Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1546: Reaching the dwarf planet

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"Staff of Origin?"

Hearing the old man's words, Li Mo frowned. Faintly replied

"Just know one or two. Does this matter have anything to do with the rod of origin?"

Hearing a surprise in Li's eyes when he heard that Li Mo knew the rod of origin. Can't help but praise

"The little brother is so insightful. To tell the truth, my brother has lived for six or seven hundred years. It is only now that I heard others mention the treasure of the rod of origin. The little brother could even know and admire it."

As if to say some dry mouth, the old man took another sip of tea.

Seeing that the old man's tea cup had bottomed out, Li Mo picked up the teapot and filled the old man with tea, laughing.

"Brother, drink and talk."

The old man smiled and took a sip of water.

"I also heard from my friends. I heard that this rod of origin was broken during the battle of the ancient heavens. It was divided into many pieces of origin. These pieces of origin have a mysterious power called the force of origin.

It seems that the dwarf clan also has an origin fragment, and the dwarf ancestor got something on the origin fragment. So, he looked at other races with fragments of origin.

That dwarf clan emperor was the idea to fight the fragments of other several clan origins! Only then did they steal their inventory, although there are a few super races that do not have debris of origin, they can not steal it. But at the moment, as many forces as the Jinjia tribe can join forces to rob the dwarf tribe together. Which forces will stop?

Therefore, the dwarves do not do anything endlessly, seeing the brains of several other races have been stolen! "


Hearing the old man's words, Li Mo nodded. His eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Then it's leading to several planets near the dwarves, can you send it over?" Li Mo asked again.

The old man knew everything about Li Mo because he had collected a top-quality spirit stone from Li Mo.

"The dwarves are really going to fight, and the nearby planets are also necessarily dangerous. Now the creatures of those planets are fighting to escape. Who will pass? Brother, brother advise you not to go because of curiosity. That dwarf race. The battle of the great emperor realm is not so good-looking.

Did not hear the old man say that sending a large array does not send a few planets near the dwarves, Li Mo's eyes lit up.

Then Li Mo got up and politely arrived.

"Thank you brother, brother still has things. This is goodbye."

With that said, Li Mo threw down a few low-order spirit stones and used it as tea money to walk towards Firefly's large formation again.

"Go to Sea Serpent."

Came here, Li Mo shouted directly.

That Sea Serpent is a planet not far from the dwarves, and is regarded as a satellite of the dwarves.

Hearing Li Mo's words, the soldier frowned unpleasantly. But before he could say anything, Li Mo threw out a superb spirit stone directly.

Seeing this superb spirit stone, the soldier's eyes lit up suddenly.

The teleportation fee for teleportation array is only a few to dozens of high-level spirit stones. Who would be willing to spend the best spirit stone?

And this superb spirit stone, but a high-order spirit stone worth a thousand pieces! The soldier had no reason to refuse, and then the soldier hurriedly put away the best spirit stone. Laugh

"Say, talk."

Take Li Mo's superb spirit stone, and the soldiers are very polite. Let Li Mo cut into the line directly and send Li Mo to the Sea Serpent Planet first.

From Firefly Planet to Sea Snake Planet, if you fly by Li Mo. Even if Li Mo is now a quasi-imperial realm, he can't get there without three or four months.

But at the moment, it took only three days to transmit the large array. Li Mo appeared on the Sea Serpent Planet.

Only after coming here, all the creatures outside the array saw Li Mo's eyes, all with a trace of strangeness.

Right now, they are all sitting in fear of sitting in a teleportation formation to seek refuge in other planets. Who is interested in coming from the outside to the inside of the Sea Serpent Planet?

Li Mo was also reluctant to explain these creatures and flew to the sky in one step.

Flying out of the universe, the green planet of the dwarf family is in front of Li Mo's eyes. The distance between the sea serpent and the dwarf family is indeed not far away.

Even Li Mo's consciousness has detected that outside the dwarf planet, there are several dwarf clan emperors staring at it, and no outsiders are allowed to fly into the dwarf planet.

With so many prospective emperors visiting, I am afraid that ordinary prospective emperors cannot sneak in?

As for the emperor, which of the great emperors in the universe is not a dragon and a phoenix among people, proud of it, who can sneak into the dwarf planet.

However, although Li Mo is not an emperor, he is not an ordinary quasi-emperor. So Li Mo easily escaped the exploration of the dwarf clan emperor and entered the dwarf planet.

After arriving here, Li Mo found that not only the creatures of the Sea Serpent Planet that entered the dwarf planet were fleeing outward.

Even the dwarven creatures gathered in the large cities with teleportation methods to flee to the outside.

Dwarf planet, no creatures are allowed to come in right now. But creatures are allowed to go out, so the prosperity is a dwarf planet that is more prosperous than the golden armor planet. For a while, it became a little empty, and most of the creatures fled in a hurry.

Li Mo is in this situation. Lived in a small town on the dwarf planet.

There are still creatures in the small town, that is, the dwarves. The rest of the race has long escaped. Only the creatures of these dwarf races are willing to accompany their dwarf ancestors to greet the next disaster.

The dwarves are five feet in size, and each one is shorter than Li Mo.

But if you look down on the dwarves, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

The race that ranks among the top five in all universes is definitely not as simple as it is in performance.

Li Mo lived in this dwarven town for half a month, and stayed under the simple picture without attracting the attention of others.


"Coax! Coax! Coax..."

This planet outside the universe. The shocking horn sounded first, followed by a thunderous drum.

The sound of drums, with a lot of lightning, is immense, which makes the dwarf planets who are low-level dwarf clans tremble on the ground.

"Grandma dripping! Who allowed you a few debris to come to Laozi's place to show off their power?"

At this moment, only one scolding came.

Then, he was five feet tall with his arms over his knees. The figure was sturdy, wearing a gorgeous white robe, the ugly face of the man rushed into the air. Looked at the flashing thunder in Skyrim, mouth wide open. There was endless suction.


The Thunder, which was still in the sky before, was directly taken off in the clouds by that suction. All the power of these thunders went into the mouth of the middle-aged man of the dwarf family and was swallowed by him.

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