Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1416: Sunder Armor

   "Jian Jie, you all guessed it? But this time, you guessed it, late!"

   The voice fell, and the tortoise burst into shape. Li Mo came to kill him.

   It turned out that the Prime Minister Kameue ​​also delayed the time. Prepare to recover some aura, recuperate and recuperate your injuries and fight again!

   But what the prime minister did not think of was that Li Moming knew that he had fallen out of favor. Faced with the tortoise of the tortoise, Li Mo's figure was unbiased, and he coaxed the fist with the rod of origin.

   "Ji Jie, find death!"

   Seeing Li Mo like this, he couldn't help but mock him.

   The tortoise of the tortoise is not comparable to his tortoise shell, so the tortoise of the tortoise is not an opponent of the rod of origin.

  But now that the time has been restored on the seabed, the prime minister is confident that his recovered state is already above Li Mo. Li Mo must be the end of a strong twist!

   A body with a strong twist will dare to tough me? I really don't know how to write dead words.

   Prime Minister Kame is very proud, but it hasn't been a long time. With just a click, the face of the tortoise has changed dramatically!


   A large mouthful of blood was ejected by the tortoise, and the tortoise's arm was suddenly interrupted by Li Mo. The bones seemed to be broken into powder.

   And the tortoise, the thick and huge body, was unable to fly backwards.

   "The resilience of the human race under water is indeed inferior to that of your aquarium, but I am sorry, except for Li Mo."

  Li Mo played with a smile and said it gently.

   Such a long time, even as a strong aquarium. Living under water all year round, but it is not bad that the tortoise in the tortoise can recover for half a year.

   But Li Mo, who has the power of origin to recover, is of course different, and the injuries in his body have already recovered by half.

   Coupled with Prime Minister Guicheng too much confidence in himself, so a big fist to Li Mo killed. Of course, it will not be Li Mo's opponent.

   "Apart from your turtle shell, what else do you have?"

  Looking at Gui Chengxiang's broken arm, Li Mo shook his head and chuckled lightly. I dare to use my fists to fight against myself, I am really confident.


  Bearing the severe pain of the body, the tortoise snorted again.

   Then the tortoise again retracted all parts of the body into the tortoise shell, and no longer attacked in the direction of Li Mo.

   For a time, I could clearly see a blue aura in the seawater pouring into the turtle shell.

   The tortoise absorbs the aura in the seawater frantically. He is insanely replenishing the aura in the body and repairing the injuries in the body.

   This time, Mr. Guicheng did something no longer concealed. The momentum is indeed not small.

   "Hurry up to solve him, or wait for him to recover like this. We want to defeat him and break his defense, it is almost impossible!"

  The voice of the origin of the spirit came from his mind. Obviously, the origin also realized the seriousness of the matter.


  Li Mo nodded solemnly, and responded.

   Then Li Mo's eyes tightened, and he shouted again, "Five Qi Chao Yuan!"

  Five qi dynasties consume aura very much, otherwise they will not be able to turn into four incarnations like the main body's combat power, that is, Li Mo just recovered a lot through the power of origin. In addition, Li Mo itself has a strong spirit, so he can issue this second five-qi Chaoyuan!

   For a time, five Li Mo appeared in front of everyone again.


With Li Mo's main body holding the rod of origin shouting, there is another Li Mo holding the Lingxiao Mountain, one Li Mo holding the painting of a world, another Li Mo holding the star sword, and another Li Mo holding the bite Soul stitch.

   Five Li Mo killed together!


   The seawater was surging, and a breath of ruin was born.

   Looking up, the whole piece of sea water has been stained with blood red.

  Li Mo and Guicheng have been fighting each other until now, the wave of that aura has poured into the sea water. The little demon in the sea didn't know how much he was killed by the shock. The red blood above the sky, stayed together for a long time.


   And inside the turtle shell, finally came a roar of the tortoise.

   "Smelly kid! When I regain my spirit, I will surely sizzle you alive!"

   The tortoise shell is very strong. However, due to the thickness of the turtle shell, every attack and defense. They all consume the spirit of the tortoise prime minister, so that the tortoise prime minister is a bit unmovable now.

   Li Mo didn't seem to hear anything about Gui Cheng's insult, and he didn't care.

   At the moment, Li Mo's eyes are all on the tortoise shell of the tortoise.

  I saw the formation of the gleaming light carved on the turtle's shell. After a blow, it became even darker.

   And there was a twist on it, as if it was about to be broken.

   "Without Reiki, this formation is not unbreakable!"

  Looking at the changes in the method, Li Mo's eyes lit up.

   Then the five Li Mo glanced at each other and nodded.


   Five Li Mo shouted again, and the five handles in his hand took out a weapon that was all treasure to greet the tortoise shell of the tortoise.

   "Coax! Coax! Coax..."

   The battle just now was defended by Li Mo. The main attack is the tortoise.

   But this time, the situation was reversed.

   This time, the tortoise prime minister can only shrink inside the tortoise shell, and everything is attacked by Li Mo.

   With the continuous attack of the five Li Mo, the light of the tortoise shells of the tortoise shells became dimmer. The faintly beating light seemed to go out at any time.

  Looking at the scene from afar, such as the Dragon King, the strong eyes were all bright.

   From this perspective, Li Mo can really break the defense of the tortoise shell?

"What kind of person is this humanoid Even the turtle shell of the Pharaoh's Eight can be broken? It is estimated that the strong man of the **** king realm is standing in front of this humanoid kid, he added My four avatars, as well as the treasure, can also be destroyed with one blow..."

   Unlike others, the Dragon King of King thought as he watched Li Mo's battle with Guicheng.

   "Stop! Stop!"

  'S own defense is getting weaker and weaker, and the tortoise can of course feel it, so just listening to the torture of the tortoise shouted loudly.

   "I will leave now! No longer have a dispute with the Jiaolong tribe!"

  Anyway, I am now a strong man in the Great Realm of God King Realm. Where can I go in the universe?

   Therefore, Mr. Gui Cheng was beaten by Li Mo, and he thought of leaving Tian Haixing. When his tortoise shell is broken, and the biggest reliance is gone, what else can he fight against others?

   But Prime Minister Gui Cheng wanted to strike, where did Li Mo agree?

   If the invincible person is replaced by Li Mo today, will the tortoise minister let Li Mo go?

  Mr. Guicheng's acting as a person, certainly not!

   So none of the five Li Mo responded to the prime minister. I saw five Li Mo's faces as cold as frost, their eyes ruthless, and the weapon in their hands fell again!


   This time, everyone did not think of it.

   Prime Minister Kame’s defense, known as the invincible God Realm, was directly smashed by Li Mo! Revealed the **** body of the tortoise!

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