Omnipotent Data

Chapter 316: inspiration


Chapter 316

The field that Fu Qiang mainly involves is the hyperbolic equation of the nonlinear curve in the field of nonlinear equations.

Therefore, the content of his report on stage is naturally related to hyperbolic equations.

Cheng Nuo listened very carefully in the audience with a learning attitude, for fear of missing any details.

"...Actually, hyperbolic equations can be applied not only in the field of functional equations and differential fields, such as some operators in functional analysis. Through the transformation of certain springboard formulas, perhaps hyperbolic equations can also be used to study Some questions about it."

"Of course, these are just my casual mentions. The system is not very complete, and many things are still in development. If you are interested, you may as well discuss it with me in private." This is what Fu Qiang said in the report A paragraph.

Originally, this was just an ordinary sentence.

After all, what Fu Qiang put forward is just a rather vague conceptual thing. Whether it can be implemented or how long it will take to implement it is unknown.

In the eyes of this group of big-time mathematicians in the audience, it was just a wild fantasy.

Unless Fu Qiang can turn him into reality, no one will pay too much attention to this.

But... Cheng Nuo is different!

After listening to Fu Qiang's words, his expression was shocked, and his eyes suddenly lit up. It seemed that he had seen the light within reach of his original footsteps in the dim darkness. .

Hyperbolic equation...p-Lap operator, hyperbolic equation!

A blocked thought in his mind suddenly became clear.

A straight broad road appeared in front of him.

Recently, Cheng Nuo has been wondering how to read it again and speed up the research on the topic of p-Lap operator.

After all, with the University of California, Berkeley, a formidable opponent staring at him, Cheng Nuo's spirit has always been tense. He just wants to do his best to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Starting from the research time, this is definitely impossible.

For this project, the average sleep time of the four people in their research group was squeezed to only four hours a day. If the sleep time is shortened, the results of the project have not yet come out, and the four people are estimated to have already become immortal.

So, as the current backbone of this project, Cheng Nuo thought for a long time, and felt that the research content in the second half could no longer be as large as when he started to specify the research plan.

He must find a new method that can not only ensure that the original research direction remains largely unchanged, but also simplify the latter half of the research process.

This worries Cheng Nuo. After thinking about it for almost three or four days, he failed to find a clear and feasible idea.

However, it is different now.

Fu Qiang's remarks awakened him.

Applying the hyperbolic equation to the p-Lap operator is not necessarily a feasible solution.

After all, mathematics is not strictly divided into fields!

When Fu Qiang on the stage finished his speech, Cheng Nuo's thoughts had become very clear.

Now, after going back, concretely verify whether his idea is feasible.

"Boy, kid."

Professor Tang Jianmin called Cheng Nuo a few times, and it was seen that Cheng Nuo was sitting in his seat, stupefied, and couldn't help wondering, "This kid, isn't the listening devil stunned."

Professor Fang smiled beside him, "It's okay, maybe I'm thinking about something."

On Cheng Nuo's side, he was stunned for almost a minute.

"Professor, did you call me just now?" Cheng Nuo asked Professor Fang with a confused look in his eyes.

"Boy, I called you." Professor Tang's slightly resentful voice came from his side.

"Ahaha, I'm sorry, Professor Tang is sorry, I'm a little confused, haha." Cheng Nuo scratched his head and chuckled.

Professor Tang rolled his eyes, "I think your kid has been stunned for so long just now, is there any gain?"

Cheng Nuo nodded without denying, "It's a bit."

"Oh? Then can't you talk to the old man and let me listen to it?" Professor Tang suddenly became interested and said with a smile.

Cheng Nuo waved his hand and said modestly, "It's not a good listen, just a little humble opinion."

"Speaking of which, it is related to the project that Professor Fang handed over to me more than a month ago."

Then, Cheng Nuo shared the inspiration he had drawn from Fu Qiang's speech on stage just now, and gave a certain level of briefing.

"...According to my idea, first let a function C(x,t)=0, and g(x,u,?u/?t,Du)=|u|^p-2u, then the equation ??( ?ˉ???ˉ???)?”... will degenerate into a hyperbolic equation with p-Lap operator...”

There are many things that need to be understood, and it took Cheng Nuo almost five minutes to explain his thoughts.

After speaking, Professor Fang couldn't help but admire him for the first time before Professor Tang made a comment.

After all, the subject that Cheng Nuo is responsible for is under his hands. For the twists and turns, the significance of the idea that Cheng Nuo has put forward is much clearer than Professor Tang.

"Cheng Nuo, the idea you mentioned can indeed shorten the research cycle of the second half of the subject again for a long After you go back, you will immediately sort out your ideas and find out what you don’t understand. Just ask me in the past." Professor Fang nodded in admiration with satisfaction, and said to Cheng Nuo.

"Well, I see, Professor Fang, I will refine the original research plan immediately after I go back." Cheng Nuo nodded tearfully.

Sure enough, God didn't plan to give himself any time to rest.

The end time of this awards ceremony was almost two in the afternoon. There was still a period of afternoon and evening for Cheng Nuo to rest.

But... now it seems that I have to fight with that subject!

Cheng Nuo vowed that after finishing the project, he must sleep for three days and three nights, turning the world upside down, and making up all the sleep he owed during this time!

The award ceremony continued.

Min Zhu made his final appearance, and his content was in the field of algebraic geometry.

Algebraic geometry has always been known as the branch of mathematics with the most clever gatherings in the world. Min Zhu is naturally not a mediocrity if he can occupy a place in it.

Some of the most advanced knowledge concepts in some subjects put forward by Min Zhu also benefit Cheng Nuo a lot.

Sure enough, to have the opportunity to participate in an academic exchange meeting where so many scholars gather, it is definitely a very precious life treasure for Cheng Nuo.

Next, enter the highlight of the ceremony and announce the winners of the Chern Mathematics Award.

"Congratulations to Sun Qi, Comrade Li Zhao, for winning the Chern Mathematical Prize!"

Amid the applause of the crowd, two mathematicians in their thirties, representing the new generation of Chinese mathematics, took the stage to receive the award.

The ceremony was over.

Cheng Nuogang wanted to get up and leave with Professor Fang, but was forced back by Tang Jianmin.

"Boy, are you interested in transferring to our Department of Mathematics, Fudan University?"

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