Omnipotent Data

Chapter 447: Notorious

Chapter 447

"The first place, Cambridge University, proposed eleven proofs, all of them are correct!!!"

When Mr. Edward's high-pitched voice echoed on the open grass, the whole scene was strangely quiet for dozens of seconds.

Until they were awakened by a sudden cold wind, everyone came back to their senses.

"Oh my God, eleven, I heard it right!"

"Oh, I can't believe it is true, too unexpected!"

"Eleven, our school only came up with four. I admit that there is a gap between our school and the University of Cambridge, but it shouldn't be so different!"

"This gap is no longer a chasm, but a moat!"

Everyone sighed.

As talented students, they have been proud for more than ten years, but this time, their self-confidence was shattered by the number of “eleven” at Cambridge University.

Too big, the gap is too big.

The University of Bonn, the second place, only came up with six proof methods. Although the gap of five does not sound big, for everyone who knows the difficulty of the topic, the gap is enough to make them desperate.

What's more, after seeing everyone recovering, Mr. Edward announced a news that shocked everyone:

Of the eleven proof methods submitted by the University of Cambridge, only two are variants of Eurich’s proof method, and the remaining nine are proof methods in new directions!

Proof of nine new directions!

They know what this number means.

For the sake of quantity, their schools have basically worked **** the variants of Eurich's Proof Method in this half an hour.

Even so, they can only figure out four or five.

Even if they are given a month to prove the new direction, it is hard to say that they can come up with nine!

One by one, they turned their heads to look in the direction of the three Cambridge people, just like looking at a monster.

How did those three guys do it?

This question is not only thought by others, but also by Malego of Oxford University.

After shorting his brain for tens of seconds, his face was distorted as if he had just eaten Xiang, his expression changed several times, and he took a deep breath, as if to ask himself, and seemed to be asking three people from Cambridge University, " how is this possible?!"

Cheng Nuo rolled his eyes and didn't bother to take care of the guy who came over to mock the failure.

Seeing Mr. Edward approaching, he quickly stood up.

Denton greeted him first, rubbed his hands, and said to Edward with a smile, "Mr. Edward, when can we take our tent away."

"Don't worry about this, you are indispensable." Mr. Edward said sternly, "I'm here to discuss important things with you."

"Please speak." Denton said.

Edward returned the answer sheet submitted by Cheng Nuo and them to Denton again, "The eleven proofs you put forward are of high quality. After you go back to sort it out, you can make a paper and submit it to SCI directly."

"As for SCI journals, I suggest that you submit to the "Mathematics Language" published by the Royal Institute of Mathematics. I am a review editor in this journal. You can skip the review process and let your papers within two months. Can be published."

"At that time, you will directly sign the names of the three of you, and I will arrange it when I see it." Edward finally explained.

Denton nodded, but shook his head quickly, "Mr. Edward, this paper only needs to be signed with Cheng Nuo's name, and the two of us are fine."

"Why?" Mr. Edward was very curious. "Isn't these eleven methods of proof that the three of you came up with together? If you want to sign, the three of you should sign together. Cheng Nuo has made a big contribution, so let him Being the first author is, there is no reason to only sign his name!"

Mr. Edward was a little angry, thinking that Denton had agreed to some unequal treaties with Cheng Nuo.

Denton hurriedly waved his hand and explained with a wry smile, "Mr. Edward, it's not what you think. I'm not afraid of your jokes. The eleven proof methods we handed in were all devised by Cheng Nuo. Our work , Just responsible for recording."

"Although I know that the quality of this paper is very high, the two of us are not so thick as to take the research results of others as our own."

After listening to Denton's explanation, Mr. Edward was surprised.

He frowned and confirmed, "You mean, all these eleven proof methods were thought of by Cheng Nuo alone?"

Denton nodded with a wry smile, "Although this is a bit shameful, it is true."

Mr. Edward held his forehead and remained silent for a long time.

If these eleven methods of proof came up with the cooperation of the three of Cambridge University, although a little unexpected, they are still within his tolerance.

At most, these three students are more talented than students in other schools!

But this matter is all on Cheng Nuo's body.

To be honest, this is no longer in Edward's scope.

He stared at Cheng Nuo, "Are you really a student?"

Cheng Nuo took out his student ID, "Cheng Nuo, a graduate student in the Mathematics Department of St. Edmund's College, is like a fake replacement."

"Oh!" Edward sighed and shook his head with a wry smile, "Where did the University of Cambridge recruit an evildoer!"

After speaking, he ignored the three of them and left with their hands behind their backs.

Denton took a tent from Mr. Edward, ignoring the resentful eyes around him, set up the tent and greeted Cheng Nuo and another teammate to warm up.

The others set up their tents one after another, and the six unwilling people huddled together to sleep.


No words for a night.

The next day, after the white sky of the east showed a ray of morning light, the packed people walked back to school from Grey Lake on foot.

According to common sense, each exchange event will hold four to five competitions.

At present, the game has gone through two rounds, and the biggest winner is undoubtedly Cambridge University.

Especially in the second round University has made the limelight.

The name Cheng Nuo has become a nightmare for everyone.

In front of him, their little self-confidence was torn to pieces ruthlessly.

So that on the way back, everyone walked around the three of Cambridge University.

The third round of competition will be held in the afternoon of the second day of the exchange activity.

The question discussed is the discussion of various research directions in mathematics based on the butterfly effect.

Because it is a completely open question, Cheng Nuo and their Cambridge University used chaos theory as the content of their discussion and once again came out on top.

After a day's rest, on the third night of the exchange event, everyone had a final round of competition in a small auditorium of the school.

Unlike the previous ones, this time it was not only Edward, a representative of the Ministry of Education, but also 15 schools and many important figures in the field of mathematics from the two countries. More than 50 people attended the scene in person.

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