
The superior swordsman who used the Sword Divine Flow fell down after some fighting.

A referee on the stage raised his hand and said loudly.

“Winner Siddisi!”


“Damn it!!! abominable”

The people in the audience also shouted with happy and angry voices.

It seems that there is a pressure plate, some people press and win, and some people press and lose.

“Tang Buli, your sword skills are very exquisite, if I can “Light Tai Dao”, I may lose.”

“Alas, losing is losing, I admit that your swordsmanship is above me!”

The two middle-aged swordsmen looked at each other with understanding, and it seemed that a strange atmosphere had arisen.

“So, are there any challengers next? If not, then the last thing we win is…”

“I’ll come to the next challenger.”

Luo Qi appeared on the stage and said.


“How do you have a child?”

“Who’s the brat? Hurry up and take it away! Don’t mess around! ”

“Huh? Isn’t he Luo Qi, the “Liver Emperor” of the Adventurers’ Guild? ”

Seeing Luo Qi standing on the stage, the people below also shouted angrily.

“Luo Qi?! When did he go to the stage?! ”

Alice said in surprise.

“Well, you’ve been so haunted since you were a child.”

Rudius said helplessly.

“With Luo Qi’s strength, there is no need to fight him (Luo Qi’s level is not something he can compete with).”

Gilenu said confidently.

“Although I know that the “Liver Emperor” has heard that it is very strong, but no matter how I say that the other side is also a water saint, how can he fight as a child.”

The young swordsman also said in a panic.

At this time, Xidi Xixi on the stage also looked at Luo Qi and said.

“Little friend, don’t say that uncle doesn’t talk about martial virtue, uncle I, ah, but it’s very strong, this is not where you should play, Mr. Referee quickly take him down.”

“Ahhh… Good. ”

When the referee heard it, he also walked in the direction of Luo Qi.

“You are so noisy, do you dare to fight? Or are you afraid that you will lose these ten gold coins if you lose me? Is this the “water saint” of the water god flow? It’s ridiculous enough. ”

Luo Qi also mocked mockingly, and walked off the stage on his own.

“Wait for me stinky imp! You just laughed at the water god flow, right? Although I am the weakest disciple of my master, in the name of my master “Water God” ‘Leda Lea’, I must let you take back what you said! ”

“What?” Water God”?! ”

“It turns out that this Water Saint is the apprentice of the Water God!”

“This little devil is probably dead.”

The surprised voices around them also said to each other.

“Killenu! What to do! Luo Qi is not his opponent! ”

“Yes, Gilenu quickly use your invincible ‘Sword King’ to think of a way!”

“Miss Killenu continues like this, the Liver Emperor will die!”

Alice said to Gileadnu worriedly.

Although Gilenu was also surprised to hear the “Water God”, he was not worried that Luo Qi would lose, and the other party was not the “Water God” himself.

Gilenu, who had taught Luo Qi’s swordsmanship, knew that Luo Qi, who learned the “Tai Dao of Light”, was not an opponent, not to mention that Luo Qi also had the world’s strongest swordsmanship “Demon God Flow”.

“That… Mr. Sidisi, the other party is just a child…”

“Finally able to fight? I really have to mock you to make you feel like a fight.” ”

“You’ve already managed to me off!”

Originally, the referee wanted to say something, but Luo Qi and the two people said to each other without listening to the words at all.

“Come on, I’m going to give you a taste of this little devil who doesn’t know the height of the sky!”

Saying this, Sidisi released his fighting qi and set up the classic posture of the water god flow.

Looking at the other party, Luo Qi’s cold qi gathered in his hand gradually condensed into an ice blade and said.

“I advise you to say this, or to the opponent who is 100% sure that he can win, say it to me? You don’t deserve it yet! ”



Laugh at!

In the eyes of others, there is no longer Luo Qi’s figure.

Some are just silver-blue flashes!

Luo Qi wanted to completely destroy the pride of the Water God Flow, and slashed hard at the water god flow to defend the sword.



Siddisi’s sword broke in the middle, and he himself flew above a fruit stall in the distance, smashing many fruits and lying unconscious on the ground.


Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone was silent.

The crowd had no idea what was going on.


I don’t know that the words of the person in the audience woke up everyone.

“What the hell is this kid?”

“Hey, hey, hey! It wouldn’t be acting, would it? ”

“Pay me back!”

“This is too fake!”

The voices of the seven mouths and eight tongues were noisy.

At this time, the ice blade in Luo Qi’s hand also ‘snapped’ and broke and turned into ice chips.

“Well, that’s probably it.”

Look at the broken blade in your hand.

Without using demon deification, the “Flash” that incorporates the speed of the “Light Blade” can easily smash the posture of the Water God Flow “Water Saint” head-on with an ice blade.

Gilenu in the audience also nodded when he saw it, and Rudius and the young swordsman were surprised with their mouths that could hold two eggs.

Alice thought back to when Luo Qi saved herself before, she had obviously learned the Sword God Flow Elementary, and she could also use ice blades, but the shape was very rough.

However, I always feel that something is inadequate.

Now Alice knew that it was Luo Qi’s swordsmanship that attracted her, that gorgeous and powerful blow.

“Hey, referee, can you announce the result?”

“Ah, ah! Winner Luo Qi! ”

The referee, who was awakened by Luo Qiyan, announced the result of the match.

“I can’t accept it!”

“This is cheating!”

The people in the audience cried and watched their money being sucked away.

And the person who won was Luo Qi himself.

That’s right, Luo Qi pressed himself.

A total of 30 coins were earned, or 40 coins if the tournament prize money is counted!

Why so much?

Because there are many nobles and rich businessmen who like swordsmanship in the audience!

“I’ll challenge!”

“I’m coming next too!”

The others who saw Luo Qi win were also not to be outdone and wanted to challenge.

Luo Qi could use magic power to release a disgrace to this group of people, but he did not do so.


Don’t you earn money if you have money? Isn’t this money waving to itself?

In this way, Luo Qi began the wheel war.


Ten minutes later.

A pile of fainted swordsmen and an audience crying on the ground.

“Oops, what a harvest today.”

Looking at the bag full of money in his hand, there were about 100 Asra gold coins, Luo Qi said happily.

“Hey! Luo Qi! The one on the stage just now teach me! ”


“Don’t play the fool! It’s the sword art you use! That’s not Sword God Flow at all! ”

Alice said loudly with a frown.

“That, ah, that is my self-created original sword art “Demon God Flow” can’t teach you now, I haven’t completely created it myself.”

“Hey! Wait for me! I also want to learn “Demon God Flow”! ”

After Luo Qi finished speaking, he left here despite Alice’s shouts behind him.

The two of Gilenu also chased after them with a wry smile.

(ps: Oh mother, originally I didn’t plan to update today, ‘Xi’er doesn’t matter what’ the big guy suddenly came to 5000 tips, I’m embarrassed if I don’t update, I really didn’t write much to save, and the book can’t be put on the shelves, but now it seems that the situation is getting better? But this book has already written 12w words and can’t be on the shelves, so I will try to change more every day before March, after all, I have other things, the main thing is that after the start of school, I can really only change this state every day)

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 19th to September 21st)

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