Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1418: King Dragon King's Decision

"Father King!"

Long Hao never dreamed that the father would not hold these people accountable.

Afraid that Long Hao would say anything else, so that the Dragon King changed his mind. Therefore, those high-level aquarists kneeling on the ground, head into pounding garlic. Seize the opportunity and keep kowtowing

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you for your majesty's gratitude for not killing. The old minister represents the whole family. His majesty will surely look forward to it!"


Then, a large number of high-level aquarists stopped talking and retreated.

For a time, in addition to those guards who were guarded in front of the Dragon Palace. Only Li Mo, King Dragon King, Long Hao and His Highness were left.


Seeing this collude with the tortoise, the tortoise received the dragon ball, and almost gave them the dragon clan to the elder son of the genocide. The dragon king couldn't help but be angry and angry.

"Father King! Children know the wrong! Children know the wrong!"

His Highness also knew how serious the mistake he had made this time, so he knelt on the spot and continued to beg for mercy.

"It's all tortoises! It's all the old tortoises who punish the children, the father Wang Rao Ming!"

Even at this time, there was still a luck in the heart of His Highness. Pushing everything to Prime Minister Kamae, will he be less punished?

"Even if you are blinded by the old turtle, but you may not know the matter of killing your younger brother? What's more wrong is that the dispute between the heirs and the heirs is the idea of ​​playing Dragon Ball!"

The angry Dragon King roared to His Royal Highness, and his voice fell. The dragon king's hand suddenly showed an aura, and shot to the hall.

Although King Dragon King was hit hard by the tortoise, but he still punishes his son in the early days of Tianshen Realm.


Seeing this aura of King Dragon King, the look of His Highness changed.

Even at this time, His Highness did not want to die!

So His Highness suddenly got up and wanted to run out.

But he looked too fast at his own speed. How can he run away in front of the strong man of God King Realm?

I saw that Aura, like an arrow, shot into the back of His Royal Highness, splashing a blood flower.


A painful dragon roar came, and I saw a silver-white dragon appearing slowly outside the body of His Highness.

This figure was looming, and then, the sky-wide spirit appeared in the body of the Highness.


The ghost shadow and spirit of the dragon were shattered like a mirror. The painful sweaty body of His Highness suddenly fell to the ground and passed out.

Seeing this scene, Li Mo nodded secretly.

Although it is said that this Highness has done many evil things, there are still many innocent deaths. But the tiger venom does not eat any food, so the Dragon King is out of his own selfishness. It just abolished the cultivation of His Royal Highness and did not kill his life.

This also made Li Mo feel a lot of affection for Jiaolong King's heart, if Jiaolong King could kill even his own son. But Li Mo had to keep some distance with this dragon king.

As for the lord, for a monk in the heavenly realm, the cultivation was abolished. In future life, I am afraid that life is better than death.

"Let Xiaoyou read the joke."

Turning around, Jiaolong King's face squeezed out a smile, an unsightly smile.

"The juniors didn't see any jokes, only the Dragon King's meaning."

Li Mo nodded and responded politely.

"Huo'er, take your elder brother down. Arrange for the next person to prepare some wine and vegetables, and the father will drink a few drinks with the little friend."

The King of Dragons waved to Long Hao.

In fact, the King of Dragons was injured, and just now the practice of his elder son was abolished. So at this moment, whether the dragon king is physically or psychologically, where is his mood to drink?

But Li Mo was kind to them, and the King of Dragons knew that he could not lose the courtesy. Can only drag a sorrowful mood, accompanied Li Mo to drink a few glasses.


Long Hao responded, and then arranged for his subordinate to walk out with the comatose highness.

"Little friend, please."

Jiaolong King opened his body sideways and made a request to Li Mo.

Although the difficulty of King Jiaolong did not tell Li Mo, Li Moyan could not see it. So Li Mo shook his head and smiled

"Old Dragon King is injured, let the juniors retreat first. After disturbing for such a long time, the juniors are also sorry."

When he heard that Li Mo was leaving, the Dragon King was shocked. Then Jiaolong King kept shaking his head and said

"Xiaoyou has great gratitude to our sky starfish aquarium, besides this is the first time this king has met with Xiaoyou. How can he let Xiaoyou leave like this."

"Dragon King doesn't have to persuade anymore, the junior planet still has something to do with it. So it can't be bothered."

Li Mo shook his head and said politely.

He has also been away from the Kyushu land for some time. The ghost knows whether the senior members of the Yinjia tribe have discovered Li Mo's rod of origin, and whether they have come to attack their Kyushu land. So Li Mo was also anxious in his heart and wanted to go back and see.

Seeing Li Mo's intention to leave, Jiaolong King knew he didn't need to persuade anymore. But the Dragon King is still sorry to say that

"Xiaoyou has great gratitude to our aquarium, as I said before. Xiaoyou helps us aquarium, this king has a gift of treasure. I don't know what the Xiaoyou want? As long as the aquarium has it, it must be given to the Xiaoyou."

"Dragon King is polite, and the juniors and brother Long Hao are also friends. It's just a matter of raising hands, but don't dare to be greedy."

Li Mo was so overwhelmed when they got the origin fragments from the sky starfish, how could they still ask for treasures.

"Hey, it's a handy thing for Xiaoyou. But for our aquarium, it's a big unforgettable kindness."

Hearing Li Mo's words, Jiaolong Wang immediately waved his hand and grimaced.

Then, the Dragon King thought about it. Then took out six Needling Spirit Stones in the storage bag!

Li Mo didn't say, and the Dragon King didn't know what Li Mo wanted. The spirit stone is a universal thing in the universe. Not only do you need to practice, but also to buy something, it is also a must-have thing.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Jiaolong King directly took out six superb spirit stones!

Seeing the six superb spirit stones in the hands of the King of Dragons, Li Mo's eyes lit up.

Really worthy of being the king in charge of a Six superb spirit stones in one shot. There is only one such thing, Li Mo, the grandfather of the Jiuli tribe on the ground of Kyushu.

And Li Mo is not prepared to absorb the superb spirit stone of the Jiuli tribe, and wants to leave it to the descendants of the Jiuli tribe.

But Li Mo also knows that this world today. The Needling Spirit Stone is very precious. I am afraid that it is enough for Jiaolong King to take out these six Needling Spirit Stones at once.

"I don’t know what Xiaoyou wants, so I will give these six Needling Spirits to Xiaoyou first. If there is any need for Xiaoyou in the future, even if you come to Tianhaixing. This king has it, you must give it to you unconditionally. on!"

Jiaolong Wang said with pride, even the value of these six top-quality spirit stones is very expensive.

But in the heart of the Dragon King, these things are still not as good as Li Mo's kindness to them. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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