Omnipotent Data

Chapter 160: If you don’t read, you don’t know even if you are green

The champion...Is it okay? !

This answer subverted the perception of all reporters present.

They have also interviewed many college entrance examination champions before.

When facing the interview, the top picks generally answered something like "I am very excited now", "I never thought I could become the top pick before."

It would be nice to go to Cheng Nuo, and directly give the champion a good evaluation.

Really is……

The thick pretence is coming!

The female reporter interviewed by Qingcheng TV station was also choked by Cheng Nuo. After a long time, she raised the microphone and continued to ask Cheng Nuo, "Student Cheng Nuo..."

Cheng Nuo raised his hand to stop the female reporter from saying, "This reporter, you have already asked two questions, the next one!"

At this time, a male reporter raised his hand and asked, "Student Cheng Nuo, as your highest score in science this year, can you tell us how you prepared for the college entrance examination?"

"Preparing for the battle? I didn't prepare for the battle?" Cheng Nuo showed an innocent face. "At that time, I just had the mentality of taking the exams casually, and by the way, I just got a college entrance examination champion."

The college entrance examination champion... incidentally?

Well, you are the top pick in the college entrance examination, you have the final say.

Everyone was speechless again for a while before another reporter raised his hand and asked.

"Student Cheng Nuo, your math score in the college entrance examination this time is 150 points, and as far as I know, you are the only student with a perfect score in mathematics this year. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"What, am I getting a perfect score in math this year?" Cheng Nuo scratched his head, looking unbelievable, "No way, I think this year's math problems are very simple! The specific method of solving the problems is not an interview at the entrance of the examination room. Did you say that, is it so difficult?"

Cheng Nuo looked at the reporters blankly.

The reporters nodded together.

Brother, should the problem solving methods you mentioned in the interview be learned in high school?

That all involves university knowledge, okay?

"Cough, okay." Cheng Nuo coughed awkwardly, "I'll answer the reporter's question. Actually, for me, math problems have only two difficulties: simple and very simple!"

"As for the math test paper, for others, the highest score is 150 points, but for me, it is only 150 points!"

Cheng Nuo spoke these pretending words in an extremely plain tone.

While the reporters were still stupefied, Cheng Nuo waved his hand and said with a smile, "I've answered this question, the next one!"

This interview about the newly recruited college entrance examination champion, under Cheng Nuo's verbal answers, proceeded in an orderly manner at the speed of a reporter's question.

At this time, came to Cheng Nuo's penultimate question.

A reporter with a ponytail and glasses raised the microphone in front of Cheng Nuo.

"Student Cheng Nuo, there are a lot of people out there who are hype about the uselessness of reading.

"They said that some graduates from Peking University sell pork, those who graduate from Tsinghua University work as security guards, and those high-achieving students from 985 University don't all have to start doing miscellaneous work."

"Some people even said that when their company recruited, they were all 211 and 985 resumes. They didn't find any good things when they came. They have good eyes and low hands. Some college students may be more practical and willing to work."

"And indeed, some students who graduated from top universities are not as good as those who only graduated from elementary school. In this regard, I would like to ask, do you agree with the argument that reading is useless? Or can you answer another question? Now, why should we study?"


This question... is very acute!

The theory that reading is useless is indeed one of the most recent social hot issues.

Unexpectedly, this sister reporter would use such questions to test Cheng Nuo, the newly promoted college entrance examination champion.

Cheng Nuo shrugged and said with a smile, "First of all, I can't agree with the view that reading is useless!"

"How can reading be useless? Of course reading is useful!"

"Let me tell you a short story."

"Once upon a time, there was a healthy boy who fell in love with a girl with red-green color blindness. His family opposed "color blindness is a genetic disease!" "But he doesn't care, because he believes that love can resolve everything."

"In the end they broke through all the obstacles to getting married, and the girl became pregnant the next year. At this time, the family's warning sounded in his ears.

"Color blindness is a genetic disease!"

"No, even if my child is red-green-blind, I will love him," the boy vowed secretly. "

"Finally, the child was born, a beautiful girl. Both were very happy. But as their daughter grew up, the two gradually discovered the fact that they were least willing to accept: the daughter is also red-green-blind."

"Please don't leave, leave me and my child" the girl cried and begged.

But the boy who once loved the girl decisively divorced the girl. "

When the story was over, Cheng Nuo looked at the blank-faced reporters and said loudly, "So I tell you why we should study."

"Because if we don't read books, even if you get green, you don't know!"

"it is good!!"

The reporters applauded unclearly.

"The last question, this reporter, it's your turn." Cheng Nuo pointed to the last reporter and said.

Finally, the male reporter raised his eyes and asked, "I want to ask Cheng Nuo, what is the biggest mistake you have ever made?"

"Is it the biggest mistake?" Cheng Nuo tilted his head and replied after thinking for a few seconds. "The biggest mistake I ever made was to become the national champion."

Huh? !

The reporter who asked the question looked dumbfounded.

Cheng Nuo, are you... serious?

The male reporter wanted to open his mouth to say something, but Cheng Nuo raised his hand to stop him, "Don't interrupt my speech."

Cheng Nuo shook his head with a helpless look, "I never thought that the top pick in the college entrance examination would change my life. I obviously just wanted to take a good exam, but I didn't expect to attract so many reporters. I just want to go out for a walk now."

"Moreover, I did not expect that the national champion would have so many responsibilities and obligations. I have predicted that in the next few days I will be bombarded by calls from Tsinghua University and Peking University. I will also accept students from all over the country every day. Worship. It's...too tired..."

"Really If God gives me a chance to come back, I will definitely put some water in the college entrance examination."

"Because... I am really not interested in the national champion."

"Okay, let's stop here for the interview. I'm going out to wander around. Feel free to everyone."

Cheng Nuo waved his hand, walked through the crowd, and left unhurriedly.

The interview is over.

The reporters who were hit hard by Cheng Nuo left this sad land in despair with their own reporting equipment.


If Cheng Nuo hadn't been the top pick in the college entrance examination and killed them, I wouldn't have interviewed this guy again!

This kid's pretending to force Dafa has already reached the realm of proficiency.

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