Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1365: Powerful ancestor

Li Mo frowned as he watched the ancestral ancestors. Just listen to Li Mo shouting

"Five Qi Chao Yuan!"

The voice fell, and Li Mo's figure became five directly.

The most important thing is that the breath of these five Li Mo was exactly the same! In this way, there are directly four more powerful players in the early stage of God King Realm!

"how can that be."

At this time, Rao is the ancestor of the wolf clan, and he was also in a panic. In this world, Kyushu can be shaken by the emergence of a strong man in the realm of God King. As a result, the humanoid kid in front of him turned into five **** king realm masters. How could the wolf bite ancestor not be afraid?


The five Li Mo shouted together, and the voice blended into the air.

The three heads and six arms of the ancestral ancestors are really powerful, coupled with the cultivation of their gods in the middle of the realm, this makes the previous physical strength overtake Li Mo.

But now, the ancestors are three heads and six arms. Five Li Mo is five heads, ten arms! Coupled with Li Mo's super-strong battle, cross-border warfare is no longer a problem.

For a time, the sky killed in the sky was dim. Everyone only felt that the sky was full of fist shadows. With their cultivation behavior, they couldn't see the fists punched by Li Mo and Guzu. I can only hear the popping voice.

"Guzuo Laoer, take your life!"

The Tianshan Snow King shouted aside and raised his fist to kill.

With the addition of Tianshan Snow King, Li Mo and Tianshan Snow King have the upper hand. As for the ancestors with three heads and six arms, they could only passively defend.

Looking at the battle in the sky, the crowd watching from a distance could not help grinning.

Although you can't see how Li Mo and Gu Zu each punched, they can still see it. The corner of Zuzu's mouth has already shed a line of blood...


"To be defeated?"

Seeing the blood on the corners of the ancestors of the ancestral ancestors, the ancestors of the Clan and Clan ancestors and the ancestors of the Chongtian Python clan screamed in surprise, their eyes flashing.

If the ancestors are going to lose, who can stop the human race on their side?

Don't look at their false heaven court this year has been very lively, very powerful. There is a tendency for Kyushu to dominate the world.

But these allies from Gu Zula can only enjoy the same blessings, but cannot suffer together.

If the ancestral ancestors and ancestors are going to be over, then the ancestors of the horses, the ancestors of the red flame rat and the ancestors of the swallowing day python kings should all think about which side they should stand in the future.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and heavy pressure came. The five Li Mo, Tianshan Snow King and Guzu were separated.


The white hair moved with the wind and the corners of the mouth were bleeding.

"Dare to laugh, the dying man!"

The ancestor's laughter spread to the ears of Tianshan Snow King, but it was so harsh. He only laughed at Tianshan Snow King.

"It seems that you have forgotten, this king's quasi-imperial weapon!"

Gu Zu narrowed his eyes and laughed loudly.

Then the two fists at the top of the ancestral body stood in mid-air, and only heard the ancestors scream.



An uncontrollable voice came, and then a gleam of golden light shot from the Zuzu's storage bag.

This golden light gradually converged on the two fists raised by Guzu, and turned into two gloves!

Bringing the quasi-imperial weapon and rhinoceros glove, the aura of the Guzu body exploded again. This time, Li Mo clearly felt that the aura of the Guzu even entered the late stage of God King Realm!

The strong man of God King Realm, to cultivate further, needs a great chance. The Lingxi glove directly raised the ancestral ancestor to a small state.

Looking at the changes here, the ancestors in the distant sky. His eyes were firm again, and the previous shaking disappeared.

Such a ancestor should always be invincible?

"not good!"

Rao is Li Mo, and he shouted in his heart.

Li Mo used the power of the staff of origin before, and now he can no longer rely on the power of any weapon to improve his cultivation.

"What are you afraid of! Fight!"

The angry Tianshan Snow King shouted loudly, and his violent arms once again coaxed to the Guzu.

However, the former Snow King of Tianshan was invincible to the ancestors, but he was also able to fight the ancestors a few times.

But at this moment, Tianshan Snow King's fist had just touched Guzu's fist with a Lingxi glove.


Only listening to a clear voice, Tianshan Snow King's fist suddenly shattered. Rao is a man like the Snow King of Tianshan. He also screamed in pain, and flew down weakly, falling into the water.

With a single blow, the Tianshan Snow King was hit hard. The Guzu didn't chase after the victory, but went straight to Li Mo.

At this moment, Li Mo's heart is only Li Mo, oh no, only Li Mo's rod of origin! This is a must-have for Guzu.

Compared with the rod of origin, what does Lingxiao Mountain count?

The five Li Mo had to gritt their teeth to face the battle, but the battle had just begun. The Zuzu with three heads and six arms drew a fist and coaxed it to a chest of Li Mo.


Five Li Mo coughed up a mouthful of blood at the same time, and the Li Mo that was hit slowly dissipated, and could no longer support this incarnation.

"Go to hell!"

Just listen to the ancestors, the speed soared. The fist that fell like a raindrop disturbed the second Li Mo's body, followed by three Li Mo.

At this moment, Li Mo, who had been hit hard one after another, was no longer able to support Wuqi Chaoyuan. It is the only incarnation left, and it is also an independent dispersal.

"Hahaha, we will win this battle!"

"That's needless to say, Emperor Tian shot. Who else can compete with this Kyushu land?"


The ancestors of the Clan Horse, the ancestor of the Red Flame Rat Clan, and the ancestor of the Wang Tian Python King clan laughed.

As if supporting the ancestral ancestors from beginning to end, they obviously forgot that their previous confidence in the ancestors of the ancestors began to shake.

Even if the ancestors did not see the fluctuations in the hearts of these people, they guessed almost the same.

But Guzu just smiled contemptuously, and it is not time to settle accounts with them.

I saw Zhang Zu put his fists away and slowly walked towards Li Mo. In that eye, I drank with a hint of heat

"Bring it!"

Guzu is referring to the rod of origin.

Looking at the ancestral ancestors who came to me from the top ~ ~ Li Mo, who was standing on the sea, gritted his teeth and wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth. Asked about the rod of origin in my heart

"Origin, how much power do you still have!"

"All for you, the old man will continue to fall asleep. You can think about it, if you can't stop the ancestors, then you don't even have a trace of self-preservation!"

The voice of the origin of the staff of origin originated in Li Mo's mind. Of course, the origin is not unwilling to continue to fall asleep. It's just that the Staff of Origin doesn't want to let his master, who hasn't been able to find so many years, just die like this!

Although the ancestral ancestors were despicable, there was a point that the ancestors were right. Li Mo can run away completely, and with the power of the rod of origin, he will surely become stronger in the future. By then, why should a ancestral ancestor of the **** realm be in the eyes?

"Are you letting me run away?"

Li Mo frowned and asked.

The Staff of Origin didn't speak, but Li Mo had already got the answer. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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