Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1421: Silverlight

"Little friend, we can go back."

The King of Dragons put away the Jade Bottle and smiled with satisfaction at Li Mo.

Li Mo nodded and said no more.

Then Li Mo took out the rod of origin and meditated on the formula of the rod of origin.

The two felt only a flower in front of their eyes, and when they saw the prospect of their eyes again, they had returned to the cave house before the Dragon King.

"Thank you friends."

King Jiao Long bowed deeply to Li Mo, but Li Mo gave himself the hope of evolving to a real dragon once. King Long Yan was not grateful to Li Mo.

Being able to evolve into a real dragon is really a qualitative leap.

Don’t forget that the real dragon and the dragon dragon have the same strength, but the toughness of the body is to crush the existence of the dragon dragon. The body of the real dragon is really crushing the dragon, which makes the dragon king more and more want to evolve into the existence of the real dragon.

"Seniors need not be polite."

Li Mo hurriedly raised the Dragon King, and said politely.

The Dragon King, lifted by Li Mo, pulled out ten superb spirit stones in the storage bag!

"Some of the top-quality spirit stones have been used by Ben Wang for cultivation in these years, and the little friends will accept them first. There are some other top-grade spirit stones of Ben King, and this king will order people to take them."

Obviously, before the Dragon King gave Li Mo six superb spirit stones, he still felt owed to Li Mo.

Now Li Mo helps himself get the essence blood of the real dragon. The Dragon King feels that he owes Li Mo even more, so ten exquisite spirit stones are all overwhelming.

"Senior, this will do."

Li Mo now also needs the best spirit stone practice, so he did not refuse.

After putting the best spirit stone in the storage bag, Li Mo waved his hand to the King Dragon, saying that

"The juniors still have things to do, so they leave. The seniors don't need to find any superb spirit stones for the juniors anymore. The juniors don't owe the juniors anything."

Watching Li Mo really want to go, the Dragon King knew he couldn't stop him. So King Dragon King said to Li Mogong

"Xiaoyou has great gratitude to Ben Wang and Tianhaixing's aquarium. If you need it in the future, you only need one sentence. The entire Tianhaixing Aquarium will be sent to you by your friends!"

Looking at the dignified expression of King Dragon King, Li Mo knew that King Dragon King was serious, and he didn't tell lies.

So Li Mo nodded his head in response, then Li Mo raised his head and looked at the starry sky.

If you really want to fight the starry sky again in the future, you really need to draw some allies in the universe. Can't be like the last life, there are not many people around. Someone even stabbed Li Mo in the back of the crisis.

And if this dragon king can really return to his ancestors and become a true dragon. By then, it must be an indispensable ally of Li Mo...

Because of the heart of Kyushu, plus Li Mo is still a strong man in the early days of the gods. So Li Mo rushed all the way to the land of Kyushu in just two months.

On this day, Li Mo's front. Finally, we can see Jing Weiwei, dividing the ground into nine planets.

There is the snowy Yunzhou, there is a verdant green Binzhou. Even the scorching state of the hot sun saw the 100,000 mountains that I missed all the time. This is not the land of Kyushu.

"It's back..."

Li Mo's journey was half a year, so looking at the ground of Kyushu below, he could not help but sigh.


At the same time as Li Mo's emotion, a harsh voice came from afar.

Then, Li Mo only saw a great dragon eagle clan with a large dragon head and eagle body in front, and the vast wings were like two white clouds.

The dragon eagle strong who can have such a vast body, no need to guess, must be the ancestor of their dragon eagle.

And Li Mo also knows that this dragon eagle ancestor must have run out in order not to greet himself.

Because at the moment behind the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe, there are no less than ten figures of aliens!

"Old things can run!"

"Well, where can you go with this old thing? As long as our silver armor clan issued a chase order to you, where can you hide this great universe?"


That's right, who is chasing the ancestors of the Dragonhawk tribe, isn't these silver armor clan strongmen in silver armor still able to be?

Li Mo can feel that the strength of these more than ten silver armor clan is not simple.

Except that the figure in front is a little fat, and it is cultivated as a silver armor strongman in the middle of God Realm. The rest of the silver armor clan, Xiu Wei, was evenly in the heaven and gods to heaven.

To know that this group of silver armor is strong, it is not easy for the major forces of the Kyushu land to contend.

And Li Mo knows that since this time the silver armor has chosen to shoot. It will definitely not only mobilize this group of strong men.

Thinking of this, Li Mo couldn't help frowning. It's time to come. The only hope now is that it is not too late to come back by yourself.

Although the dragon ancestor ancestors are fast, they can be seen. The ancestor of the Dragon Eagle tribe was injured, so he fled this way. It didn't take long for the dragon eagle ancestor to slow down.

The speed of the dragon eagle ancestors slowed down, but the silver armor of the middle of the **** king realm was not slow.

"Go to hell!"

Hearing the strong voice of the silver armor clan, he hurriedly speeded up and chased to the dragon eagle ancestor.

It can be seen that this silver armor strongman has not used all his speed before. This is what he was waiting for.


The heavy fist thumped on the body of the dragon eagle ancestor, and a blood flower exploded. The physical strength of the silver armor clan is also famous in the universe, and the cultivation of the silver armor clan is still on top of the dragon eagle clan ancestor. Therefore, even if the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe appeared, they could not resist.


The Longying tribe ancestor suddenly screamed in pain, and his figure fell down.

At the same time, the remaining ten or more powerful members of the silver armor rushed up to surround the dragon eagle ancestors.

However, they are not siege, they are waiting for the silver armor clan in the midst of the King Realm.

"Senior Silverlight is amazing! I grabbed this old immortal with one shot!"

"Then still use you to say, Master Silverlight's magical power is here!"


Not to mention, these silver clan tribes are not only powerful. Even this kind of work is not weak.

The silver light that was touted by everyone flew to the dragon and ancestor ancestors, and smiled proudly.

"Master Ben is missing a mount If you think Master Ben is the master. Lord Master can spare you a life."

"Bah! Let the ancestor I be your mount, let's go for the rest of my life!"

The aging ancestor of the Longying tribe, who had been seriously injured, shouted at the silver light.

His dragon eagle ancestor was not strong enough, but he was also a character who had been a dragon eagle ancestor all his life. Moreover, how could the dragon eagles be arrogant, how could they become the mounts of others?

Hearing the scolding of the ancestors of the Longying tribe, Yin Guang's eyes tightened, showing a sense of murder.

"Old stuff! Lao Tzu will pull out your feathers one by one! If you don't follow, just pull out your fingers! If you don't follow, you will cramp your skin and eat you alive!"

With that said, Yinguang would have to fight again against the Dragon Eagle clan ancestors.

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