Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1431: Runes show their might

"It's too weak. I really don't know where your confidence in the silver armor comes from."

The dust in the deep pit gradually dissipated, revealing Li Mo's figure.

At the moment, Li Mo still keeps punching.

Although the coat on the arm shattered, the thin and powerful arm rolled aura. That rune seems to have a strong defense!

Needless to say, the figure that was beaten before in the distance is not who the Yin Yunfeng could be?

"What is that on your arm!"

Resisting the pain in his fist, Yin Yunfeng slowly got up and asked with a bite on his teeth.

Until now, Yin Yunfeng could not find it. With this mysterious rune, Li Mo's physical strength is more than powerful!

But what made Yin Yunfeng do not understand is that he fought Li Mo two months ago. Li Mo doesn't have such a means yet, how come the two passed. Li Mo not only cultivates for all refinement, but the power of the flesh suddenly becomes such a mysterious and powerful means?

"Come, let me punch you again and tell you."

Speaking of a sneer on Li Mo's face.

Looking at the playful expression on Li Mo's face, Yin Yunfeng suddenly became furious.

He is the patriarch of the silver and silver tribes, and he is also a strong man who stepped into the quasi-imperial realm. In the vast universe, they are extremely famous powerhouses.

Now in the land of Kyushu, which is considered to be the top strongman in the God Realm, was mocked by a humanoid kid?

Yin Yunfeng can bear it? Immediately after listening to Yin Yunfeng shouted "Nine Silver Serial Palms!"

Obviously, I know that Li Mo is so powerful now. Therefore, Yin Yunfeng did not compete with Li Mo in flesh, so he came up with his unique ability.


The strong wind roared, following Yin Yunfeng's palm. A palm-like palm wind emerged from Yin Yunfeng's head. A heavy force came.

The palm style had just taken shape, so he shot in the direction of Li Mo. It seems that it is necessary to shoot Li Mo into puree with a palm.

I remember when Li Mo faced this palm with the staff of origin and the power of the flesh, he was shot directly.

But this time, Li Mo's palm with the rod of origin still didn't move.

Just listen to Li Mo shouting "break me!"

The voice fell, and Li Mo waved upwards in the direction of the palm wind. Even want to use your own palm, tough and strong wind like a mountain!

Only this time, that palm. Aura is surging, flashing is a mysterious rune!


The heavy force made the ground behind Li Mo even show a deep hole with the size of a mountain and the shape of a palm.

I believe that if this palm is photographed, it will be a hard ground. Also torn apart!

But at the moment, the palm-like palm-like body does not know how small the body is, so powerful!

I saw him hit the heavy palm wind with one punch, so that the palm wind can no longer fall in the slightest! Can't even show off its might!


After another loud scream, Li Mo suddenly exerted his strength.

I saw that the runes on Li Mo's palms glowed brilliantly, and Li Mo's figure burst out. Passing the entire palm wind, the mountain-like palm wind suddenly splits! It gradually dissipated in the sky.


"So strong!"


Watching Li Mo so easily broke the first palm of Jiuyin's serial palms, a group of silver A strong people murmured in their hearts.

There are even some strong hands of the silver armor of the King Realm that have aura in their palms and want to shoot. But with Yin Yunfeng, they did not dare to shoot easily.

Interfering with the battle of Yinyunfeng, this is to look down on Yinyunfeng and think that Yinyunfeng will fail. Perhaps the violent Yinyun Summit will be angry with them, so these silver A strong people are very contradictory.

"Come again!"

Nine silver serial palms have nine palms in total, and one palm is stronger than one palm. Li Mo broke this first palm, of course, Yin Yunfeng should not be allowed.

I saw Yin Yunfeng flapping his palms, silently meditating in his mouth!

And above the Yinyun Peak, the strong wind danced. Gradually a palm-like palm wind emerged.

This palm-style five-finger spread, under the starry sky, pressed in the direction of Li Mo.


Facing the second palm of Jiuyin's serial palm, Li Mo didn't say much. He only heard Li Mo humming again and raised his fist again.


The heavy palm wind finally hit Li Mo's fist, causing Li Mo's body to shock. The flushed body stopped, and the thin body in the air even sank. Li Mo's mouth could not help but shed a red blood.

"Jian Jie."

This time, since Li Mo appeared until now. The power of the flesh has been a sudden mess! So now that Li Mo finally paid some injuries, Yin Yunfeng suddenly smiled with pride.

However, Yin Yunfeng's smile did not last long, and Li Mo raised his head slowly.

In those eyes, there was unyielding fighting intent.

I saw Li Mo's mouth with a trace of blood grinning, revealing a smile of evil charm.


The murderous intention of the sky came out with Li Mo's shout, and then Li Mo's body twisted. Just like a spear, **** passed the vast applause!

The second applause of Jiuyin Serial Palm, broken!


Li Mo didn't use any Simply broke the first two palms of his nine silver serial palms by simply relying on his powerful physical strength. This finally made Yin Yunfeng moved, and now, Yin Yunfeng has finally realized Li Mo's difficulty. I also know why Yin Day lost to this young man who looked young.

But then Yin Yunfeng's eyes narrowed, and there were bursts of murderous intentions in his eyes.

Li Mo really made Yin Yunfeng take it seriously, but the price was to make Yin Yunfeng want to kill Li Mo more and more.

"Third palm!"

Just listened to Yin Yunfeng's solemn shouts, palms.

The bursts of aura gradually substantiated the sky above Yinyun Peak, turning into a palm like a county!

The vast palms stood in the sky, compared with Li Mo's figure. It was like a drop in the ocean, so small.

A gust of wind blew out, blowing Li Mo's face straight.

Li Mo raised his head and looked solemnly at the applause from his head.

At the moment, this can no longer be described by the applause. Where can there be such a big applause? It is to put a low-level monk on this palm, I am afraid he will not be able to go out in his life.

Li Mo was severely injured by the third palm of the nine silver serial palms last time, flying with the dragon ancestor ancestor. So Li Mo's memory of the third palm of the nine silver serial palms is still fresh.

Therefore, Li Mo faced this punch and did not dare.

I saw that Li Mo finally picked up the rod of origin that he had never used, and a faint golden light spread all over it.

Looking at the rod of origin in his hand, Li Mo opened his lips together and meditated on the mantra of the rod of origin.


Suddenly, the staff of origin trembled.

The sky is full of swords, and Li Mo holds the rod of origin. Think of it as a growth sword, just like a sword fairy stepping forward to the palm of your hand, kill it!

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