Omnipotent Data

Chapter 370: Simple task

Chapter 370




Among them, a is the amount of savings, b is the unit investment cost, and is the elasticity of commodity demand.

Afterwards, through a comprehensive analysis of the stable system, the coordinates of the equilibrium point under seven conditions were obtained.

Respectively when -b-d≤0, -b-d>0, -b-ab>0, +a-1/b>0, -b-ab>0, +a-1/b0, if a=1, b=0,=1, the initial conditions are [3, 1, 5], and the simulation time is [0, 1000], a three-dimensional financial chaotic system is generated Figure. 】

Cheng Nuo's computer screen showed a phase diagram of a financial chaotic system.

Below are the phase diagrams of the control system for deposit interest rates and investment demand.

Cheng Nuo compares the content displayed in the phase diagram with the data derived through calculations, exactly the same!

Cheng Nuo entered the second set of data and continued to repeat the steps.

After half an hour, Cheng Nuo stretched.

Boring, boring!

It's just mechanical repetitive work, without the sense of accomplishment that breaks through layers of difficulties, Cheng Nuo instantly felt that life was boring.

In this half an hour, Cheng Nuo substituted more than fifty sets of data, and the result was no waves, all the same as the calculated values.

But this was also expected by Cheng Nuo.

If even the top PhDs in the three mathematics majors of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology can't handle such a small modeling job, then hell!

Cheng Nuo basically doesn't have any ideas for this project anyway.

The next plan can only be decided by the content of the second project that Fresnel arranged for him.

Looking at the clock on the wall, there is still some time before get off work.

Although Professor Fresnel is very strict with the working hours of several assistants, he is not so concerned about the discipline of the office.

Cheng Nuo swiped his phone for a while, UU read www. learned about the latest current political news, thought about how to become a successor to socialism, and transferred his interest to the ResearhGate website that he just registered today.

In terms of function, this chat software is definitely not as good as domestic penguins. Even the mobile app of this software was officially launched last year.

But in terms of its academic communication, no one can do it.

What you can see here are the academic discussions of scientists and scholars from all over the world, the scientific blogs they wrote, the global conference consultation and recruitment information. At the same time, you can also download free academic resources and share cutting-edge scientific experts, scholars and scientific research in various fields around the world. The latest scientific research results and academic works of the group.

Cheng Nuo first followed several top leaders in academia on this software.

For example, his current "boss" Professor Fresnel, the last Philippine Prize winner Schultz, and the leading figure in number theory, Mr. Lane.

Afterwards, a forum-like section of the software was swiping the news.

Suddenly, a message caught Cheng Nuo's attention.

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