Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1380: Awaken the origin

Li Mo sat opposite the Green Horse King and recruited the Staff of Origin.

Without further ado, Li Mo pressed the fragment of origin into the rod of origin.

Suddenly, the entire dark cave was illuminated by golden light.

With Li Mosong's hand, the rod of origin gradually rose into the air.

Then, the rod of origin circled in the air, and an old man's figure gradually became solid in the air.

"I didn't expect that you stinky boy got the debris of origin in such a short time."

Looking at Li Mo, the origin even rarely smiled at Li Mo.

"Cut, on the mainland of Kyushu. The treasures my host wants, I haven't got them yet."

The Qingmawang pouted his lips and scoffed at the origin.

Of course, if the Tsing Ma King knew that he had ridiculed the human race's ancestors, the rod of origin that all races in the universe wanted would be shocked.

"Now can urge the power of origin. Hurry up to treat my injury."

Looking at the origin, Li Mo couldn't wait to say.

Although Li Mo repelled the ancestors last time, the ancestors who used Poto may have to make a comeback. So Li Mo really didn't dare to delay for a moment.

"it is good."

The origin of the instrumental spirit of the rod of origin can be seen at a glance the messiness of the meridian in Li Mo's body, so the origin will not be said much.

With just a swish, the origin enters the staff of origin.


The scepter of origin trembled and rose to the top of Li Mo and Qing Ma Wang's head. For a time, Jin Guang wins and covers Li Mo and Qing Ma Wang.

"this is……"

Feeling the pure power of the rod of origin, the Tsing Ma King was surprised.

Immediately without further delay, the Tsing Ma King hurriedly started his own breathing and began to absorb the power of origin. Big monsters like them have a weak breath in their blood.

Li Mo glanced at the Green Horse King, and then Li Mo closed his eyes.

As Li Mo twirled his hands, he meditated on the formula of the world's forge.


The golden light rolled, and I saw Li Mo's sky. A golden vortex was formed, and the majestic force of origin surged into Li Mo's body.

Li Mo's movement here also awakened the Tsing Ma King.

Qingma Wang opened his eyes and looked at Li Mo, admiringly admiring, "The master is the master, the strong..."

The golden light rolled in the cave, and it fell quietly day and night.

The golden light in the cave gradually disappeared, and the first to open his eyes was the king of green horses.

The power of origin actually made the Tsing Ma King successfully return to his ancestors, and cultivated into the land of fairyland.

This made the Tsing Ma King excited for a while, after all, they are no better than the human race. The big demon cultivation is a breakthrough, and it can only be returned to the ancestor again and again by blood, which makes their demon clan strong at the beginning to practice quickly.

But the higher the cultivation, the harder it is.

Therefore, the Tsing Ma King feels that he has entered the Wonderland in a complete circle, and it takes eighty years without a hundred years.

But now with his master Li Mocai this year, the Tsing Ma King has entered the land of Wonderland.

Looking at Li Mo, who was still meditating, the Qingmawang rejoiced. Whisper

"Based on the master's ability, it is estimated that I am also hopeful to enter the fairyland?"

Celestial Wonderland, but the realm that the Tsing Ma King did not dare to think about.


Then, Tsing Ma King shook his head suddenly and said

"Follow the master, how can cultivation be as simple as Celestial Realm. My green horse king must be stronger, and by then, I will be the real horse king! Hahaha..."

What do you smirk, Qing Mawang's voice awakened Li Mo, causing Li Mo to ask unpleasantly.

"Uh... no, no laugh."

Hearing Li Mo's voice, Tsing Ma Wang hurriedly put away his laughter.

Then Tsing Ma Wang looked at Li Mo's body. Although Tsing Ma Wang's current practice is still not visible, Li Mo's practice. However, the quality of Li Mo's body can still be seen by the Tsing Ma King.

Before Li Mo, pale face. All the weaknesses are written on the face, but now Li Mo. His face was ruddy and full of blood.

"Master, how are you?"

Qingma Wang hurried to Li Mo's side and asked.


Li Mo nodded, then got up and walked out.


The dust was flying, and the giant stone blocking the entrance was coaxed into powder by Li Mo.

Looking at Li Mo's powerful fist, Tsing Ma Wang could not help shrinking his neck.

If such a fist hit his head, wouldn't it be dead then?

"In the late days of Celestial Realm... the pinnacle?"

Not knowing what Tsing Ma Wang thought, Li Mo looked at his fist and his eyes flashed excitedly.

After the baptism of the power of origin, Li Mo's messy veins all healed. Xiuwei broke through to the late days of the fairyland and entered the peak of the late days of the fairyland.

But this is not all thanks to the power of origin, after all, Li Molian's battle. Today's strength breakthrough is also a matter of course.

"Even if you are in the late stage of Celestial Realm, but you do not enter Celestial Realm, with the power of the rod of origin, you are still overloaded. The number of uses is more, and the old man will fall into a deep sleep."

Fearing that Li Moxiu would expand after being advanced, the origin of the spirit of the rod of origin would attack Li Mo.

"I don't want you to sleep..."

Li Mo grinned and looked at the sky in the distance. That's the direction of Zhongzhou, only listening to Li Mo using a voice that only he and his origin can hear, murmured

"But the Guzu, I'm afraid I won't wait too long."

"Ah, it's up to you. But you must know that there are no origin fragments in Kyushu now. The remaining six origin fragments are all in the universe.

So if you want to get the original fragments in the future, it can only be more difficult. "

Knowing that there is no way to take Li Mo, the origin can only sigh.

Listening to the origin, Li Mo frowned and frowned. Asked

"You feel where the other six origin fragments are?"

As an instrumental spirit, the origin fragment is like the origin body, so the origin can certainly feel the origin fragment. This is also another benefit of Li Mo's awakening.

"Well, there are a few, still a few terrifying planets."

The look of origin finally became dignified, and nodded to Li Mo.

"Then it seems that I have dealt with the matter of pseudo heaven. I really want to go around the universe."

Li Mo muttered to himself, and then Li Mo shouted behind him.

"Qingma, back to Xutianzhou."


The King of Green Horse responded with a sound and jumped up with joy.

Li Mo put away the formation on the ground, put the spirit stone and the rod of origin together in the storage bag, and drove the Qingmawang towards the direction of Xutianzhou.

Xutianzhou is not a small land area in the world of Kyushu, but it is not well-known. Moreover, the number of treasures is not comparable to that of Zhongzhou and Binzhou.

But now Xutianzhou has become the second largest state in the world except Kyushu.

Just because here, it repelled the fierce pseudo-tenant elite, and even repelled the Guzu.

Therefore, Xutianzhou can rank second in the world today.

Correspondingly, there are a lot of forces around Xutianzhou that pay attention to the surroundings. At this moment, many great forces have sent spies to search for news in Xutianzhou.

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