Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1450: Understand the poison

In the heyday, the drug sect was also a powerful force in charge of the land of Sanzhou. It is even stronger than the crickets, dragonhawks and wolves.

Now it's going to end like this, so can these people of the poison sect hate outsiders?

"I don't know what to call the little friends?"

Just when Li Mo looked at the life of the Purple Feather Poison Sect, then Wu Huatian came to Li Mo and asked with a smile.

"Li Mo." Li Mo responded faintly.

"You Li Mo, come, please in the house."

Wu Huatian made a petition to Li Mo and smiled.

Li Mo nodded and followed Wu Huatian to his house.

An ancestor, but Wu Huatian's house is still made of simple wood. Houses covered with a layer of animal skin are all around. Compared with the outside world, the living conditions of Wu Huatian are really shabby.

Upon entering the house, Li Mo's eyes lit up.

The furnishings in the house are very simple, but there is a plate on the stone table in the center that looks like it should be python meat.

This is not the same as the outside disciple who has been eating wild vegetables.

Noting Li Mo's gaze, Wu Huatian explained to Li Mo

"These pythons are also highly toxic, and Zong Men's disciples don't have enough cultivation. They can't digest the python's poison, they can only eat ordinary wild vegetables with poison. Only Zong Men's seniors have this kind of blessing."

"Oh? What kind of cultivation is needed to digest these meat toxins?"

Li Mo came to interest and couldn't help asking.

"How to get above the fairyland."

In response, Wu Huatian immediately said to the middle-aged patriarch who was defeated by Li Mo at the door, "Go and arrange some wine and dishes, my ancestor, I will have a drink with Li Mo Xiaoyou."


In front of the ancestor, the middle-aged patriarch Ma Hao was much more humble.

I saw Ma Hao bowed and responded, and then led Zongmen's men to the outside.

"Little friend, sit down."

After Ma Hao led the people away, Wu Huatian reached out to Li Mo and said.

Li Mo sat across from Wu Huatian and asked Wu Huatian, "What on earth did the old senior want to say?"

"Ji Jie, just want to ask the little friend. Have you ever been in contact with the poison?"

Wu Huatian twisted his beard and asked Li Mo.

"Poison Road? I have heard it all the time and never touched it."

Li Mo stunned and shook his head in response.

In fact, Li Mo's previous life collected so many exercises, how could he never be exposed to the poisonous exercises?

But after reading a few pages, Li Mo felt that these things were too cruel. Murder is not too much, why need such torture. Therefore, Li Mo simply left those poisonous practices aside and never touched again.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately..."

Hearing Li Mo's response, Wu Huatian couldn't help shaking his head. Sadly speaking

"It's a pity that Xiaoyou has a congenital body that does not invade the poison, but has never practiced the poison path. If the friend was born in our poison sect, there is such a practice today. In addition, the friend's on the poison path Realize that you can unify the poison sect and become the ancestor of the poison sect."

"Unified Toxic Sect? In addition to the Purple Feather Toxic Sect, is there any other Toxic Sect?"

Li Mo was interested and asked Wu Huatian.


Speaking of this, Wu Huatian sighed. Then Wu Huatian poured a cup of tea to Li Mo and said

"The little brother is drinking, the elder brother tells you slowly."

I have to say that this Wu Huatian is also familiar. The two had just added their fists and feet just now, and even wanted to kill Li Mo's life, but at the moment Wu Huatian matched his brother Li Mo.

The tea is dark and ink-like, it seems to be brewed with their unique tea from Duzhou.

But if I want to come, Wu Huatian just wanted to greet Li Mo with the tea outside, and he didn't.

Li Mo picked up the tea cup and a golden light appeared in his hand.


The bursts of white smoke gave birth, causing Li Mo to frown.

Not only this tea, but the whole teacup is poisonous!

Of course, Li Mo knew that this was not Wu Huatian's intention to harm him.

In this environment, everything is poisonous.

And Wu Huatian did not know that Li Mo relied on the purifying effect of the origin, so he was not afraid of these toxins.

Wu Huatian thought Li Mo was the kind of innocent physique, so he did not remind Li Mo.

The white smoke gradually dissipated, and Li Mo's tea became semi-clear.

In this way, Li Mo was relieved to drink the wine in his hand.

It seems that he didn't pay attention to Li Mo's things, and Wu Huatian took a sip of tea. Enthusiastically speaking to Li Mo

"Poison Zong has been trapped in this poisonous state for nearly tens of thousands of years. Where can there be a peaceful scene in these years? So the poison Zong has been divided and combined in recent years. After the ancestor unified the poison sect, he was coming to the limit. The descendants who died were unclear and innocent. To be honest. I don’t know who killed him until now."

Wu Huatian's tone was very calm. Obviously, he didn't pay much attention to the life and death of the successor.

It is estimated that the whole poison sect should think this way, so there is no murderer yet. It’s not that you don’t find it, you can’t find it, but you don’t want to find it.

Obviously, everyone is unwilling to say what they want, and they do not accept the management of others.

"So the poison sect group has no head, everyone wants to compete for that position. It is a big fight, and later the poison sect is divided. It is divided into four parts, the purple feather poison sect, the white fog poison sect, the Dayan poison sect, and the wind blade poison sect. Little brother, we are the Purple Feather Poison Sect."

When he mentioned the "Purple Feather Poison Sect", Wu Huatian looked proud. During his lifetime, he was also an ancestor of the original school, and of course he was very arrogant.

"what do you want me to do?"

Li Mo asked while tasting

Ever since Wu Huatian confirmed that Li Mo's system is a kind of innocent and invasive body, his attitude towards Li Mo has changed 180 degrees. Therefore, Li Moyan could not know that this Wu Huatian must have a plan to look like this.

"My brother's physique, it's a pity not to practice the poison path..."

Before Wu Huatian finished his words, he was interrupted by Li Mo's displeasure.

"Brother, don't turn around? Just say it."

Since Wu Huatian called Li Mo a brother, Li Mo also called him a brother.

Looking at Li Mo's appearance, Wu Huatian pouted and said

"My elder brother's physique and qualifications, my elder brother is indeed not qualified to accept you as a disciple. How about my elder brother and I accepting disciples on behalf of the teacher? In the future, our brothers will be commensurate with the brothers and sisters. To the younger brother."

"Then help you Purple Feather Toxic Sect to conquer the other three poison Sects. Unify the poison Sect, right?"

Listening to Wu Huatian's words, Li Mo grinned.

In my heart, it was Wu Huatian, who was a secret underworld, really a good abacus.

They can't win any of the four poison sects now, and even Li Mo's rank among the four poison sects is not clear to Li Mo. Maybe it's the bottom of the Purple Feather Poison Sect.

But if Li Mo really cultivated the poison road, he won four poison sect.

As Li Mo’s brother, Wu Huatian’s status is not rising. Above the other three poison ancestors?

If Li Mo left, wouldn't the unified poison sect yet be considered by Wu Huatian?

But at first Li Moke did not have the leisure to control the affairs of the drug sect, and secondly, who was the master of Wu Huatian? Do you have a few pounds or a few pounds to be your master?

Therefore, Li Mo did not listen to Wu Huatian's opinion at all.

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