Omnipotent Data

Chapter 365: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Chapter 365

Empty and lonely?

The corners of Cheng Nuo's mouth twitched.

On the side, classmate He Youjun faintly added, "I don't have a girlfriend now, so I only live with the two of us, so don't worry about disturbing our two-person world."

Cheng Nuo Juhua tightened even more.

Facing He Youjun's passionate gaze, Cheng Nuo's vest chilled.

If it wasn't for fear of falling and being injured, Cheng Nuo really had the idea of ​​jumping off the car and escaping.

The end result is that Cheng Nuo has not passed He Youjun, and promised to spend some time with him.

After a 30-minute drive, the two arrived at He Youjun's residence in the United States.

It was a high-end apartment building located less than a five-minute walk from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

With an area of ​​more than one hundred square meters, three rooms and one living room, He Youjun, a rich second generation who is not short on money, has bought the whole.

"Hey, just live in this room!"

He Youjun opened the door of the second bedroom, smiled "ambiguously", and pushed Cheng Nuo in.

Cheng Nuo took a look at the bedroom environment.

Since He Youjun is an authentic Chinese, the layout style of the whole room is not much different from that of Hua Guo.

"You clean up first, then make up for your sleep, adjust the jet lag, and I will take you out for a big meal in the evening!"

He Youjun smiled faintly and closed the door.

Cheng Nuo packed his luggage and lay on the bed. He fell into a deep sleep within a few minutes when he was sleepy.

Suddenly, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

He Youjun's handsome head came in and looked at Cheng Nuo, who was lying peacefully asleep on the bed, with an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.


On August 3, 2022, with more than two months before the Fields Medal ceremony, Cheng Nuo crossed the oceans and came to the United States to start his new life abroad.

The next day, August 4, Cheng Nuo, who had not adjusted the jet lag, wore a pair of dark circles under his eyes and was accompanied by He Youjun to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This is the first time Cheng Nuo has set foot in this top foreign university.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology covers an area of ​​168 acres. The campus is located on the Cambridge side of the Charles River. The road is lined with rows of street trees.

Except for the teaching buildings, most of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is built in Boston style, noble and elegant.

Even if it is the summer vacation, I can still see students holding books and hurrying along the campus road.

"How is the academic atmosphere?" He Youjun asked, turning his head.

Cheng Nuo nodded, "It's okay. In fact, most high schools in China have a higher academic atmosphere than top universities abroad, but when you get to the university..."

Cheng Nuo shrugged and did not continue.

The meeting with Professor Fresnel was in the afternoon. The reason why Cheng Nuo came in the morning was to experience the MIT school atmosphere.

With He Youjun as the guide, Cheng Nuo can get to know this school quickly.

MIT was established in 1861. After more than one hundred years of development, the teaching system has gradually improved.

Unlike most universities in China that have 20 or 30 colleges, MIT has only six colleges in total.

They are the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, the School of Engineering, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, the School of Science, and the Vitek School of Health Science and Technology.

Like He Youjun, currently studying at Alfred P. Sloan School of Management. As for Cheng Nuo, what he will study in the future is naturally a Ph.D. degree from the School of Science.

He Youjun first took Cheng Nuo around several famous buildings in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, such as the Dome, Buck Library, and Kilian Square.

After that, I watched two of the world's top laboratories from a distance.

Lincoln Laboratory and MIT Media Laboratory. The former is mainly engaged in missile defense, including anti-ballistic missiles and anti-cruise missiles, while the latter is an interdisciplinary laboratory dedicated to the integration of technology, media, science, art and design.

Many prominent figures in the scientific field have worked in these two laboratories.

Walking around, Cheng Nuo and He Youjun came to the area where the School of Science is located.

The majors covered by the Faculty of Science include mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, brain and cognitive sciences, and earth sciences.

Among the six colleges, the Faculty of Science is more inclined to theoretical teaching. At the same time, all majors have high rankings worldwide.

At MIT, there is a set of interconnected building areas that can lead to various areas. Through this combined area, enter the area of ​​the Faculty of Science.

The first thing that caught Cheng Nuo's eyes was a large platform of one to two hundred square meters.

After introduction by He Youjun, Cheng Nuo knew that this was the Stratton Student Outdoor Activity Center of the College of Science.

The platform is more than three meters high and is surrounded by stairs made of marble. On the stone steps, you can see two blonde-eyed foreigners sitting together.

Or the love between lovers. Or one person holding a guitar, playing and coquettish, and a few people gather to discuss advanced academic issues.

"Come and sit down!" He Youjun suggested.

Cheng Nuo doesn't matter, "OK."

The two of them found a stone step to sit down, and at this position, one could see the large dome tower in the distance.

Beside, are four foreign friends.

Three men and one woman, three white and one black, were discussing something in a low voice.

"I heard that you are going to be Professor Fresnel's assistant?" He Youjun looked at Cheng Nuo's handsome profile and spoke slowly.

Cheng Nuo nodded, "Well, the school arranged for me. I should meet him in the afternoon."

He Youjun frowned, "I have been in this school for seven years. Although I have not seen this Professor Fresnel, I heard from my advisor and several other professors that the temper of Professor Fresnel is not the same. not so good!"

Holds talent, self-use, irritable.

If you count them carefully, Professor Fresnel's shortcomings can be enough to write a paper.

However, they are the Fields winners, and they are the masters who solve the seven world mathematics problems ~ From the perspective of academic achievements, his shortcomings can be ignored by the academic community.

Cheng Nuo shrugged and smiled bitterly, "I know this too, but after all, he is a big man. I just want to stop shivering as a little Mengxin."

Cheng Nuo knew that his life as an assistant would not be too easy!

"Then... good luck to you!" He Youjun held back this sentence for a long time.

Just when He Youjun was going to continue to say something, he suddenly heard the discussion next door suddenly rise a little bit higher.

Hearing that tone, there seemed to be a quarrel.

"Impossible, with this method of proof, it is impossible to prove Ramanujan's inequality!!" A white boy with blue eyes and blonde hair stood up excitedly and said in a loud voice.

"How can't it be!" The black student among the four had full confidence, "I have consulted Teacher Lisi, and she said that this method of proof is okay!"

The two quarreled fiercely!

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