Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1390: Dispose of Pseudo Heavenly Court

In fact, they were a bit too cautious, and the ancestors died in battle.

The reinforcements invited by the ancestral ancestors all ran away in front of the young man, although the young man's condition is now at the end of a strong twist.

But don't forget, there are two intact **** king realm strong in the sky!

Such a strong man is still alive and can already decide the outcome.

So where is the remnant of the false heaven?

After looking at the ancestors of the ancestors, the ancestors of the red flame rat clan and the ancestors of the swallowing Tian Python clan shouted.

"Clan of the Red Flame Rat Race! Throw down the weapon, we surrender!"

"Swallow the clan of the Sky Python King! Throw the weapon down, we surrender!"

Although these two strong men are the ancestors of both races, they also have their pride. But they also don't want to be guilty of sinners who have exterminated their race.

And the relationship between them and the ancestral ancestors, to put it bluntly, is a relationship of interest. Now that the ancestors are dead, are they still counting on their allegiance to the Pseudo Heavenly Court? Do not be silly.

Of course, being able to survive is also one aspect.

"You... you two cartilage! I killed you!"

Looking at the ally just now, it immediately turned into an enemy. The ancestors of the Juli Ant Clan suddenly yelled angrily, and his fists rushed towards the Red Flame Rat ancestor and the Tian Tian Python ancestor.

Among all the alliances in the Pseudo Heavenly Court, the relationship between the Juli Ant Clan and the Manchu Clan has been recent. The ancestors and ancestors of the Juli Ant Royal Family are also the relationship between elders and juniors.

The most important thing is the relationship between Juli Ant King and Jiuli Tribe.

The ancestors of the Jiuli tribe, Jiuli, led the Jiuli tribe almost to unify the world. In the end, Jiuli was coming because of the limit. When Xiuwei regressed, several demon forces led the subordinate human tribes to join forces to siege the Jiuli tribe.

To say that it is the most hard-working, the one with the most blood on his hand is this giant force ant royal family.

Therefore, the Juli Ant King family knows that the Jiuli tribe hates them most.

Everyone now knows that this Li Mo is their grandpa of the Jiuli tribe. Therefore, the ancestors of Juli Ant King Clan never thought of surrender.

"Coax! Bang..."

The voices of wars kept coming from the sky, and the three ancestors stood together.

Although the strength of the ancestors of the Juli Ant King family is more strengthened, but at this moment he is facing two ancestor characters.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Juli Ant Royal Family suddenly fell, and fell down.

Gradually, the hard carapace of the body of the ancestor of Juli Ant King clan. It was also smashed by two ancestors, **** for a while.

For all this, Li Mo, all the strongmen on their side, watched the battle quietly.

In their eyes, this is a dog biting dog. They have no reason to stop.

"Li Mo, I can die. But you have to let us eat the wolf clan, otherwise... otherwise I will die if I die! Hunt the strong of your clan in the dark, let your clan for thousands of years. peaceful!"

Compared with the ancestors of the Juli Ant King family, the Wolf Eater ancestor restored his composure. Knowing that he would die, so the wolf bite ancestor shouted at Li Mo, who was protected by the eggs and Feng Yuwei.

"Run away in our hands? Do you think you have this strength?"

Li Mo didn't speak, but the Dragon Eagle clan ancestor stepped forward and questioned.

The Dragon Eagle and the Wolf Eater were once the top three demon families in Kyushu, and the forces of the Wolf Ancestor and Dragon Eagle were also quite similar. They are all consummated in the God Realm.

So if the ancestors of the former Dragon Eagle tribe wanted to stop the wolf bite ancestor who wanted to escape, they really couldn't stop it.

Even in a desperate battle, it's really hard to say who will live and who will die.

But now, the dragon eagle ancestors have entered the realm of God King.

Ordinary celestial realm monks can really pinch to death in the eyes of the **** king realm. And the Dragon Eagle tribe ancestor is also surrounded by the Tianshan Snow King, which is also a strong man in the early stage of the God King Realm.

How ridiculous is it that a strong man with a perfect Tianshen Realm says to run away under the eyes of the two strong people in the early stage of God Realm?


The wolf-eater ancestor frowned, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes, but he said nothing.

The ancestor of the wolf-eater family was indeed rampant, but now he has no rampant capital.

"Come on your own. The powerful people above the wolf-eating fairyland must die! The people below the fairyland can be kept."

Li Mo wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth and was slowly lifted up by the egg and said softly.

The words are light, but they seem to have infinite power. In a word, it is possible to determine the life and death of a Kyushu ranking in the top three, standing for tens of thousands of years.

Do not decide to destroy the wolf bite, because Li Mo is not a killer.

As for killing all the powerful people above the fairyland, it is because if these wolf eaters remember the hatred today. Hidden in the dark and assassinating Li Mo's strong clan of their tribes, the strength of their fairyland is also a great injury to other tribes.

Listening to Li Mo's words, the wolf bite ancestor frowned.

They eat the wolf clan is not an ordinary race, to eat the strength of the wolf clan. That is to say, there are several strong players in the heavenly wonderland, and even more powerful players in the fairyland.

So Li Mo's decision killed a lot of their people.

"This is my last concession. If you want the wolf eater to disappear from the land of Kyushu from now on, you can continue to measure. As you said that you want to hide in the dark and assassinate our clan, you think that with our lineup today, it may be ?"

After a short break, Li Mo finally straightened his waist and asked the wolf bite ancestor.

The wolf bite ancestor frowned, secretly calculating.

Li Mo, the ancestor of the Longying tribe and the ancestor of the Snow King of Tianshan stood on the spot, and did not mean to disturb the wolf ancestor.

With the character of Tianshan Snow King and Dragon Eagle Clan Ancestor, of course, they will not leave the Wolf Clan. As long as the entire wolf eater is killed, it can be a future.

But since Li Mo robbed in front of them, of course they have to give Li Mo this face.

The Kyushu mainland is respected by the strong, Li Mo's strength and what he has done. It's worth treating everyone like this.


After a while, the wolf-eater ancestor seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Helplessly shook his head. At this moment, the wolf-eater ancestors are almost repentant.

How did you blind the eyes of the conditions opened by the ancestors? Come and contaminate the wolves like Guzu?

However, if you think about it carefully, you are now letting the Zuzu always put forward those conditions, and the wolf bite ancestor will still not refuse.

"You won..."

The Wolf Devourer murmured, of course he knew.

Li Mo did this, although he wanted to kill many high-ranking wolves, but left them a root.

If he doesn't know what to do anyway, the whole wolf eater will disappear.

The ancestors of the wolf-eater clan escaped before and secretly killed several races. After all, the wolf bite ancestors can’t think they can really escape. So the wolf bite ancestor chose to admit his fate.

But let the wolf-biting ancestors admit defeat like wolf-biting ancestors are really unwilling!

Don’t forget, he is the ancestor of the gods and demons in the top three in Kyushu!

Immediately, the eyes of the wolf clan ancestors burst into flames and suddenly looked up to the dragon eagle clan ancestor.

This has grudged him for thousands of years, but now he finally left him behind, and entered the old enemy family in the early stage of God King Realm.

The wolf bite ancestors shouted, "Old things! Abandoning the grudges of our two races, let's stand for one. Let me see, how dare you fight in the early stage of the King Realm?"

Without the entanglement of the wolf bite family, the wolf bite ancestor was relieved a lot.

After all, the wolf bite ancestor still didn't want to be the sinner who ruined his race.

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