Omnipotent Data

Chapter 325: Guards

Chapter 325

Three days later, Peking University Mathematics and Science Innovation Practice Base.

Five mathematics geniuses from five universities gather here again.

Professor Zhong Yongan did not come this time. There were only five of them in the office.

"Since Professor Zhong said that the five of us are fully responsible for this topic, let's sit down and discuss some specific rules?" The doctoral student Wei Jun from Peking University said with a smile.

Among the five people, Wei Jun barely counted as half the host, and the other four nodded and sat at the chairperson's table in the middle of the office.

The position of the main seat, I am afraid that the current situation is still confusing, no one will go back to sit. So five people sit on either side of the long table with three on one side and two on the other.

The first topic meeting of the inter-school joint project began with this situation.

None of the five people knows each other. Perhaps even some of them met in person yesterday before they knew there was such a person. For example... Cheng Nuo.

In short, the atmosphere on the conference table was very delicate. For a while, no one spoke, and they all looked down at the documents in their hands.


In the end, the guards still couldn't watch the atmosphere stalemate like this, so they had to speak first, "Then, I'll talk about some of my opinions first, which is nothing short of a start."

He pulled out a document from his hand, his eyes suddenly became serious, "This is three days ago, I went back and took the document that Professor Zhong gave us back and looked at it. Based on my own understanding, he produced a topic. Framework."

Wei Jun opened the file and said while lowering his head, "The name of the subject we are studying is called: the nonlinearization of the Darboux transformation of the Kaup-Neell equation based on constrained flow."

"From the perspective of the research branch, this is a subject in the field of geometry." Wei Jun smiled, "and my main direction is geometry, so I still have some insights on this aspect. Several people can listen to it. Look."

"The nonlinearization method for the spectrum problem of (1+1)-dimensional soliton equations was first proposed by Cao in 1988. According to his "Discrete Line Spectrum 2N-Dimensional Symplectic Manifold", a continuous linear spectrum problem can be Non-linearization generates a finite-dimensional fully integrable Hamilton system..."

Although Wei Jun's recounts belong to the professional content of the field of geometry, they are not very advanced or uncommon content. The other four people can easily follow his ideas.

Wei Jun has been specializing in geometry since his graduate level, and it has been almost five years now.

In five years, Wei Jun learned not only some professional knowledge, but also some unique insights accumulated from experience.

"...For the Kaup-Neell equation, pt=-1/2pxx-2(qp^2)x, qt=-1/2qxx-2(pq^2)x... Therefore, I think that if we use the constraint Kaup -Baklund transformation of Neell equation flow, we can find ∑N, j=1d?1j^d?2j=∑N, j=1dφ1j^dφ2j, thus generating two integrable symplectic maps with different variables!"

It took the guard about five minutes or so to repeat his own opinions.

Over there, Sheng Fei from Jiangsu and Zhejiang University saw that Wei Jun had finished speaking, and could not wait to stand up, holding Wei Jun's hand, "Sure enough, the hero saw the same thing."

Sheng Fei picked up one of his own folders and said with a smile, "The train of thought that classmate Wei Jun said is almost the same as mine."

"Oh?" After saying this, the Wei Jun also came to curiosity, "Sheng student, can you show me yours."

"No problem." Sheng Fei smiled and handed the document to the guard.

On the guard seat, he bowed his head and scanned Sheng Fei's documents in two or three minutes, and then handed it back to Sheng Fei with a smile, "Sure enough, the structure of the subject of Sheng Fei and I are similar, but the main aspects are basically the same As for the minutiae, if we really adopt this kind of research thinking at that time, we will gather the best of the two companies."

"Three, do you have anything you want to talk about?" The guard looked at the three Cheng Nuo who had not yet spoken.

Yang Xiao from Jiangsu and Zhejiang University shrugged and waved his hand, "I am not as good as the two of you, and I can construct the subject framework in three days. I can't learn this operation. Since both of you have the same idea, then I Don’t overdo it, just follow the framework of your two subjects.”

Yi Ge, the only girl among the five, also blinked innocently, stuck her tongue out, and said embarrassedly, "I just went out to play crazy with a friend in Kyoto a few days ago, so... But don’t worry. , This is definitely the last time. Although you assign me the task, I will do my duty and complete it with quality and quantity!"

Well, it seems that the girl Yi Ge is playful and has not taken the time to build the framework. I am afraid that the specific content of the subject has not yet been fully understood.

However, these are not important now.

After listening to Yi Ge's words, Wei Jun felt slightly happy.

That being the case, Cheng Nuo is the only one who has never asked his personal opinion.

After going back a few days ago, he asked a friend in the Department of Mathematics at Tsinghua University to inquire about Cheng Nuo's true identity. He was just a freshman in the Department of Mathematics at Tsinghua University.

Although he inquired that Cheng Nuo had participated in the research of three subjects, this was not the reason for Wei Jun to put Cheng Nuo on the same level as himself.

Regarding his resume, he has participated in research on large and small topics, no fewer than ten, and this year is the first time he has the opportunity to participate in a cross-school cooperation project.

As for Cheng Nuo, although some dry goods in his stomach are good, the Wei Jun never believed that a freshman student and their four doctoral students could stand on the same level.

"Student Cheng, what do you think?" Wei Jun asked with a smile, turning his head to look at Cheng Nuo like a routine business.

He doesn't mind bringing a guy who paddles, after all, an undergraduate, he is not bad without him.

It's just that, similarly, he doesn't think that Cheng Nuo will give anything worthwhile.

"Ah, you ask me?" Cheng Nuo, who seemed to be out of the world, became clever and asked with a confused expression.

This guy... won't you just be distracted all the time?

Wei Jun thought silently in his He said patiently, "I want to ask, the subject framework I just mentioned, Cheng Nuo thinks there is a problem. If not, we Just follow that framework for subject research."

The Wei Jun changed his words again.

He now completely doesn't expect Cheng Nuo, the guy who was still wandering just now, to say even something meaningful, just hope that Cheng Nuo will give a yes or no answer as soon as possible.

Cheng Nuo smiled without hesitation and said, "The frame you mentioned earlier, Senior Wei, does not contain any errors."

The Wei Jun smiled, "Then we..."

"Hey, wait." Cheng Nuo raised his hand and said with a smile, "Sorry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"It's wrong, it's not at all. However, several people, don't you think that this framework is too complicated?" Cheng Nuo said with a smile.

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