Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1388: Silver daytime

"Silver daytime?"

Hearing the words of Guzu, Li Mo asked the silver armor strongman above.

Upon hearing the sound, Yin Mo looked down to Li Mo during the day. There was a trace of pride in his eyes, teasing.

"Have you heard of Master's name?"

In the land of Kyushu today, a **** king realm is already the strongest. The title of the prospective emperor is really too far away from the land of Kyushu.

A planet that the imperial emperor did not have is really nothing in the eyes of Yin Tian.

So after coming to Kyushu, Yin was very proud during the day. Nor will they take the indigenous powers of Kyushu as their eyes.

"Since you have heard the name of Lord Ben, Lord Ben spares you to death. Withdraw from the army. In the future, an alliance of several of your forces and the Heavenly Court of Guzu will jointly control Kyushu."

Yin said proudly during the day, as if he were the overlord of this Kyushu. The orders given, the people below could not resist.

"Dude during the day..."

Hearing Yin Yan's words, the ancestral ancestor changed its appearance and hurriedly shouted.

The ancestral ancestors paid a great price to hire the strong man in the universe, isn't it just to destroy Li Mo for them.

Now the silver day benefits are collected, but they do not help themselves. Guzu Yan can not worry.

"Huh? Are you questioning my decision now?"

Yin looked at the Guzu during the day, and there was not much respect in his eyes.

Don't look at Yin, he is very proud during the day, but he is not conceited.

Forgive Li Mo their lives and let the two forces coexist. When the time comes, he can continue to blackmail the ancestors, and he doesn't need to do it himself, why not do it?


The ancestral ancestors who were born in the ancient heavens are certainly proud. So looking at the contemptuous look of Yin Day, Gu Zu was of course angry.

But the Guzu only spoke one word and shut up.

People under the eaves must bow their heads. Now I am going to use this silver daytime, so even the Guzu knows what idea silver is playing during the daytime. Guzu still have to hold his breath, gritted his teeth and said

"no disagreement"

To calculate this silver day, you have to wait after today!

"Silver daytime? Haven't heard of it."

At this time, Li Mo finally spoke.

Li Mo had also fought against the Yinjia tribe, so Li Mo recalled a strong personal family in his own memory.

After thinking about it for a long time, there is no such character as Silver Daytime. As for the name of Yin Tianyi who just said a word in the mouth, he still heard the words of Guzu.


This time, it was the turn of the silver-white weather.

I'm the famous King Realm King in the universe, haven't you heard of it?

And does your kid have eyesight? You haven’t heard my name, don’t you say it, okay? I am such a proud person!

"Given your ignorance, you can die!"

The angry silver shouted during the day, and there was a lot of pressure on his body.

Feeling this coercion, the look of the Tianshan Snow King and the Dragon Eagle clan ancestor changed.

Although they and this silver day are both powerful in the King Realm, the atmosphere of others is a hundred times stronger than them!

"The perfect cultivation practice of the magnificent King Realm is so breathtaking. I thought it was a prospective emperor."

Li Mo shook his head and smiled contemptuously.

"Boy, you have to remember. This should be your last rampage!"

Silver was condescending during the day and he smiled proudly. Immediately, I saw Yin's pair of fists hitting Li Mo with endless silver light.

"Seniors protect good people, I will come to this silver day for a while."

After hearing a voice from the Snow King of Tianshan and the ancestors of the Longying tribe, Li Mo immediately retreated to the rear.

Everything was within Li Mo's expectations. The proud Yin did not take Tianshan Snow King and Dragon Eagle Clan ancestors into his eyes during the day. Before Li Mo irritated Yin Daytime, Yin Day skipped Tianshan Snow King and Dragon Eagle tribe ancestors directly and went straight to Li Mo.

The speed of the **** king realm should be so fast, so the two quickly flew out of everyone's figure.

In the place where the Pseudo Heavenly Court is located, the strongmen of the two houses have already gone to war. Obviously, both are waiting for the result of the battle between Li Mo and Yin Day.

Even the Snow King of the Tianshan Mountains and the ancestors of the Dragonhawk tribe have no intention of leaving, in their hearts.

The seriously wounded ancestral ancestor is already in the bag. Any one of them who is strong in the early stage of the **** king realm can fight with one of them, and can kill the ancestor in this state.

However, it is not a good thing that a strong man with the great consummation of the king appeared.

"Boy, will you just run away?"

Besides Li Mo and Yin Daytime, don't look at Yin Daytime as the strong man of the Great Realm of God King Realm. But this speed is still inferior to Li Mo, this angry and proud silver keeps scolding during the day.

"There is a kind of chasing me, are you a snail."

While flying, Li Mo turned around and mocked Yin Daytime.


The proud Yin suddenly roared up in the sky and shouted.

But despite Yin's anger during the day, Li Mo still couldn't catch him.

Li Mo is not just running away, but quietly running the world's first punch.

For a time, the heavenly spirits gathered to Li Mo's body. In front of Li Mo's fist, a more intense light radiated out.


Feeling the pressure on Li Mo's fist, Yin froze during the day. The speed of the chase was actually slowed down, but I watched it for a moment. Silver still scorned a smile during the day

"The fists of this level are indeed good. Even the clan of our late King Realm may not be able to take it, but for me, it is not difficult to take it!"

This is also Yin Day's confidence in her silver A tribe.

"Huh, are you so confident?"

Li Mo grinned, and then Li Mo pointed the other hand to Yin Tianxia.


Tiandiquan second punch, deprived.

In response to Li Mo's voice, Yin's whole body showed amazing aura light during the day.

The aura within Yin's daytime began to dissipate to the surroundings, and the thick aura gradually materialized in midair, showing the purity of Yin's aura during the day.


Such a change in the body is that Silver himself panic during the day.

Yin clearly felt during the day that his whole body's aura quickly dissipated. And his own cultivation behavior also slowly declined!

"Go to hell!"

Silver also has rich experience in daytime battles. Knowing that he will continue to consume like this, his strength will only get lower and lower.

I just said that Li Mo's punch might be fatal to the silver armor clan in the late stage of their King Realm, and he will soon fall to such cultivation practice. So Yin didn't even think about it during the day. While he still has some strength, it would be good to kill the kid in front of Can you catch it? "

Li Mo smiled contemptuously, for these silver clan strong. Li Mo really knows too much, and fights with them. So Li Mo came up and used the world to punch them.

Looking at the rushing silver daytime, Li Mo's feet got a wind. The speed made Li Mo run to the extreme, and the search ran to the distance.

And the silver that gradually weakened during the day, can only look at his back.

"Stinky boy! Stop me!"

Angry Silver roared during the day while chasing Li Mo.

But after only a short chase, Silver's look changed during the day. Immediately reversed direction and hurriedly fled to the rear. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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