once again, the main line of this book is not a rivalry between the protagonist and other abilities, no! ! !

  Secondly, there are not a bunch of supernaturalists in this book, but only a few! !

   If there are abilities everywhere in the later stage, I will immediately broadcast the women's clothing!

   Yes, what I said, just post it as proof! !

   So, don't worry about sudden changes in the style of painting, this book is still Cheng Nuo's daily pretence.

   As for the supernatural person in the previous chapter, he had to appear for the development of the plot.

   Then I will talk about the plot of the book. Uh... it's still not spoiled, let's take your time.

   In short, our schoolmaster Cheng Nuo will dabble in some data-related things, such as financial stock market, computer programming, detective investigation, various competitions...

   Finally, the most important point, three shifts today! !

   Say it again, three more today! !

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