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Early the next morning.

Xiao Gucheng put his arm around Jijima Ju Nai and went downstairs.

As soon as he walked to the living room, the envious eyes of all the women fell on Jijima Junai.

Genovia looked at Jijima Junai with a stunned face, and couldn’t help but say.

“This power in you is much stronger than before, how did you do this?!”

When Jijima Ju Nai said this, his cheeks couldn’t help but turn even redder.

She coughed lightly and said softly.

“I also have to thank Gucheng for giving me new training ideas and allowing me to exercise well.”

“Just one day can make you feel significantly stronger?!”

Genovia’s face was full of shock, and she looked at the expressions of the others and asked a little strangely.

“Why do you look calm, have you been used to it before?”

“Are you so surprised, you don’t want to think, who is the ancient city?”

Aesia pulled Genovia with a serious look.

“What can’t the gods do? He is the easiest person to understand us and knows how to train stronger and more normal! ”

Genovia took a deep breath and said with some frustration.

“Sorry, I did overreact a little to think so.”

Xiao Gucheng didn’t care, after all, Genovia was a person who rarely had contact with the outside world on weekdays.

“Your sense of power is really keen.”

He praised lightly.

“That’s nature, and the Holy Swordsman’s senses must be sensitive in all aspects, so that he can control his power more accurately.”

Genovia thought for a while, and she suddenly looked at Xiaogucheng with feverish eyes.

“So I also have a strong feeling in that aspect, if you can infuse divine power into me…”

As soon as these words came out, Lias couldn’t help it, and she stood up.

“Genovia! How can you say that directly about this kind of thing ..”

Lias was so shy that she stuttered a little.

“Why can’t you just say it?”

Genovia had no experience in this area, and she tilted her head.

“Since this is a good way to become stronger, isn’t it more helpful to you as the master?”

“Genovia, I didn’t become stronger through the kind of method you think.”

Himejima Juno smiled and spoke.

“The ancient city just let me absorb his overflowing dragon qi.”

“Dragon Qi?!”

The women were stunned.

“Of course, that strength and my phase are very good, which makes me unconsciously stronger in continuous practice.”

“It’s so good, I can actually absorb the Dragon Qi.”

The astonishment on the faces of the women changed into envious eyes.

Xiao Gucheng ignored the undercurrent between them.

“I will naturally choose a more suitable method for getting stronger, so I don’t need to worry.”

“Teacher, eccentric.”

The silent Tacheng kitten suddenly whispered.

Xiao Gucheng reached out and touched her.

“Of course, it won’t miss you, but if you want to become stronger, you must at least do the corresponding enlightenment.”


The Tacheng kitten looked up dumbfounded.

“Kitten, you know better than I know what the consciousness I say you lack. Do you want to continue to hide your own face? ”

The Tacheng kitten lowered his head and did not speak.

“Other aspects can also be enhanced, if you don’t want to face it for the time being, I can give you a deadline to think clearly.”

Xiao Gucheng smoothed her head like a hair.

“Okay, let’s eat first, and today we will go to the Demon World together.”

“After eating, you can go, I have already contacted the station.”

Lias nodded and said with a smile.

After eating, Lias and Xiao Gucheng took the women to the Juwangzhen Station.

There, they rendezvous with Gaspar and Yuto Kiba.

Just as Lias and the others were about to take the elevator to the lowest floor, Asachel hurriedly arrived.

“Wait for me! It’s good to catch up, why don’t you take me with you?! ”

Asashel gasped a little, and he said grumblingly.

“You actually want to go to the Demon Realm too?!”

Lias asked with some surprise.

“It’s good that I also applied to become your mentor, such a rare opportunity, it is good to follow the devil’s pipeline to the demon world.”

Asachel smiled, and his gaze turned to Xiaogucheng.

“Although you should know everything, having me, a person who has studied artifacts in depth, can save a lot of effort?”

Xiao Gucheng nodded, agreeing with this sentence.

Asachel is right, although he is all-knowing and all-powerful, the strengthening of his ability to guide one by one is inevitably a bit large.

“Then Gaspar and Kiba Yuto will be handed over.”

Lias nodded approvingly.

“Then book a table for me and the envoy to go down and add one, and now you can go down.”

At the bottom of Komawangzhen Station is the demon-only platform that no one knows.

Led by Lias, everyone boarded the private train of the Gimonri family.

Lias and Xiao Gucheng sat in the front compartment, while the others sat in the middle.

“Old city, it’s like we’re on our honeymoon.”

Lias took Xiao Gucheng’s hand, and she gently leaned on his body.

“I haven’t been able to visit the Demon World with you once during the engagement banquet before, and this time I can make up for it.”

A light cough interrupted Lias’s slow movements.

“Princess Lias, I’ll go through the formalities routine.”

An old man walked slowly, and he smiled at Lias and nodded.

His gaze fell on Xiao Gucheng, with amazement and admiration.

He took off his hat and solemnly saluted Xiaogucheng.

“I didn’t expect the princess to become so ‘mature’, it’s really amazing, you are the famous god of the underworld.”

Xiao Gucheng smiled lightly and nodded.

“Guian, I am Reynard, the car owner of the Jimonri family, and the princess has been taken care of by you. I waited and thanks to you that peace can be made. ”

“It’s okay, my woman naturally has to take good care of her.”

Xiao Gucheng domineeringly hugged Lias.

The car palm looked at such a scene with a smile.

“It is worthy of being an adult who is stronger than that god, and it is really a great thing that the princess can find a husband like you.”

The palm of the car was well recorded on the instrument.

“You are a special guest of the Underworld, and you will not need to register specifically when you come to the Underworld in the future.”

The car palm solemnly saluted again, and he registered all his dependents once.

The train arrives at the residence of the Guimonri family.

Just got off the train, and everyone hugged the train.

“Welcome Miss Lias back home!! Warmly welcome the Dragon God Emperor to the Underworld!! ”

The heaven-shaking shout instantly roared out, almost resounding in this sky.

Music is playing, fireworks are in full swing, and honor guards of all kinds form a neat welcome queue in the sky and on the ground.

Xiao Gucheng nodded in response, and Lias naturally held Xiao Gucheng’s arm, and she smiled.

“Everyone, I’m back, thank you.” _

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