Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1457: Refine 1 Qi Wandudan

"I will set up a defensive array in a moment, you help me protect the law to prevent someone from poisoning."

With that said, Li Mo began to take out the spirit stone in the storage bag. With the area of ​​this small house, began to form an array.

Looking at Li Mo's back, the origin nodded secretly.

Even now that Li Mo and Wu Huatian have reached an ally relationship, the defense still needs to be defended. If Li Mo does not have such a mindset, even with the staff of origin, it is difficult to grow up.

"Get up!"

After a while, Li Mo only listened to the ground, and there was a scream in his mouth.

For a time, a long aura was born in the house. The walls around the house gave birth to a golden light. I don't know how much defense has been enhanced.


Then, a big tripod appeared on the ground inside the house.

This big Ding was originally given to Li Mo by Meng Lin, and has always been used by Li Mo.

I don't know where Meng Lin traveled these years, and where did you get this mouthful.

Anyway, don't look at the appearance of this mouthful, but its hardness is not bad.

Li Mo's palms pressed against several vents in Ding, and only listened to Zizi's voice. Flames burst into the tripod, and the violent temperature suddenly filled the room.

But because of Li Mo's defensive formation, even though the temperature inside the house gradually climbed. Tall and scary, but it was calm outside. The people guarding the house did not find anything strange.

After Dingzhong warmed up for a moment, Li Mo took out the inner cent of the centipede and put it in Ding.

Centipede's inner dan is brown, and his body is as big as an adult's fist. This inner dan is also highly toxic. When Li Mo put Neidan into the tripod, he still wrapped Neidan with aura to prevent it from being melted by the flame.

Then Li Mo's palm twisted, and huge suction appeared in Li Mo's palm.

I saw the poison swells that filled the sky and earth, and they were all sucked into the tripod. Gathered slowly around Neidan in the centipede, hovering.

"When refining Yiqiwandudan, the best environment is an environment that can absorb poisonous mist. This poisonous state is simply an excellent place for refining Yiqiwandu."

"Next, it only needs to be at intervals. Just put one thing in it, and in nine days, put all the poison and herbs in the tripod."

Looking at Neidan in Dingzhong, Li Mo grinned.

This is also the reason why Li Mo dare told Wu Huatian the ingredients of a panacea. If Wu Huatian does not introduce this sky of poisonous mist into the big demon's inner pill, it will not eventually become a pill.

When the sound fell, Li Mo took out a jar made of licorice in the storage bag. Open the jar, inside is a small black spider.

This little spider, only the cultivation of Jin Dan realm. Even a little demon, but don't underestimate his toxicity. Even a strong man in Yuanying Realm accidentally caught its way and had to be poisoned directly.

Li Mo didn't care about this anymore, he stretched out his fingers and grabbed the little spider.

This little demon is also fierce. At first, he saw Li Mo's fingers, and he didn't move at all. When Li Mo's finger was getting closer and closer, the little demon rushed violently, showing his fangs and biting into Li Mo's palm.

"Qiao! Qiao!"

The demon was fierce, but the two fangs seemed to be bitten on the iron. They couldn't even bite Li Mo's palm.

Not even trying to stop Li Mo's palms from advancing.

I saw that Li Mo picked up the little demon directly, and left it in flames without saying anything.


Suddenly, the flame was controlled by Li Mo and wrapped around the demon.

These flames are all the flames produced by Li Moling, how could the temperature be weak.

So at the first moment these flames wrapped up the little demon, the little demon had no life. Even the body was quickly burned into powder by flames, and the toxin essence of one body moved closer to the inner centane of the centipede...

After a while, Li Mo took another herb and threw it in.

Fearing that the flame would burn the herb directly into powder, Li Mo controlled part of the flame to lower the temperature and wrapped the herb.


The impurities of the herb are gradually removed, and some essences are turned into some liquids towards the centipede's Nedan.

Centipede extracts more and more. The overall color gradually changed to black.

Throughout the process, don't look at Li Mo's putting in something after a while.

But don't forget, Li Mo has always been distracted to control the temperature in Ding.

If there is a uniform temperature in Ding Nei, it's okay to say, but the temperature of Centipede Inner Dan can't be lowered. Therefore, Li Mo has to be distracted to refining and add things to Dingzhong. For a long time, this is undoubtedly a big load...

The time of nine days came as scheduled, and on the ninth day, the last piece of red and **** leaves in Li Mo's hands were put into the tripod. After the crimson liquid was absorbed by the centipede's inner pill, the temperature in the entire trip suddenly rose to the extreme!


The flame is like a sea, and in the stormy waves, a dark red elixir is sprayed!

This panacea is going straight to the It seems to break this house into a hole.

"Give me back!"

But where is Li Mo who has been staring here to make this panacea run away? Just listening to Li Mo shouting, the palm of the hand is that trick.

The coercion of the heavenly realm appeared, and the dark red elixir was directly inhaled by Li Mo's palm.

"This red lotus leaf is worthy of being the most poisonous of the 49 items. Even at the last moment, it changed the color of this pill of poisonous poison."

Looking at the panacea he had just refined, Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

That's right, this is a panacea made from Centipede's Nei Dan

The centipede fine inner pill, but the size of an adult fist.

But at this moment, the panacea, after nine days of refining, was refining only the size of the fingernail. Of course, the final concentration is the essence.

"In these nine days, Wu Huatian did nothing."

Knowing that Li Mo's energy these days has been put on this panacea in his hands, so the origin came to Li Mo and spoke to Li Mo.

These days, the origin has not dared to relax for a moment. Who knows what the nature of these poison sects is, if their nature is good. At the beginning, he would not commit Kyushu's anger, and was united by other Kyushu forces to chase into this poisonous state.

"This Wu Huatian... is kind of interesting."

Li Mo grinned and immediately put away the medicine tripod, as well as the spirit stone of the formation in the house.

As Li Mo walked out of the house, he felt that the poisonous state in the poisonous state seemed to be much thinner. The red hot sun that day was clearly visible. This is a sight not seen before.

The scene in front of him scared Li Mo. Just listen to Li Mo murmuring secretly to

"How much poisonous gas has absorbed the poisonous gas in nine days?"

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