Omnipotent Data

Chapter 355: After winning

Chapter 355

After a lapse of four years, Tsinghua University once again won the O award at the Meisai.

This undoubtedly gave the entire Tsinghua University a booster.

In addition to the popularity of Meisai in Tsinghua University and the importance of the O-Prize, Cheng Nuo is once again enjoying his glory.

Almost half of the students in the entire academy knew about the existence of Cheng Nuo, the O prize winner.

At the same time, as a junior in a few colleges, they were also surprised by the results their teaching assistants achieved.

Especially knowing that the modeling paper that won the Meisai O Award was actually produced by Cheng Nuo and the other two teams in less than twelve hours, and there was a shock in their hearts!

This kind of strength...not only makes them, but makes everyone of the same generation feel confused.

The protagonist of this incident, our classmate Cheng Nuo, didn't pay attention to it at all.

He was staying in the office building of the academy, in Professor Fang's office, chatting casually with Professor Fang.

"Teacher, is there no news from the journal?" Cheng Nuo asked while sitting opposite Professor Fang, flipping through a copy of Hilbert's Space.

Professor Fang lifted the teacup and took a sip, "Not yet, but it's probably coming soon."

Having said that, the paper on the weak BSD conjecture proof over there has been submitted to "I Women" for more than a month, but according to the review speed of this SCI journal, it is not surprising that there is no news now.

However, Cheng Nuo is very eager to see their research results published in journals.

After all, that was the hard work and crystallization of him and his teacher for a year, and it was also the longest time he spent studying something so focused.

Of course, except for force.

"How are your preparations for graduation defense?" Professor Fang crossed his fingers and said with a smile.

"It's okay, I am confident."

"Oh? I will be the teacher of the defense team then, I hope you won't let me down!"

"for sure!"


In the evening, Cheng Nuo followed Professor Fang to the classroom of another course.

"Mathematical Modeling and Mathematical Experiment".

This is an elective course, which is more relaxed and free than general education courses.

A total of more than 90 people who chose this course this semester will be divided into two batches of classes on Wednesday and Friday.

Of course, the people who choose this course are not only the students of several colleges.

Even due to the existence of a modeling course in the academy, few students in the academy join this course.

Just like today, out of 51 people who came to attend the class, only five were from a few colleges.

Therefore, after Professor Fang introduced Cheng Nuo on the podium, he did not have the surprised and shocked expression of the previous probability class.

Everyone only regards Cheng Nuo as an ordinary teaching assistant who can do groceries.

However, after Professor Fang spoke the next sentence, the whole classroom suddenly became boiling.

“Of course, Assistant Professor Cheng Nuo standing next to me has another identity. In the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest held last year, Cheng Nuo’s group’s modeling paper won the first prize, and the paper modeling patent was awarded by the Supreme People’s Court. I bought it at a price of 150,000. In February this year, I won the O award in the 20th American Global College Student Modeling Contest!"


As soon as Professor Fang spoke out, there was a loud noise in the audience.

Each student looked at Cheng Nuo, who was standing on the podium with an indifferent expression, with that kind of star-filled gaze.

Since they take this course in mathematical modeling, they naturally know the national competition and beauty competition in the modeling world.

Fortunately for the National Championship, among the 51 people present, three or four have won this award with thighs held.

But the O-Prize of the USS, this is not something you can do with your thigh.

Because in the past three years, Tsinghua hasn't seen anyone who can win the Maestro O Award, and those who want to hold their thighs have no legs to hold.

However, tell them now that the one standing in front of them thinks that the O-Prize winner is still a fresh O-Prize winner.

Their eyes flashed, and they seemed to have seen a big pig's hoof...Oh, that's not right...A thigh appeared in front of them.

As such a big assistant teacher knows, the award is just around the corner!

There are not so many conventional rules from elective courses to compulsory courses, except for the routine roll call once a week, but it is also very free.

In class, in the expectation of the students, Cheng Nuo took over from Professor Fang and stood on the stage.

Facing the gazes of the curiosity students in the audience, Cheng Nuo smiled bitterly.

In this lecture, Cheng Nuo didn't intend to talk about too esoteric things, such as how to construct and streamline the mathematical modeling language, and how to fine-tune the error operation data!

These things are too advanced. Since they take this course as an elective course, they naturally have a relatively weak modeling foundation and are eager to shine on the stage of the modeling competition.

In the first class, Cheng Nuo only followed the framework of Professor Fang and described some basic knowledge, such as the transformation of actual models and mathematical formulas.

Raising his wrist, Cheng Nuo glanced at the time.

"Okay, there are still ten minutes to end the get out of class. If you have any questions, you can raise your hand and ask now. If not, we will end the get out of class!" Cheng Nuo said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, holding the table with both hands.

Huh huh! !

Many hands were raised under the podium.

With so many doubts, has the student base of Tsinghua declined?

Although doubts in his heart, Cheng Nuo ordered a classmate casually, "Come on, just that...that fat classmate!"

The fat classmate was remade, and his expression was a little excited, "Assistant, did you really get the O award for this year's Meisai?"

Cheng Nuo shrugged, "It's just an O-prize. I shouldn't have to lie to you because of this little thing, right?"

"I checked it on the Internet. Tsinghua University did have a team that won the O award, and the name of Assistant Professor Cheng Nuo was in the team list. Well, the list of awards was just announced today!" Another student said at this time.

After another exclamation, a girl raised her hand and asked, "Teaching do you have any acceptance speeches?"

Cheng Nuo shook his head and chuckled, and suddenly his complexion became stern again, "No!"

"Then what do you think of the difficulty of the modeling problem this time. If we do it, can it work?" the girl asked.

"If you can do it, what do you need genius to do!" Cheng Nuo said to himself, shrugged and smiled, "Maybe!"


America, San Francisco.

It was an office filled with manuscript paper and blackboards with various formula symbols.

Two men with messy hair sat together, and one of them asked, "Is the verification finished?"

The other nodded, "Well, the derivation step is completely correct!"

"Then I will reply to the e-mail to the author of the paper, and free up the page of the journal!" Another person slowly said. "In the next issue, I will use this paper as the main paper of the journal."

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