Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1369: Golden Rift

"Wait for me to recover first, then counterattack."

Li Mo said pale, that the origin of the instrumental spirit that did not mention the rod of origin fell into a coma, and he could not enter the realm of God King.

After all, everyone's morale is so high now that they finally abandoned their fear of the pseudo heaven.

And after Li Mo broke out, he could suppress the ancestors, so Li Mo is now the leader of this temporarily established alliance.

Their leaders are gone, can they still have the morale to fight this battle?

"Then I'm going to find some ancestors, let's discuss."

Said that Egg Egg would walk out when she got up.

"No, I will go out. You can tell a few ancestors just a while. When I come back, our forces will unite in counterattack."

Li Mo said with a wave of his hand.

Then, Li Mo got up. Putting on a white shirt hard, I want to go out.

"Where are you going, I will go with you."

Innocent asked.

"No, there is no danger in where I go. There is a cure for my injury..."

Li Mo's voice drifted away, and his figure disappeared in the sight of the egg.

After flying out of the Blue Whale's castle, how far did it fly? But Li Mo felt that his body seemed to be falling apart. Every time Li Mo moved, he would feel intense pain.

Knowing that it was inconvenient to hurry up now, Li Mo slapped his pet bag around his waist. A burst of green smoke was born, not the king of green horses or who?

The King of Green Horse appeared in front of Li Mo, and Bi Gong shouted respectfully

"the host."

Don’t look at the Tsing Ma Wang always in the pet bag, but what happened to the outside world, Tsing Ma Wang also has its purpose.

When I think of it, the master was holding the rod of origin in one hand, and Lingxiao Mountain in the other, like a tough and tough ancestor like a **** of war.

Even in the heart of Tsing Ma King, there was a burst of excitement. With such a master, his future is bright. So now the admiration of Li Moyue in the heart of the Tsing Ma Wang is also the heartfelt willingness to be Li Mo's mount.

"Go to Yunzhou, Jinguang Rift."

Li Mo rode directly on the back of the Tsing Ma King and said.

The news that Li Mo gave to Li Mo before he slept was that he sensed a piece of origin, which was in the Golden Light Rift Valley in Nazhou.

"Yes, master!"

Qingma Wang responded with a cry, and drove Li Mo in the direction of Yunzhou.

Li Mo was injured and had to rely on the Qingmawang to go to Yunzhou.

Although the Tsing Ma King comes from the Tsing Ma tribe, the speed among the powerful in the fairyland is indeed not slow. But compared with Li Mo, the strong man in their fairyland, it is really slow.

In addition, Tsing Ma Wang knew that Li Mo was injured, so he didn't dare to speed too fast. So it took more than half a month to come to Yunzhou.

The naughty puppet heavenly court of the Nao tribe has been quite honest, and it should be waiting for the ancestors to exit. So in the past half a month, there has been no war in Kyushu.

The Jinguang Rift, a great rift that stretches for thousands of miles. Inside, the color of golden light appeared, and the origin of the staff of the origin of the spirit informed Li Mo before going to sleep, and a piece of origin was in this golden light rift.

"You stay here, I'll go in and see."

Throwing a word to Tsing Ma Wang, Li Mo jumped off Tsing Ma Wang's horseback.

"Master, do you want me to follow you in?"

Even after half a month passed, Li Mo's meridians were still not getting better. So the Green Horse King asked uncomfortably.

Walking into the sky above the Jinguang Rift, Li Mo turned to look at the Qingmawang. Grin

"This time the matter is over, you don't want to follow me..."

Listening to Li Mo's words, Qing Ma Wang's face suddenly anxious. Hurriedly asked

"Master, did I do something wrong? The master asked me to change it."

To be honest, Li Mo now shows the talent. The King of Green Horse has followed Li Mo with heartbreak. So listening to Li Mo's words, the Tsing Ma King thought Li Mo wanted him no more.

"There are too many dangers following me. You have made my mount. From now on, you will be very comfortable living in this Kyushu."

Li Mo grinned, of course, he did not want the Tsing Ma King. It's just that Li Mo's eyes are still in the vast universe.

This mainland of Kyushu is just a stop for Li Mo. Li Mo will eventually go to the universe continent.

"Master goes there, I will go there!"

Knowing that Li Mo was not disgusting himself, the Qingmawang breathed out for a long time, and said with a stern eye.

Li Mo turned around and gave Qing Mawang a serious look. Asked "Are you afraid? Don't regret it?"

"I will go where the master goes!"

Green Horse King nodded and responded seriously. Li Mo can see that the Tsing Ma King is serious.

Then Li Mo smiled and said, "Okay, this time the matter is resolved, I will take you to the universe."

With that, Li Mo raised his head and looked at the sky.

Looking through the clouds, it is the vast universe. Just listen to Li Mo whispering in a voice that only he can hear

"Those races, some accounts, it is time to liquidate!"

Having said that, Li Mo plunged into the Jinguang Rift.

Through the Golden Light Rift, when Li Mo opened his eyes to see the world. I saw the sky is golden, the sky is golden. The clouds are golden, even the sun is golden!

And the ground below is also a golden color.

The most important thing is that the mountains in front of you are more than three times higher than the mountains in the real world!

This makes the mountain that is inserted into the clouds more.

In the distance, there is a pyramid of thousands of miles in parallel!

These triangular pyramids rise into the clouds, not much lower than the vast mountains in the distance.

Under the pyramid, countless giants carried golden boulders there. I have to say that the pyramid made of golden boulders is indeed beautiful.


Looking at these people, Li Mo's eyes lit up.

In his previous life, Li Mo didn't deal with giants. Although these people are immensely powerful, their personalities are fairly simple.

"Human race? Where did the human race come from?"

A heavy voice came, and then the'small hill' under Li Mo stood up suddenly.

If you look closely, where is this hill? Isn't this a giant giant?

Giants are generally stronger, the more powerful they are. Right now this is the case of this giant clan strongman. In the early days of the Celestial Realm, his shape was already comparable to a small hill.

He just fell asleep just now, but Li Mo looked around and didn't find him.

"Under Li Mo, I want to see your king."

Li Mo is quite polite to the giants.

"Wang? Want to see our king. I can only be seen after defeating me."

The giant of the giant clan in the fairyland smiled at Li Mohan with a warlike spirit.

Of course He didn't mean to look down on Li Mo.

The strongest in the world is respected. This is even more true in these giants with simple minds and well-developed limbs.

If they have enough strength, they are the guests of their giants. Without strength, it can only be passers-by.

Li Mo smiled without saying much. Then Li Mo's eyes tightened and a thick breath struck down.

Although Li Mo's meridians have been ruined and replaced by others, I am afraid that he will have to die even if he does not die.

However, Li Mo's body was arrogant, and secondly, Li Mo's injury was cured by the power of the original staff.

Three times, in the month when Li Mo was in a coma. Tianshan Snow King, Blue Whale, Jiuwei Fox and Nightmare. It's not difficult for them to take Li Mo's celestial treasures.

Therefore, although Li Mo's current meridians are messy, he still retains the coercion of the powerful mid-day Celestial Realm. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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