“Why are travelers like this?!”
“Because hair is very important to a girl!” Su Mo said, spreading his hands.
Then, he looked at the bard walking towards him in front of him.
“What do you think?”
After Feng Molong left, Wendy did not disappear, but came over.
I don’t know why, but it’s a good time for a cliché.
“Hair is a girl’s second life! Of course it’s very important!”
Wendy walked over with a chuckle, and took up the topic very naturally.
“Yeah, why don’t I think so?”
Paimon was a little puzzled.
Doesn’t she feel that her hair is special?
“Probably because you are still a young girl! You will probably understand when you grow up.”
Su Mo took a look at Paimon’s toddler size.
shook his head.
In this way, it is against the law to be a cup.
“Hmm… I always feel underestimated by you, Su Mo.” Paimon said with puffed cheeks after noticing Su Mo’s eyes.
After she finished speaking, she realized something.
“Eh? Wait! Who are you talking to dragons…how did you come here?!”
Only then did she notice Wendy, and immediately hid behind Ying in fear.
Then, it still doesn’t seem safe.
Paimon thought about it.
Then it moved from behind Ying to behind Su Mo.
Only then did I feel at ease.
Ying watched Paimeng’s greed for life and fear of death, hesitated to speak.
See Ying’s expression.
Su Mo suddenly realized a problem.
In the original plot, Ying didn’t like to talk very much, could it be because she was silenced by Paimeng?
Sure enough, Paimon is the crumb of the world.
“Haha, don’t put on such a scared expression!”
Wendy eased the slightly tense atmosphere with a gentle attitude like a breeze.
“As a bard, talking with the dragon is just my job. After all, the poems I write are not only about humans, but also stories about dragons!”
As expected of Fengshen Baba Tusi.
Huyou got up, his face was sincere, and his eyes were also very sincere.
A look that is indeed the case.
If you don’t know that he is fooling.
Su Mo almost believed it.
And Ying on the side really believed it.
“Is there such a custom in this world?”
Ying had a surprised expression on her face.
Different worlds have different customs, maybe the bards in this world will indeed listen to the dragon!
“That’s not the case!”
Fortunately, Paimeng, as the world’s common sense guide, corrected Ying’s misunderstanding in time.
Chapter 77
After learning that she was cheated, Ying couldn’t help turning her eyes to the bard in front of her. Tried to condemn him with his eyes.
It’s wrong to make him feel cheated.
If Wendy is cute, it will be fineBe prepared to confuse this matter.
“Hey, what do you mean!”
——Hey, it’s so big!
Paimeng lived up to Su Mo’s expectations and said… uttered this famous line.
Su Mo dubbed her voice silently in his heart.
Wendy, deftly and cheekily, ignored Paimon’s outrage.
“My name is Wendy, and I am the best bard in the world. Who are you?”
After introducing himself, he looked at Su Mo and his party.
“My name is Su Mo, and this one is called Ying.”
Su Mo also began to introduce himself.
“In order to find uncle—ah no, in order to find Ying’s elder brother, we have just embarked on a journey to visit the Seven Gods.”
Su Mo almost slipped his tongue, but luckily he reacted in time.
Shallow friendship should not be deep.
Naturally, Su Mo didn’t say that he and Ying came from another world, so he just said that.
Wendy probably knew, but didn’t ask much.
Instead, he shifted his gaze to Paimon.
“And what about this wonderful little creature over here?”
He looked at Paimon curiously.
“Wonderful little creature?”
Hearing this name, Paimon felt a little weird.
In order to prevent Su Mo from calling her emergency food.
A light flashed in Paimon’s mind.
Immediately took the lead and introduced himself.
“I’m Paimon, not emergency food!”
After she finished speaking, she looked at Su Mo with a proud face.
Let you always want to hurt me!
There is no way now!
Hearing what Paimon said, Wendy couldn’t help but give her a meaningful look.
Then, he said something that made Paimon stunned.
“In general, the more you deny it, the more it means that you may really be emergency food…”
“Huh?! Is there such a saying!”
Paimon was completely stunned.
The way she finally came up with to stop Su Mo’s mouth turned out to be a trap for herself?
Why is this happening!
For the first time in his life, Paimon began to doubt his own IQ.

When Paimon doubted life.
Su Mo and Ying asked Wendy for information.
“Mond City is under martial law recently, so it’s best not to make suspicious actions.”
“The wind god Barbatos has not come to the world for a long time, so no one knows how to find him.”
“If you want to find someone, you can ask Qin, the acting head of the West Wind Knights, for help. She will help post missing person notices.”
“You can also ask the Scout Knights of the Zephyr Knights for help. The Mond flying champion will be happy to help, but it may not have much effect.”
Wait for the information about Mond City.
Wendy was very generous in saying it all.
Although for the Monds, it might just be common sense stuff.
But for Ying, it is still very important information.
However, once Ying asked about things related to the dragon.
Wendy started talking about him from left to right, and refused to answer directly.
“Speaking of…”
After chatting for a while, Wendy approached Su Mo and asked curiously.
My main god is Kaguya
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