Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1058: Play around with gold domineering

Not paying attention to Jin Batian's angry face, Li Mo took out a hundred middle-level spirit stones directly from the storage bag. It was the first prize in this trial, the reward from the elders. Then Li Mo said indifferently.

"Small bets are good, big bets hurt. Let's bet a little."

"Me you, Mar!"

Jinba was really angry, and made a swearing.

A hundred middle-order spirit stones are worth 100,000 low-order spirit stones. Is this a small bet? Before Jin Batian thought that Li Mo was from Miluo Shanzhai, how much could he get out of Lingshi? But Jin Batian apparently forgot that people still took the first place in the ranking and earned a hundred middle-level spirit stones.

Other people besides Li Jianxin didn't care about the things here and chose the exercises. Others were all around to watch Li Mo and Jin Batian's excitement.

Seeing Li Mon can make the Jinba weather look like this, Kong Lin'er squinted into a crescent and smiled.

The three youths in Panlong Village had different expressions. Some looked at Jin Batian sympathetically, while others looked at Li Mo in admiration.

Not to mention Xiu Wei and combat power now, it is just the lighter than the angry one, Li Mo is simply king!

"Why? Can't get it out? What else is the Jinshan cottage young patriarch? This spirit stone can't be taken out."

Watching Jin Batian explode with a sloppy word, he couldn't say anything, Li Mo said with disappointment. It is also expected that Jin Batian, the wealthy boy, made a fortune, but now it seems that the strength of Jin Batian is not allowed.

"Jin Batian, but you want to bet, you can't back down now."

Kong Lin'er, who had never been afraid of things, said with a pleasant voice, and then Kong Lin's eyes turned, and you said quietly

"If you don't have enough spirit stones, I will lend you?"

Although Kong Lin'er and Li Mo didn't know each other for a long time, Kong Lin'er knew that Li Mo wasn't the kind of character that could succeed. Li Mo dare to do so, he must have full confidence.

Kong Baer, ​​of course, can pit the bully that bores him once, and of course Kong Liner will help. Anyway, forgive Jin Batian and don’t dare to pay back his own spirit.

"I only have 50,000 low-order spirit stones!"

Reluctant to lose face in front of his beloved, let alone borrow a woman spirit stone Jin Batian gritted his teeth and said. Fifty thousand low-order spirit stones are already all his savings.

Because he knew he could not go back to the Jinshan cottage in a short time, Jin Batian wore all spirit stones on his body. Fifty thousand low-level spirit stones are enough for Jin Batian to practice from the late Jin Dan realm to the late Yuan Ying realm.

After all, not everyone's practice is as terrifying as Li Mo, and it requires so much aura.

"Five thousand low-order spirit stones are just fifty thousand low-order spirit stones."

Li Mo grinned and said. That smile turned out to be so happy. Looking at the smile on Li Mo's face, Jin Batian knew he seemed to be fooled. Just listen to Jin Batian's resentment

"What about betting! I don't believe you can win me!"

After all, Jin Batian took a big step and walked toward the rows of bookshelves. The excitement was gone, and the three people in the Panlong cottage and Kong Liner also walked towards the bookshelves.

But Li Mo did not stay here. Originally, Li Mo wanted to go directly to the third floor of the bookstore. But someone sent a spirit stone, so Li Mo stopped.

I saw that Li Mo said to Jin Batian while walking towards the third floor of the Bookstore

"You choose first and give you some time."

Li Mo's words made Jin Batian's blood tumbling, and he was almost internalized by Qi. Does it look down on me too much? However, when Jin Batian wanted to speak a few harsh words with Li Mo, Li Mo had entered the third floor of the bookstore.

"Go to the third floor of the bookstore? I don't believe you can get the exercises there!"

Jin Batian gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

Of course, Li Mo didn't hear the words of Jin Batian. Li Mo, who was staying at the stairs at the moment, couldn't help frowning.

I thought that the third floor of the bookstore can be like the one for the bookstore and the second floor. But now Li Mo looked away, slightly empty.

On the fourth floor of the entire library, there are four rows of bookshelves in the center. There are less than one hundred jade pieces scattered on the bookshelf.

But think about it too, the higher the level of exercises, the harder it is. If there are as many exercises as the Chinese cabbage on the third floor of the library, it will be worthless.

Along the way, Li Mo looked at the text on the jade slip.

"Dream of Great Dream"

"Dali Diamond"


"It seems that the predecessors entered the Yuanying Realm and only took the Great Dream Divine Skill here. No wonder that the Great Dream Divine Skill was one of the best practices of the Jiuli Tribe. This tremendous study of the Jinshan Cottage, Dali Vajrayana actually turned out to be the third in the Tibetan Library. Layered."

Li Mo walked all the way and said leisurely. There are even some exercises that Li Mo has seen in later generations. The level is not low, I thought it was obtained when Jiuli, the ancestor of the Jiuli tribe, was in Heaven.

Heaven collapsed, so Jiuli collected all these top-level exercises here. Along the way, Li Mo did not take a glance at the exercises that Li Mo had obtained. For those exercises that were not obtained, Li Mo collected them all.

However, although there are not many books on the third floor of the library, Jin Guang's resistance is stronger than before. Therefore, Li Mo needs to use the power of the source of the origin to illuminate the golden light for a long time before he can open the barrier and get the exercises.

In order not to attract people's attention, Li Mo only recorded a third layer of the book collection in his jade jade, and the remaining exercises were recorded by Ming Soul.

Such a busy job is time-consuming. It took Li Mo three hours to collect the exercises on the third floor of the Book Collection.

After the collection, Li Mo came to the second floor of the library. I saw at the moment that Jin Batian's eyes gathered golden light and collected the exercises. It seems that Jin Batian should have collected a few exercises on the second floor of the bookstore.

The young master of the imposing Jinshan cottage is really not comparable to the ordinary arrogance of previous years.

Seeing Li Mo walking down, Jin Batian stopped. Proudly said

"How is it? Going to the third floor of the library in a pretentious manner, has the ink been so long, didn't you get one of the exercises?"

Jin Batian's father, King Kong, still knows this library, so Jin Batian learned from King Kong's mouth. The exercises on the third floor of the Book Collection Pavilion cannot be obtained without the cultivation of Yuan Yingjing.

Some of the Jiuli tribes with weaker talents may have entered the Yuanying Realm Great Consummation, and none of them can get a kung fu. Therefore, Jin Batian did not believe that Li Mo in the early days of Jin Dan Realm could get the third floor of the bookstore.

"Hey, Tianjiao's world, you don't understand."

Li Mo shook his head and mocked Jin Batian.


Jinbatian anger refers to Li Mo, Jinbatian is among the clan, and it is also the arrogance everyone calls. Why is it that Li Tian is not even Tianjiao?

But before waiting for Jin Batian to get angry, Li Mo asked leisurely about Jin Batian.

"How many exercises have you got in three hours?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Jin Batian immediately said confidently

"Three! How are you? Just wait for me to give me 50,000 lower-order spirit stones obediently!"

The people who successfully passed the assessment in the past years are the ones who can get the second floor of one or two bookshelves. And now he has got three exercises in three hours, so Jin Batian is very proud.

"You only took three exercises for so long?"

However, Li Mo was a little surprised to hear Jin Batian's words. That expression, like looking at an idiot, seems to be asking. Brother, are you okay?

"It's still rampant! It's enough to win you, so you can take 50,000 low-level spirit stones obediently!"

Jinba weather turned so red that he couldn't talk to Li Mo. Every time I talk, I have to be angry like this.

Li Mo smiled lightly and did not respond. Immediately Li Mo walked to the bookshelf, without looking at the jade jade in front of him, and gently tapped his fingers.


Take a breath, only a breath of time. Li Mo opened the golden light in front of him and began to record the words in the jade bamboo slips.

"So fast?"

Others who paid attention to Li Mo's movements all said in surprise. And Jin Batian's heart was also trembling. Looking at Li Mo Lisuo's movements, how did Jin Batian feel that his 50,000 low-order spirit stones were somewhat insecure?

Looked carefully at the jade jade in front of Li Mo, Jin Batian gritted his teeth and said

"It's a defensive exercise! Li Mo is good at defensive, and my vigorous vajra fingers can't hurt him. After a while, I won't be able to open other exercises!"

Jin Batian's voice had just fallen. Li Mo walked to another jade jade, pointed his finger, and Jin Guang suddenly dispersed.

Seeing this scene, Jin Batian was crying. Roaring in my heart

"Illusion! This must be an illusion!"

After recording the jade slips, Li Mo walked to the other jade slips again. However, in order not to cause a sensation, Li Mo didn't walk through the golden lights like he was on the first floor of the Bookstore.

This time, Li Mo decided which jade was easy to open. Some recorded jade slips, some were directly recorded in the mind with soul-soul but only for a moment, the number of exercises Li Mo got was far more than that obtained by Jin Ba Tian. Too.

Jin Batian who watched shook his head and kept telling himself that it was an illusion, but it could not change the reality.

At present, there are still two hours before dusk, and I only opened a golden light of jade one hour. So Jin Batian understood that he just wanted to chase Li Mo, and he felt that he couldn't help himself for a while.

But when I think of my 50,000 low-level spirit stones, I am about to lose it. Jin Batian is not reconciled! Even if he is the young patriarch of the Jinshan cottage, it is not easy to save these 50,000 low-level spirit stones in addition to the spiritual stones he has consumed in these years.

Thinking of this, Jin Batian turned to look at the stairs. That was the staircase leading to the third floor of the bookstore, and Jin Batian murmured in his eyes.

"At present, there is only one way to get a third-level practice in the bookstore. Li Mo just got more at the second-level of the bookstore, and there is no value for the third-level bookstore. high!"

Having said that, Jin Batian galvanized his courage, his eyes were firm, and he took a big step toward the third floor of the Bookstore.

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