Omnipotent Data

: End of this testimonial

411 days, 1.06 million words, 499 chapters.

This book is here, even if it is really over...

Thank you for your company and support along the way.

Chapter 499, I wanted to write another chapter to make up an integer, but after thinking about it, it really didn't have much to write. Then forget it!

There are too many regrets in this book, and it won't hurt to add this one.

Let's talk about this book specifically.

To be honest, the book was opened in a hurry. There was no outline and no manuscript. It was just a flash of inspiration and a better mind, and I uploaded two chapters directly.

The preparation is very inadequate, so after reading the pre-launch part, book friends will find that the first 300,000 words of this book does not have any main line!

After it was put on the shelves, I made the outline, which is the main line of Xueba you see, but the effect is not good.

In addition, the academic pressure was heavier at that time, and the codewords and the time to think about the plot were rarely compressed, which resulted in fewer updates and frequent subscriptions.

Later, I gave up the treatment completely...

In short, there is still a big gap between the finished book and what I expected, and I don't know what the **** I am writing later!

So I stopped in time. Tens of thousands of words, which is short on the Internet.

Although the collapse is like this, there are still 1,000 additional orders for each chapter, but I think there is really no need to continue writing.

Cheng Nuo won the Fields Medal and became a hero in the eyes of the Chinese people, and his success also embraced the beauty.

This is a good ending to the protagonist.

As for Fanwai, there may or may not be.

If you want to read, please leave a comment in this chapter. If there are more people, I will write it, and if there are few people, then leave it alone.


Let’s talk about the new The new book is expected to be released after the year.

This book happened to be on the shelves during the last Chinese New Year, so the winter vacation was very tired, very tired!

Staying up all night codewords while walking with relatives to socialize, it doesn't feel too sour.

So this time I will give myself a holiday.

Finally, publicize the book friend group, the group number is 7-0-6-8-0-0-5-8-9, and the group entry password is one... Okay, it's all over, I don't make it difficult for everyone.

The group entry password is 3, so you can just come in directly.


Everyone, see you next book!

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