just rough people. How can we call Hou Ye a brother?"

"Two elder brothers, my Houye is nothing more than a false title. Don't call me like that. We are as old as brothers!"

"I said, you three arrogant men, can you not be like this mother-in-law like a lady. No one outsiders said to Li Mo, we will be worthy of brothers in the future!"


Yang Shuo's straightforwardness is also what Li Mo values ​​most. The two brothers Zhang Long and Zhang Hu are simply copies of Yang Shuo. It's no wonder that these three will be so close.

While Li Mo was still pleased with the joining of Yang Shuo and others, he did not know that in the extreme north of the Xuangu Continent, in a continuous and inaccessible mountain range, four people were wrapped in black robes. Through the ancient teleportation formation, it descended on the Xuangu Continent.

And in front of them, a large group of black men in black knelt were praying to them.

"Is this the Xuangu Continent? Ha ha, here we come!"

A very beautiful and tempting female voice sounded among the four!


The joining of Yang Shuo did not intend to add a lot of strength to Li Mo's Hou Ye Mansion. Today is the most lively day of the year in Taiping Town, because Taiping Town is at the junction of the two counties, and every year the monks of the two counties will come here to buy or exchange items needed for their cultivation.

After learning this news, Li Mo left Houye Mansion early in the morning. He wanted to find Liu Yan a suitable martial art for her.

The stall owners on both sides sold their commodities, and Li Mo looked around for some ordinary elixir and treasures and did not have what he needed, and was disappointed.

"Brother, what do you need?"

As Li Mo was about to go back, a tender voice reached his ears.

Li Mo looked at the voice, and a 15- or 16-year-old girl was smiling at herself. The girl's big eyes, goose egg face, two deep dimples with a smile. Obviously a beautiful embryo. Behind her, there is an old man who looks like a 50- to 60-year-old. It looks like Cui Meishan is closing his eyes cross-legged, without being affected by the noise.

Li Mo squatted and looked at the little girl with a smile.

"Sister, do you have anything good?"

"Brother, everything is here. If you need anything, you can see for yourself."

Li Mo carefully looked at the items placed in front of the girl. In addition to some low-level magic weapons and some healing drugs, there are some quaint books.

Li Mo's eyes lit up and opened the books one by one.

A piece of martial arts titled "Eight Stage Wrestling" attracted Li Mo's attention.

Although the name of secondary martial arts does not sound suitable for female practice, but Li Mo read that the following book records are indeed created by a female martial arts at that time. The requirement of martial arts for the flexibility of the practitioner's body is not what men can do. .

"Little sister, how do you sell this book?"

"Hehe... boy, this book is not for sale but for change!"

Before the little girl spoke, the old man who kept his eyes closed behind him suddenly answered.

"Old man, what do you need to change this martial art?"

"Can you have a bronze mirror on you?"

The old man's eyes that were still blurry and scattered suddenly had a golden light! His eyes were like a torch, and he focused on Li Mo.

Li Mo was shocked, and looked at the old man's eyes, feeling that he was unreservedly displayed in front of him. Moreover, he also used his insight to check the details of the other party, and found that he could not see the strength of the old man.

"Old man, do I have a bronze mirror, does it have anything to do with buying this martial art?"

"Oh! Of course it does. Unless you change it with a bronze mirror on your body, you can't take this martial art."

"Well, goodbye!"

Li Mo stood up in a hurry and walked towards Hou Ye Mansion.

Unsure, he didn't know why the old man knew about possession of Xuanyuan mirror. He had been very careful at ordinary times. Without full assurance, he had never used Xuanyuan mirror to fight the enemy. And if the old man's strength is far above his own, if he tries to **** it, I am afraid that this piece of Lingbao will be changed again.

"Grandpa, what are you doing! Someone fancy our things, but you scared them away. It seems that today is in vain, nothing is sold, I will buy you something to drink. What about?"

" stupid granddaughter, our grandfathers will no longer have to worry about their livelihoods!"

The girl was stunned.

"Grandpa, why?"

The old man's face was happy, and he repeated his beard.

"Hurry up and tidy up, I will take you to a good place!"

The girl was inexplicable, but according to the instructions of the old man, put away the things in the stall. Follow your grandfather, who is not in tune, and walk in the direction of Li Mo just now.

"Look, this is our future home!"

At the door of Hou Ye Mansion, the old man stopped and said to the little girl behind him.

"Grandpa! What are you kidding, this will be our home? Did you get rich and bought this place?"

The girl was puzzled, and when she was sensible, she followed her grandfather and wandered around, living in an open place. Now she suddenly heard Grandpa say that the mansion in front of her is her future home, how can she believe it.

"Don't doubt Grandpa's words, just let us go in."

He pulled the girl and walked towards the door.

"Stop! Old man, this is Hou Ye Mansion, you can't enter without permission."

"What Hou Ye Mansion, this is my old man's home, don't blame me if you stop me!"

Hearing the words of the old man, look at the two soldiers who guarded the gate.

"What's the matter? Who wants to be polite to our Hou Ye Mansion?"

Wang Qiang heard the news.

"Wang Guanjia, this old man, said this is his home to go in!"

After listening to the soldier's report, Wang Qiang carefully examined the grandfather and grandson in front of him, but he did not hear Li Mo say that there are such relatives! However, it is not ruled out that some relatives who can't take the remote house to go to his old man, please wait a moment, I will report to Hou Ye! "

Wang Qiang ran back to Fuzhong without waiting for the old man to answer.

"Well! It's not bad. The people in Hou Ye Mansion are a hundred times stronger than the slaves in the other official family. My old man will wait for a while."

And Li Mo was holding a Xuanyuan mirror in his room at this time, carefully considering the old man's words!

"Report! Hou Ye, there is an old man outside with a little girl, saying that this is their home, they want to come in!"

Upon hearing Wang Qiang's report, Li Mo was shocked.

"I rely on, what is the origin of the other party, not only knows the treasure, but also chased his own home, which is really deceiving!"

Clay figurines still have three points of anger, not to mention Li Mo. Even if the opponent's strength is higher than himself, Li Mo is not afraid. Take Wang Qiang to the gate!

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